Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 39

Chapter 39 039, Train Ticket

Chapter 39 039, train tickets

“Where shall we go first?”

Looking at such a shabby and dilapidated town in front of him, Qin Tianru blinked blankly.

This is the county seat? It feels worse than the town on her side.

Then I thought that it was the early 1950s, and it seemed reasonable to look like this. After all, this country has only been established a few years ago, and many infrastructure constructions have not yet started.

On the way here, she has already understood the background of this world, and finally she is no longer blind.

This world is somewhat similar to the Huaxia Kingdom where her mother originally lived, because she has heard of some events, but some characters are completely different. It seems to start from a certain point and extend to two fulcrums.

How to say it, it feels like a parallel time and space.

But she was relieved about this, as long as it wasn’t her mother’s historical world, she didn’t want to restrict herself all the time, thinking about the consequences of everything she did.

What if her little butterfly’s wings fluttered and she lost her own mother?

Confirmed that it is another time and space, and she is now at ease.

After   , she can just go with her family partner, this is his territory, he must be covered, and then she can continue to be her happy salted fish~

“Let’s go to the train station first.”

Qi Han’s memory of this county is a little vague, because time has passed so far, so he only retains a general impression.

In this day and age, the basic means of transportation is to rely on the feet, then the ox-horse cart, not to mention the private car, even the long-distance bus has not yet become popular.

It’s too hard to go out!

This is also the reason why many people who have lived for most of their lives have not traveled far. It is really inconvenient for transportation. The distance is too long. If something happens on the road, there is no way for help.

Just because the road conditions are not good, the time spent on the road is delayed a lot. Needless to say, the distance between the provincial capital and the provincial capital is not enough, even the distance within the province is not enough.

And the only way is the green-skin train, but this ticket is not affordable for most people. A ticket of ten yuan is enough for everyone in the country to live for several months.

Therefore, many people will not leave their place of residence at will, and will guard their own one-third of an acre for the rest of their lives.

From the county seat to the provincial capital, it takes 30 hours by train. One can imagine how long and difficult this journey is.

Fortunately, Rong County is not bad. It is one of the few counties in the province that has a railway station.

“Okay.” Qin Tianru had no problem at all, she was not familiar with the terrain anyway.

Half an hour later, Qi Han bought two train tickets to the provincial capital.

As for the source of the money?

Qin Tianru took out a small gold ring in exchange for it. The train station is a mixed place, and there are a lot of bad guys running around nearby.

Qi Han, who has two lifetimes of experience, knows these doorways very well. He took a small gold ring and quickly found a string and exchanged it for 80 yuan.

The gold content of the gold ring is not high, the ring is relatively thin, and there is no style, so it cannot be sold at a high price.

Qin Tianru’s storage space has a special compartment for storing gold and silver jewelry. She has a lot of gold jewelry like this, which her mother gave them as dowry.

Originally, she wanted to get a thicker gold ring, but Qi Han refused.

He is not a poor man, as long as he can exchange the money for the ticket back to the provincial capital, will they still be short of money when they get home?

So there is no need to depreciate the gold and sell it, you can keep it and appreciate it slowly.

(end of this chapter)

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