Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 4

Chapter 4 004, Ability Mutation

Chapter 4 004, Ability Mutation

Her crossing this time came very suddenly. I guess her mother would be worried. She wore it abruptly just now. Her mind was full of surprise, and she almost forgot to report her safety to her mother.

After putting down the note, Qin Tianru looked at the unconscious man again, and couldn’t help but ponder.

What kind of fate does she have with this man?

The mother fell into the sea because of an air accident, and was directly rescued by her father on the seaside of another world, so there was cause and effect, and there was a deeper bond.

As for the eldest sister, it was because she inadvertently went to another world to save her eldest brother-in-law when she was a child, so that she could travel back and forth and form a beautiful love.

And what about herself?

She didn’t experience any accidents, and she didn’t have any involvement, so what is the causal relationship between her and this man?

Could it be because he was injured, and if he was not treated in time, his life would be endangered? So I just dragged her here.

The most important thing is that she obviously doesn’t have any mutated abilities, but when she touched the man’s blood, her hand suddenly glowed green, and she had the ability to heal wounds.

So, the reason why there was no mutation in the past was because I didn’t get in touch with this man?

Coincidences like    come together, and inexplicably have a deeper meaning.

Otherwise, why are there so many people in the vast sea of people and so many thousands of worlds, why did he bring himself to him?

She believed that such an arrangement must have some meaning.

If this man is really her destined other half, then she is quite satisfied.

It’s no wonder that this man grows in her aesthetics, she likes it at first glance, and this man is destined to be hers.

Uh, that’s pretty good.

This arrangement, she accepted.

Suddenly the rain was getting heavier, Qin Tianru was a little anxious, and hurriedly rummaged in his storage space for a while, and finally found a big umbrella.

She immediately opened the umbrella and snuggled beside the man, the umbrella could just cover the two of them.

It’s not that she doesn’t want to find a place to hide from the rain, it’s really desolate and there is no place to shelter from the rain at all. Secondly, this future person is too tall, she really doesn’t have the strength to carry him.

The big branch they were leaning against had lush leaves and a thick and sturdy stem, which could somewhat block some wind and rain.

Feeling a cool breeze in the rain, Qin Tianru couldn’t help shivering, only then did she realize that she was still wearing short-sleeved shorts.

So, she took out a long windbreaker for spring from the storage space and quickly put it on her body.

Suddenly saw the future subject who was still in a coma, thinking that he was already injured, and if he caught a cold, it would not be good for his injury.

But there is no men’s clothing in her storage space at all. Even she only has one or two sets of emergency clothes for each season, and she does not have too much reserve at all.

Who made her crossing so unexpected, without a little bit of defense.

She lives in a prosperous and peaceful era. She has no worries about food and clothing and lacks anything, so she doesn’t put anything in her storage space at all.

In addition to the emergency spare clothes for the four seasons, the daily necessities for washing, and then some gold and silver jewelry that the family gave her from childhood to adulthood.

Then there are some small snacks, which is also convenient when you are hungry, you can have something to eat at any time.

The second is the seeds of various vegetables, fruits, flowers, herbs, whole grains, etc.

Because of her own abilities, she couldn’t help buying the seeds when she saw them, and then stored them in the space for research and practice.

Therefore, what she stores most in her storage space is not living materials, but all kinds of seeds.

In the end, Qin Tianru had to take a long down jacket of his own and put it over the man.

I’d rather be warmer than aggravated by frost.

Happy New Year~

Wish every parent get what they want.

(end of this chapter)

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