Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 820

Chapter 820 820, Huicheng

Chapter 820 820, Back to the City

Qi Han wanted to bring his parents back to live in the provincial capital. Besides, as the eldest son of his parents, he had the responsibility to take care of them. Now that his younger sister is married and his younger brother is still young, he cannot afford anything at all.

But now, looking at the meaning of the parents, they just want the couple to take their younger brother to the provincial capital.

If the parents really don’t want to leave, then the younger brother will indeed be delayed in staying in the village, and he will not have to worry about food and drink at home, so there is no need for the younger brother to go to work every day.

I agreed with Xiaojun to go to work before, because the family had just returned to the village and the villagers were not familiar with them. In order not to arouse everyone’s dissatisfaction, they tried their best to participate in collective work.

But it is different now. Their family has made a great contribution to the village, and the villagers have a certain degree of understanding of the people in their family.

Secondly, their family now has three employees. With this income, they naturally don’t need to go to work to earn work points.

Therefore, with this transitional stage, even if their family does not go to work now, no one will criticize them.

Usually, both parents have their own jobs. If they leave early every day and come back late, Xiaojun is the only one left in the family. At his age, there is no problem in taking care of himself.

But if he continues to play like this, if no one takes care of him, he doesn’t know what he will be like, he has to find something serious to do for him, and it is not an option to stay in the village every day.

And the conditions in the village are limited. Apart from working in the fields, there seems to be nothing serious to do.

As for the school, there is no need to think about it at all, because soon, wherever knowledge and culture gather, there will be turmoil.

Before helping them transfer schools, it was purely to deal with the teachers of the school. Until the turmoil completely subsided, he would not let Xiaojun step into the school.

So, he discussed with Huanhuan, and after bringing Xiaojun back to the provincial capital, he asked him to help in the welfare home.

Welfare Institute has hired several retired teachers, as well as masters who are excellent in handicraft skills, so you can definitely learn useful skills and knowledge there.

Therefore, he wants Xiaojun to study with those children. He doesn’t want to wait for all the turmoil to pass, but Xiaojun can’t keep up with the progress of his studies because he has abandoned his studies for a long time. That would be a big loss.

Which is the safest place to study this year? That is none other than the welfare home.

Today’s orphanages rely on the public, and are the only charitable units recognized and authorized by the government. If the children of the orphanages want to receive education, it is completely logical and fair.

When it comes to this, he has to admire the wisdom and foresight of his daughter-in-law. If the Qian family were just ordinary, or if they quietly set up a shelter, their influence would not be what they are now. .

However, the welfare home has done a great job, and it has also cooperated with public units, and has accepted many descendants of heroes and martyrs, helping the public family to reduce a lot of burdens.

With the public support and recognition, even if there is any turmoil this year, it will not affect the daily life of the orphanage.

Therefore, he was extremely relieved to place Xiaojun in the orphanage, so that Xiaojun would not have to spend his days in the countryside.

Hearing Ahan’s question, Qi Yuanhua waved his hand in disapproval.

“Don’t worry, my mother and I both have jobs now, how can you just leave? You may have been a little unaccustomed to it when you first came back, but now that you have lived in the village for a long time, it feels good.

Besides, in this big environment, what can we do after we return to the provincial capital? Wouldn’t it be like living at home every day as an idler, then I’m not used to it. ”

“Yes, don’t worry about your husband and wife, it’s much more convenient for us to live in the village, and it’s not like in the city where you want to eat what you want to eat, but when Huanhuan is about to give birth, I will definitely live in the provincial capital for a while. ”

Shen Yuerong’s attitude was also clear. She put a lot of hard work and effort into the workshop, and she also thought about watching the workshop grow stronger and stronger through their efforts.

She would really be reluctant to leave now.

Although she is now middle-aged, she has aroused her professionalism in her heart, and she wants to make some achievements to reflect the value of her existence.

In the past few decades, she has never been involved in any work. Before getting married, she was a charming lady, and after getting married, she took care of the family wholeheartedly. It seems that she has never done anything for herself.

Now in the Doubanjiang workshop, she has found the meaning of her existence. She thinks such a day is much more interesting, and she feels fulfilled and satisfied from the inside out.

In addition, after going to Qin’s house before, it made her realize that women can also make a difference. Women can do things far beyond the space at home. They can also do a lot like men. thing.

So, she doesn’t want to go back to the housewife-like life she used to live now.

She thinks it is a good thing to be able to work in the Doubanjiang workshop now.

“You don’t need to persuade. We are not old or eighty people now, and we are not at the point where we need your care. While we are still young, I still want to work for a few more years.”

Seeing that Qi Han wanted to persuade, Shen Yuerong immediately interrupted.

Qi Yuanhua also said, “Actually, the city hasn’t fully stabilized yet, and it would be troublesome if someone with ulterior motives deliberately find fault.

So, my mother and I might as well stay in the village to be more comfortable and stable. Life here is good, but when Huanhuan is about to give birth, we will go to the provincial capital to live for a while. ”

Seeing this, Qi Han knew that his parents had made up their minds, and it was useless to say more.

“OK then.”

At the beginning of February, Qi Jun left the Shengli production team with his brother and sister-in-law. He also said goodbye in advance to his close friends in the village, and gave some gadgets as souvenirs.

To be honest, he lived a very happy and free year in the village. Although it was only a small village, he felt a lot of fun here.

From the beginning, he was not used to it, but now he has fallen in love with it. Now that he has to leave, he is really reluctant.

If he can, he still wants to stay here forever, how free he is when he goes up and down the mountains and down the rivers all over the mountains and plains!

The helpless thing is that he has no autonomy at all now. Neither his parents nor his brother and sister-in-law want to keep him in the village, and want him to return to the provincial capital to continue his studies.

There is no way, who made him still underage, he can only compromise under their coercion.

However, he asked his brother and sister-in-law, and they would come back if they had a chance, so his restlessness was appeased.

As long as he can come back to see his friends again, then he will not be melancholy.

(end of this chapter)

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