Luxury Buff

Chapter 152

42. Conditions

[Why did the U.K. take its powers and say nothing for 10 years?]

This is all part of England’s plan, isn’t it?]

[Request the immediate return of the Luxury Buff Tribunal. He is Korean.]

[It is not reasonable to naturalize the UK based on the fact that he died in the first place.]

As a lot of fireworks started pouring out, the Internet began to heat up. More and more people were trying to find out the truth about whether Britain really did this.

Right now, the disposal of the new shipment was a very important part of South Korean people’s lives. It is because if he is, Korea can not face this difficult situation.

That’s why the protests continued again because of the netizens demanding the government so much. The government was unable to make a request for the repatriation of the new government. And an international trial was held for the Luxury Buff Tribunal.

The result, of course, was to raise the hand of England. The fact that he died in the first place is not only the result of the South Korean government’s death, but also the part about being unconscious for 10 years has been ignored.

And naturalization was a conclusion that it could not accept the South Korean government’s request for repatriation because it was its own choice.

Numerous Koreans blamed this international trial again. However, the advocacy for the White Tiger Guild and Shinminbae began to come up.

[Do you people deserve to curse those who kill monsters for their lives in the first place?]

[The nationality of my country, which swallows when sweet and spits when used, made this reality.]

[It was better. This country can’t be treated until it’s dead because it has abilities. If I do something wrong, I’m gonna try to eat it. It is God’s work to naturalize England.]

[It’s really bad for my country, but it’s good for them. This country needs to feel more at stake. People who are interested will be like this before they die anyway.]

While many netizens are advocating for the White Tiger Guild and the New Founding Fathers, the government has lifted the ban on entering the White Tiger Guild. As more and more words came about, the government continued to request the White Tiger Guild again, but they did not always accept it.

Nam Baek Ho left a note to the South Korean government:

[If we are prepared to die in Korea and catch monsters, we can only do good things for those who are blaming us. They won’t acknowledge us until they die. So if they all disappear, then I will go to Korea.]

It could have been seen in the media. He nailed the idea that he would not go to Korea in one sentence, and announced it largely.

A number of netizens protested against it, and a fight started between them.

The country’s criticism of netizens who can’t face the situation and the posting of the White Tiger Guild, which prevents the monster from threatening, has been in search terms for a long day.

Around this time, a video began to be produced in Korea and began to spread around the world through YouTube.

The video was about a lot of people on the streets asking the White Tiger Guild to really help them.

One of them quickly flowed in the form of a paranoma, and it was a desperate request to protect the Republic of Korea as well as to see them reflecting on their tears.

This video, of course, was delivered to the White Tiger Guild members.

The White Tiger Guild members were all gathered to watch the video. Seeing that it was an issue, everyone wanted to see what the video was like. Some of them have already seen it through YouTube, but once again everyone is gathered in the conference room to confirm the video again.

“I’m offended. ”

“Well…… not all of them were bad, but they were the ones who were affected by them? ”

“But that’s why he’s doing it now, isn’t it? If they were serious, wouldn’t that be how they came out when we were banned from entry? Isn’t that right?”

The White Tiger Guild members were also aware of the situation. The sympathy for the people of South Korea and their condemnation are unforgettable.

However, none of them said, ’Let’s help Korea.’

It is because they have left such thoughts and come to England since the beginning of naturalization. However, given the appearance of the distressed people in the video that the situation changes people, most people only think about helping Korea.

“I’ll tell you one thing. No matter what decision you make, I do not intend to go to Korea unless it is established. ”

Nam White remained resolute. Therefore, the guild members did not have any opinions.

By the time they watched this video, the South Korean government had begun releasing rigors.

The first one started accusing the netizens of malicious comments. This poses a threat to national security.

Currently, Korea has reached a level that cannot be solved without the White Ho Guild and the new citizen ship. However, he began to punish those who accuse and comment maliciously.

