Luxury Buff

Chapter 130

38. Open your eyes again.

“Yes, brother, I’m Syran! ”

“Wh-why did you… do this makeup? And you look a little… old? ”

“W-what? That’s what you say to the guy who stood by you for a day, ten years? ”

If not, it is a disturbance to feel fear of age at the age of 29. However, when I heard the sound of this to Shin Minbae, the shock was impossible to say.

The sound of Shin Minbae’s old age shocked him as much as the joy of waking up.

“What? Ten years? ”

“Yes! It’s been 10 years since you blacked out! ”

“What’s so…? ”

Then Shin Mingbae was unable to move his body as he wished. He was unable to move for 10 years, so he lost his senses.

“But where’s Angelina? ”

“Huh? Huh…? Well… I’ll call the others first! ”

Syran hurriedly opens the door and walks out. And they immediately contacted other people, and the people they contacted rushed to the mansion in no time.

Nam Baek Ho, Sihyun, Syran and Berna were contacted and placed together.

“Everyone… has changed a lot, huh? But where is Angelina…? ”

Until now, Shin Minbae could not hear anything. Syran had no idea what to say, so he never came into the room the moment Angelina’s name came out of him. And it wasn’t until the three of us came together that we entered the chamber of the New Testament.

And isn’t that different? He asks again about Angelina.

Seeing him like that, Nam White slowly approached and said.

“Do you… remember the last moment? ”

“Yes? Of course I remember. Because Angelina jumped at her from a pile of buildings that were destroyed by monsters. I don’t remember after that, of course. I lost my mind…. But why is that…? ”

It was 10 years ago for others, but for Shin Minbae it was only yesterday’s memory. There was no way I wouldn’t remember.

“Where’s Angelina now? ”

Shin Minbae was a little embarrassed. There was growing anxiety. They hardly opened their mouths.

“Brother! Please tell me quickly. Where the hell is Angelina!! ”

“She……. ”

In addition to the events of the day 10 years ago, Nam White outlined the situation in which he rescued Shin Mingbae.

“Well, then maybe Angelina’s not dead? ”


For ten years, they all thought Angelina was dead. I just thought I’d be dead somewhere in the rubble of a cod’s building, because no one thought I was alive.

“Right? I definitely protected her to keep her safe. And I’m the only one you found? Does that mean she might still be alive somewhere? ”

Shin Mingbae rather spoke as if he was hopefully looking at the current situation. But as time passed, tears began to pour down from his eyes.

“No way… … Angelina must be somewhere. I have to go find him now. ”

Shin Mingbae who was about to get up from bed.

But the body that remained motionless for 10 years did not move at his will.

The coup d ‘etang!

As soon as I turn to the side, Syrian rushes to raise him to the ground.

“Oh, brother……. ”

“Ah… Shiranha. I’m sorry. Can you help me up? I have to go find Angelina now. ”

“Brother…… my sister is already……. ”

“Shut up!! Who would have thought he was dead! I must have blacked out after saving Angelina! I remember it like it was yesterday! If I remember correctly, Angelina must be somewhere!! ”

10 years later now. Even if we were to find Angelina, it would only be ashes because her body was decomposed.

Shin Minbae sprayed Syran’s hand.

As soon as I opened my eyes, it was too much of a shock. What do you mean Angelina’s dead? I could never believe it.

“I’m not gonna die! I’m not dead!!”

They didn’t know what to say to Shin Minbae. But there is someone here who can tell you exactly what happened. It was Berna.

“Could you… excuse me?” ”

Berna looks at the three people and says, Shin Minbae looks at Berna.

His memories are not long, but there are memories of Berna. Of course, I will never forget her because she has created a crazy situation. And now, 10 years later, she has become more mature and beautiful than ever before.

Seeing Verna, the three of them left the room without saying anything.

When the door closes, Berna looks at the New Founding Fathers and says,

“Brother…… From now on, I will never lie to you. And you have to believe it. Do you understand?”

“What… are you trying to say? ”

From then on, Berna began to explain everything that had happened to her to the Syndicate.

“You know, I’m capable, and I can be trusted. And I got a trust in my memory of my brother. ”

“What? A trust in memory? ”

“Yes…… The trust I received as a child doesn’t remember everything, but the memories I had with my brother remain with me. ”

“What does that have to do with trust? ”

Berna doesn’t understand a word she’s saying.

