Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 793

Chapter 793 793, Patriots

Chapter 793 793, Patriots

“That’s right, I was shocked when I heard the report. I didn’t expect such a thing to happen.”

“Tsk tsk~ Now, just from the places we know, the amount of materials they have received is already amazing, not to mention that some places have not been fully counted.”

“Could it be done by the wealthy and noble who were hidden in the past? I haven’t heard of anyone who has such skills.”

“Haven’t you ever wondered where those supplies came from? There are only so many supplies on the market now, how did the other party get them?”

“This can’t be too absolute. What we can’t buy doesn’t mean that others can’t buy it either. Maybe the other party has a private workshop or something, or it was brought over from the coast of Xiangjiang. As long as you have money, what else can’t you do? Did it?”

“No matter who it is, I think this behavior itself is good, why should we pursue so much? After all, the masses and the common people have indeed benefited.”

“This makes sense. Since the other party is unwilling to reveal his identity, he probably doesn’t want everyone to disturb their lives.”

“I also agree. The notes indicate that they are patriots, so there shouldn’t be any problem. We should just do good deeds.”

“That’s right, we don’t have to do any investigation anymore. In fact, it’s a good thing for us to have such patriots. How wonderful that it has relieved so much of our burden.”

“Hahaha~ I don’t mind no matter how many. I wish there were a few more people who did such good deeds without leaving their names.”

“In short, this is a good thing that benefits the country and the people. The identity of the other party is definitely good. Since the other party has shown so much sincerity, then we should also respect the other party’s intentions, and don’t go into details or disturb them. ”

“Yes, I agree!”

“I agree too.”


As a result, the leaders expressed their tacit attitude towards this incident. In order to live up to the wishes of the patriots, they even sent a lot of people to follow up the follow-up work to ensure that no material was wasted.

Of course, it’s okay if you don’t acquiesce, because they can’t take any action at all. Let me ask, they don’t even have a shadow, how can they trace it?

Furthermore, they were indeed very curious about how so many materials came from, but they were more afraid or in awe of the mysterious whereabouts of the other party.

Up to now, they have no clues. Is this ‘patriotic person’ male or female? Is it an individual or a group?

They should consider it a team for the time being. Otherwise, how can one person carry so many materials?

This is also where they are particularly curious and puzzled. How did so many materials suddenly appear?

Is there no movement at all?

Also, the place where the last disaster relief was carried out is hundreds of kilometers away from the next place, and it takes more than ten hours to drive?

However, the time when the supplies appeared in the two places only differed by half an hour, and the plane was not so fast, right?

It can be seen from this that this is not the behavior of a single person. There should be an organization operating at the same time, but since there are many people and materials, why did not leave any traces?

A pile of supplies appeared inexplicably. The person in charge of each place would naturally check the surrounding situation at the first time, but according to their observations, there was really no trace of clues on the site of each material point.

This is elusive.

But fortunately, the nature of this matter is good, and there is no malicious or deliberate purpose.

Therefore, the leaders had no choice but to acquiesce to the patriotism of the “patriots”.

On the fourth day of going out, the Hantian couple returned to the large mansion in the provincial capital again.

Today is January 10th, and there are still ten days before the Chinese New Year, but before the shuttle, they have to finish the affairs here. They should visit relatives and friends, and give New Year gifts. .

As for the family members living in the village, the couple are not worried, because Huanhuan had prepared sufficient winter supplies for them when they returned to the village for a banquet last time.

After they finish their work in the provincial capital, they will go back to the village to pick them up and set off together.

“Uncle Liu, is there nothing in the few days after we leave?”

Liu Bo replied with a smile, “It’s okay, everything is fine, everyone is staying at home in this weather.”

“That’s good, it’s almost New Year’s Eve, and in the next few days, we will start preparing for the New Year’s Eve.”

“it is good.”

Fortunately, the couple did not make many friends in the provincial capital, and it was very easy to prepare, and the fruits and vegetables produced in their own yard were definitely essential.

For them, it is estimated that giving fruits and vegetables is more popular than giving some nutritional supplements. After all, in the cold winter, it is really rare to eat fresh and juicy fruits and vegetables.

Qin Tianru asked while arranging the items; “Brother Han, do you have someone to send from your unit? After all, we have worked together for several months, and your work in the Rules Bureau has been completely handed over? Need to go again?”

Qi Han thought, “Well, then I’ll make a list, there are still a dozen people worth meeting, I have already done the handover procedures before we set off, as for whether I will be allowed to pass after this, then It’s not clear.”

“Is there no leader who wants to retain your talent?” Qin Tianru asked jokingly, although he knew that his ambition was not in the work of the shift system.

Hearing this, Qi Han smiled and said, “Do you really think I am a rare national treasure? Provincial capitals are no more than county capitals, and there are more talents. Besides, after a year has passed, the group of talents who have studied abroad will come back to work. So there is no shortage of me at all.”

Having said that, some leaders actually expressed their intention to retain them, but his attitude was very clear.

His dream is to open his own architectural design office, and he doesn’t want to spend his time working in a 9-to-5 work mode.

Hearing this, Qin Tianru expressed his disapproval, “Those who have studied abroad must be very good, some majors still need to rely on talent to make a living.”

“Okay, I won’t stay here.” Qi Han smiled and patted his daughter-in-law’s head.

Thinking about it, Qin Tianru no longer refuted it.

The couple prepared at home for two days, and sorted out the New Year’s gifts for their relatives and friends. Considering that they have to rush back to the village, the New Year’s gifts will be sent out in advance in these two days.

Actually, this time is not too early. There are still a few days before the Chinese New Year. During this time, there are many people who go to give gifts.

Qin Tian is a pregnant woman, so the matter of visiting the New Year’s house is naturally none of her business, and Qi Han is responsible for it all alone.

And on January 15th, sisters Qi Chunni packed their luggage and came to Qi’s house, waiting for the couple to return to the village together.

As for Uncle Liu and Granny Liu, the couple couldn’t bear to leave the two of them guarding a large house, but the journey to the village was too long, and it was enough to change the car all the way, plus the two elderly people I don’t even want to go out.

So in the end, I let the two old people go to the orphanage to live there for a period of time. The old people like children, and the New Year can be more lively there.

And having someone to accompany them, the couple can feel more at ease.

Good night~

(end of this chapter)

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