Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 895

Chapter 895 Extra Five

Chapter 895 Fanwai Five

Even the spawning ability of the millet group has become very powerful. Any seed in the hand can be directly urged in seconds without any effort, and it can even make a large area of plants grow rapidly.

If it is said that the abilities Qin Tianru possessed before were upgraded versions, and they needed to be stimulated to be upgraded step by step, the abilities possessed by the three children were directly the top-level versions of Qin Tianru.

The three brothers and sisters didn’t want to upgrade at all, so they had Qin Tianru’s final upgraded version in one step, and even strengthened this version.

Qin Tianru was also surprised by the abilities of the three siblings, which reminded her of the things the children caught when they caught Zhou Li.

It seems that there is divine will in the dark.

The only regret is that her teleportation ability was not inherited by the three children. It is a pity that this is the best means of transportation to go out.

In the past few years, the couple worried that the children were too young and did not know the seriousness of the matter, and they showed their specialities in front of outsiders at will, so they often told them to teach them face-to-face.

even explained the special abilities to them carefully.

As the eldest brother of the triplets, Xiaotangyuan has always been responsible and demeanor of the eldest brother, and his temperament is also very stable and sensible, so he doesn’t need to worry about them as parents at all.

And the little sugar cake, that is a little salted fish that he likes to eat. He usually doesn’t like to walk around, and he doesn’t think about his abilities.

Only this millet group is a little overlord who can’t be idle. In the old house, she is simply a child king who responds a lot.

Therefore, Qin Tianru was most worried about this eldest daughter, and spent the most time and energy on her.

“Answer me! Did you not remember what I told you over and over again?”

Qin Tianru was very angry this time, and he was determined to teach Xiaomian a profound lesson.

Qi Han saw that his daughter-in-law was really angry, and he felt distressed instantly, and he couldn’t help but talk about his eldest daughter, “Xiaomi Tuan, hurry up and apologize to your mother, tell yourself, is your attitude right now?

Your mother will punish you for your safety. Apart from you, when have you ever seen her so concerned or angry? You yourself did not do what you promised us, is this a mistake? ”

Hearing the words, the slightly rising arrogance of Xiaomi Tuan suddenly extinguished, pursed his mouth, lowered his head in shame, “I was wrong, I’m sorry mom, I will definitely not use special abilities outside the next time.”

“Humph!” Qin Tianru still had a stern face, and put his arms around his chest, deliberately ignoring her.

Qi Han had no choice but to continue, “Since you know it’s wrong, then mom asked you to think about whether you should face the wall?”

“That’s right.” Xiaomi Tuan replied sullenly.

Qi Han secretly glanced at his daughter-in-law, and seeing that her attitude was not loose, he knew that this matter could not be fooled today, but for the sake of his daughter-in-law’s health, he had to sacrifice Xiaomian.

“Then stand still.”

After he finished speaking, Qi Han immediately turned around to comfort his daughter-in-law, pulled her to sit down again, and Wen Sheng said, “Okay, don’t be angry, the child already knew that he was wrong. After this time, she will naturally learn a lesson.”

“Every time you say that, I’m always a bad guy anyway.” Qin Tianru would be so angry, it would be especially annoying to see their father and daughter.

Qi Han couldn’t help but laugh, so he had to coax again and again, boasting all kinds of rainbow farts.

“Okay, I’m not a sugar cake, I won’t eat your set.”

The corners of Qin Tianru’s mouth were slightly upturned, but when he thought that his character was still in the image of Yan’s mother, he immediately lowered the corners of his mouth and continued to look expressionless.

As a bedside person, Qi Han naturally knew his daughter-in-law very well. Seeing her expression, he knew that he was coaxed, so he immediately took out two ledgers from his briefcase, trying to divert his daughter-in-law’s attention.

“Here, this is the ledger that Gangzi and Abin handed me to me for the last quarter. Let’s take a look. I heard that this quarter’s income has doubled again.”

Qin Tianru took it over and looked at it. After a while, he said, “Well, it has indeed increased. The business they are running is very good, and the sales of new products in this quarter have climbed a bit.”

Since the reform and opening up five years ago, Yang Gang and Zhang Bin have begun to do business in a big way, and even vigorously expand their business territory.

Originally, Zhang Bin ran a meat mushroom sauce workshop, but after the reform and opening up, he bought a piece of land on the outskirts of the provincial capital and directly set up a large-scale food processing factory.

The factory produced not only products like meat mushroom sauce, but also developed several new products in the future. Of course, Qin Tianru’s handwriting and Qi Han’s “vision” proposal of later generations.

As for the dim sum shop that Yang Gang had done alone before, after the reform and opening up, he also let go of his hands and feet and set up a food company, and the business was booming.

Today, the food business run by the two is directly the leader of the industry, occupying 70% of the market share of the entire provincial capital.

Over the years, Zhang Bin has also married a wife and had children, and Yang Gang and Zhang Hongping have both children. The two of them are now well-known business owners in the provincial capital. It can be said that they have a successful career and a happy family. They are definitely winners in life.

At this moment, there was a movement outside the courtyard.

“Huanhuan, are the next batch of fine fruits and vegetables ready? Can I pick up the goods in advance now?”

followed closely, and Qin Tianru saw Yuan Yuan hurriedly walked in. Ten years later, her refreshing temperament has not changed at all.

Qin Tianru smiled, “It’s almost ready, my mother and the others are tidying up in the backyard, you go and have a look.”

“Really? That’s great, it’s really like those rich wives are rushing to get the fine fruits and vegetables as soon as possible. I think if I don’t give them today, I’m afraid I won’t want to sleep peacefully.”

Yuan Yuan was very happy. Originally, she was supposed to pick up the goods tomorrow afternoon, but those people were pressing hard and they had no choice but to pick up the goods in advance.

Hey, sometimes business is too good, and it is also a sweet trouble.

But she doesn’t have too many troubles like this. Fortunately, she was smart and hugged Huanhuan’s thigh, and her current state should be one sentence: make money and make money.

Ten years ago, she gave birth to a son, but she always wanted a daughter, so the couple worked hard, and two years later, they successfully gave birth to another son.

Since then, she has completely dispelled the idea of having a daughter. Fortunately, she still has two goddaughters who can comfort her injured little heart.

After having two children, Yuan Yuan naturally couldn’t give the child to her mother-in-law with complete confidence. After discussing with Da Ge, she resigned and concentrated on raising the child at home.

(end of this chapter)

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