“Part of the trust that was placed on me was that I received Angelina’s memory. ”

“Wha…?” ”

What nonsense is this? However, it makes no sense to be remembered by others. However, after listening to her, Shin Minbae thought of the bear and said, staring at Berna with a scary face.

“Then…… does Angelina have any memories of her near-death? ”

“That’s right.”

“You… You mean you knew when Angelina died!!! ”

As Shin Minbae said, she knew about Angelina’s death.

“Of course I knew. But I couldn’t figure out the exact date and time. And all of these memories are by trust. I can’t go against the trust. ”

“Are you… kidding me? You don’t just watch people die knowing they’re dead!! ”

Perhaps everyone would be angry with Berna if they were all the same.

“As I said…… trust is an irresistible part. And… … Angelina traded her life for yours. She chose her own fate. ”

“What… are you talking about? Changing your life?”

Berna slowly began to explain to Shinhwa without experiencing any emotional changes.

“Did you know that Angelina has a special ability? ”

“Sure…… I don’t know what he’s capable of just because he didn’t tell me……. ”

“Yes. I don’t remember Angelina saying anything about abilities. So let me tell you something to help you understand the situation. Angelina used the law of life exchange. Instead of healing other people’s wounds and illnesses with her abilities, she has to carry everything on her own. Instead of saving the dead, you have to give your life. That’s why Angelina couldn’t tell you. Because if you knew that, you would never tell Angelina to use her powers. ”

“Are you… kidding me? So Angelina died instead of me? ”

“Yes, the last remnant of my memory. It means that Angelina used her abilities to save your life. And instead, he died. ”

“No, that’s ridiculous……. ”

Shin Minbae was greatly shocked that she was only alive because of Angelina.

Shin Minbae staring at the air with a blank look. He hasn’t said anything since. And I didn’t ask any questions.

Berna told the new folk the same thing again.

“One of my trusts is Angelina’s memory. Of course, we don’t know why this memory came down to the trust. And just because I have Angelina’s memory doesn’t make me Angelina. She only has her memories. ”

Berna’s memory is the same as Angelina’s memory of spending a lot of time with the New Nations. Of course, not all of the memories of 24 hours have been recorded, but Verna has such perfect memories that she can feel part of her emotions. But…… it’s just a part of my memory. The spiritual owner is only Berna.

“Then… where is Angelina? Shouldn’t we be together for the last time if you saved me? ”

“That’s… I don’t know. ”

She had no choice but to wonder. So, when we first rescued the Sinmyung Ship, we questioned that we could not find Angelina’s body beside him.

“Do you want to be alone for a while? ”

“Got it.”

Berna turns around and walks away. I also told the three people who were waiting outside that I needed time. They were also aware of this situation, so no one entered the room.

It was the third day after Shin Minbae woke up. In the meantime, he hasn’t met anyone and hasn’t even given up a meal. The reason is guilt.

I blew up to save Angelina, but in the end, she lost her life.

As I only felt a sense of self-esteem, my memory of her continued to float in my head.

‘Angelina……. ’

For three days, all he could think about was Angelina. Ten years later, he didn’t need any news about how the world worked, how his brothers grew up, how the White Tiger Guild became, and how people he knew were living. Only Angelina’s thoughts continue to hold strong.

Aran opened his visit, complaining about Shin Minbae, who had been eating and drinking for only three days.

“Brother! Are you sure you want to do this? Don’t you think you’re overreacting from your sister’s death? ”

“Shut up! You don’t know anything!! ”

“Yes! I don’t know my brother. I don’t understand. By the way…… The people here have been waiting for me to wake up, guarding my brother for 10 years. Then what are we? What are we!! ”

“Get out……. ”

“This sucks! I’d rather not wake up like this! I liked him better lying there without saying anything!! ”


Aran starts to shed tears, and as she does, she closes the visit and leaves.

“You! What are you talking about? How hard can it be? ”

“I know! I know! I know it’s been hard on you…… but now we have to take care of you…… Not Angelina…… We have to take care of you…… We’re your family! ”

Shiran looks at Sihyun, crying as if he were leaving the mansion.

“Phew… ”

Seeing her running out of the mansion, she sighed for a long time. In fact, Xi Hyun was disappointed with Shin Minbae as well.

It was because I had waited 10 years…… and turned bitter in 3 days.

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