Luminary Institute

7: Murmurs of the Future

Ignoring the gazes of the various other students, the group of eight continued their conversation filled journey through the common paths. Because they were eight people, the conversation always split after a few moments. Oftentimes it was Ryker and Electra talking together, Albion, Titus, and Conrad, and, well, now, Celeste and Nyssa. 

Angelica, on the other hand, participated in any conversation she felt like participating in. She had rapport with everyone, so it didn’t matter too much to her. 

Getting to the main path, Nyssa couldn’t help but crane her neck as she looked upward. The main path was equipped with luminescent archways instead of lamps—giving the institute its namesake. 

At the same time, walking along this path gave anybody a true grasp of the academy’s grandiosity. Spires from several of the tallest buildings stretched far into the sky as the ornate architecture of the academy’s oldest buildings painted a picture of the academy’s momentous wealth. 

Feeling the wind blow through her hair, Nyssa swiveled her head and took in the views as Celeste talked with Angelica. 

It was... so different as a student. She really felt like she... belonged? It wasn’t as if she had taken any entrance tests, so it definitely wasn’t an overwhelming sense of accomplishment. 

“How has your first day been?” Angelica folded Nyssa into the conversation. “Has it lived up to your expectations?” 

Startled, Nyssa blinked conscious thought back to herself. “I-I... mean... I think so. I don’t... really need that much training with my powers, so I think the afternoon probably won’t matter to me as much. But I’m still looking forward to the fun activities we might all participate in.” 

“That’s a nice attitude,” Celeste smiled while nodding towards the towering cafeteria hall peeking through the buildings. “Are we going to the main one or one of the smaller auxiliary halls today?” 

“Let’s go to the main one, I’m sure there’ll be a private interior balcony somewhere we can all settle in. We’re not a large class today anyway.” Angelica shrugged before asking a follow-up question to Nyssa. “Have you found some friends then? Or at least found some people you want to become friends with? You seem to have hit it off with Celeste here at least, yeah? Seems she’s no longer stuck talking to me alone or dealing with the antics of the three boys over there!” 

With a faint teasing tone slipping into her voice, Angelica laughed as Celeste sent a faint glare in her direction. Celeste, deciding to not launch into full-on banter with Angelica though, pulled Nyssa closer to her. “Indeed we have hit it off though. Or, well, I’ve hit it off with her at least.” 

“No, no, no, I’ve uhm... yeah, hit it off with you too,” Nyssa trailed off as a faint blush climbed onto her cheeks. “Sorry, I’m bad at articulating my thoughts...” 

“Don’t worry~” Celeste laughed while squeezing Nyssa a little closer. Covering her mouth as she broke into a wide smile, Celeste leaned over and whispered a couple reassurances. “You’ll get better. It just takes some time. Don’t fret too much about it!” 

With Celeste’s encouragement though, Nyssa felt her heart warm as they continued on their way. Blending in with the other crowds of students once in the large cafeteria, they all agreed to get their food and meet back up by the staircase. 

Surviving her very first lunch rush, Nyssa grabbed herself a tray full of fruits, salad, porridge, and a little bit of pasta. One awkward moment later, where half the group went to one staircase and the other half to the other, they managed to meet up and find a place to eat. Because of the overwhelming noise from a fight breaking out downstairs though, they ate and left without making too much conversation. 

“Is everyone done with their general education for the day?” Angelica asked the group as they made their way back to the Class Zero building. Seeing everyone else nod, she shrugged. “Then we can start the afternoon plans a little early, alright? Don’t worry about the missed break we won’t be doing too much today. Though, I do need to check off and certify that you all did in fact do your general education requirements, so get your stuff and show it to me, okay?” 

One chorus of “Sounds good”’s later, everyone split off to retrieve their bags from their morning studying spots before returning and showing Angelica the completion of their general education requirements. Gathering back in the classroom, everyone moved the desks back to their original positions.

“So, how are we feeling,” Angelica laced her fingers together while propping her chin up. “What are we feeling like doing today?” 

“I mean... we can go to the training room and hang out there?” Ryker shrugged before kicking his feet up on a desk. “Or we could hang out. We’re pretty much just a relaxed school club aren’t we?” 

“The f’ around and find out club,” Electra saluted while a yawn slipped through her lips. “Sorry the post lunch food coma is waging a war against me right now.” 

“Evidently you’re not alone in that,” Celeste laughed while covering her mouth with a sleeve. “Our newest club member is already fast asleep.” 

Looking over, Electra and Ryker paused before chuckling. A white cat was curled up on the windowsill, napping, and unaware of the argument transpiring between Conrad, Albion, and Titus right next to her. 

“I mean, we could do nap time,” Angelica proposed with a faint smile dancing across her lips. “Though at some point we do also need to talk about logistical training information. I need to see how you’ve all improved over the break and we should probably start planning for the school-wide tournament in a couple of months.” 

“Oh wait, we do really need to clutch up for that,” Ryker crossed his arms. “Our carry moved up to the graduate division...” 

“Hey, you alone could probably carry us through the battle rounds,” Electra interjected while suppressing another yawn. “In fact, anyone here probably could solo carry their way through the battle round.”

“I’d caution Albion and Celeste from doing it though,” Angelica offered with a shrug. “They both could get disqualified from losing control of their powers.”

“Well, yeah, but they still have the potential, by the time they’re our age they could probably do it,” Electra tapped her chin. “They still have us this year, so it doesn’t really matter, does it? I’ll do the race as always. I won last year and I think I'll be able to win again?” 

“It’s not even a question,” Ryker stretched out before flipping back over the chair and onto his feet. “Well, actually it might be but I have faith in you. Angelica, let the others hang out for a bit, Electra and I can show you our progress first.” 

“I need to wake up a bit anyway,” Electra agreed as purple sparks fell down her arms like a faint waterfall.

Sorry for not posting yesterday T~T I was visiting the lab of my mentor for a project and it was... very... very long...

so when i got home i just conked out and slept for 12 hours straight T~T

anyhow, thanks for reading~!!
Take care reader friends~!! <3<3

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