In fact, the Internet completely disregards the respect of personal physicians in liberal democracies. But despite these tough government decisions, the netizens couldn’t say much. The White Tiger Guild left because of malicious comments in the first place, and the crisis in South Korea has come about.

The crisis continued to conclude that these actions threaten national security.

While numerous commentators began criticizing the government for this, the government was unafraid. and eventually came out of the Internet real name system.

Many media have begun to pay attention to South Korea’s decision to choose the internet real name system. And this led to a slight decrease in the bad guys.

I was not confident that I would be criticized by so many people because I was blaming myself.

From there, malicious comments disappeared, and countless comments on criticism began to appear. Of course, since many of these articles were relevant, they were different from malicious comments.

The members of the White Tiger Guild were quite surprised by this decision in the Republic of Korea. I never thought I would give up such a hardbook.

“Korea must be really hard. ”

“I see. A hardbook against the people…… It may seem like a dictatorship in some ways…… but is it for the country?” ”

The White Ho Guild members generally understood that South Korea made this decision. And around that time, something happened that changed the doctor of Nam White.

“Guild Master, we have a call from Korea. ”

“Korea? Is it Cha Hyuk-jin again? ”

“No, she’s the wife of a man called Lymphoma. ”


When I heard that his wife and not Chong Chong Chong Jong contacted me, Nam Baek Ho’s expression clearly changed.

‘Something… ominous.’ ’

Nam Baek Ho immediately received a call.

“Hello? ”

I have already seen the wife of Chongjom many times, and her name has long been called ‘Cheonseo’.

(* Sobbing *)]

She couldn’t open her mouth easily.

“Mister, Mister. What is it? What is it? ”

[My husband…… my husband…….]

It’s about the clotting in her cry. It was clear that something bad had happened.

“Teacher, tell me slowly. What? What’s going on? What happened to the Speenon? ”

Nam White was even more excited and asked her. And he was shocked and couldn’t say anything for a while.

That day, Nam White summoned all the guild members and told them about the call.

“I’ve had enough. Of course, we need to discuss the problem of dealing with monsters in Korea again, but I have to go to Korea right away. Anybody with you? ”

For the first time in over a decade, Nam Baek Ho decided to travel to Korea. And because he was well aware of why he made that decision, everyone in the White Tiger Guild agreed to go to Korea.

What Nam White heard from his wife was rather shocking.

A sudden appearance of a monster. It was the area where the splenomegaly resided, and monsters came to the mansion of the splenomegaly while destroying the surrounding cities and buildings. While the monsters were destroying the mansion, Chang Jong tried to protect his wife and children, and only allowed time for them to escape to a safe place. However, the news was that he was undergoing necropsy.

No one in Korea is the problem of enlargement. If I asked him to name the most important person for Nam White Lake, the person holding it in three fingers was lymphoma. That’s why they all flew straight to Korea.

Hundreds of people cheered on the news that the White Tiger Guild was coming to Korea. Probably thought the White Tiger Guild was coming to deal with monsters in Korea. However, there were many who disdained it.

When they arrived at the airport, a large crowd greeted them. However, he gave no attention to anything and left no comment on the media.

The members of the White Tiger Guild left the airport and rushed to the hospital immediately, even with a number of questions from the reporter.

S Hospital, the best hospital in Korea. Lymphoma in the ICU was breathing heavily with oxygen ventilators.

“Healing doesn’t work either?” ”

“(* Sob *) Yes. ”

The view of the Chong Chong Chong Chong, which the White Tiger Guild members are all staring at, was not too harsh.

The right elbow is missing, and one of the right legs is missing. The healing system fixed the exterior, but the internal injuries seemed to be a bigger problem.

“Sue, is there no surgery? ”

“Phew… If your heart is severely damaged and you have surgery, you may die. What do you want me to do? ”

In her question, Nam White was unable to say anything. In his opinion, it is fortunate to have saved his own life. However, it seemed that shortly after seeing the present situation, his breath seemed to be in danger.

“Let’s go see a doctor first. ”

Shin Mingbae and Nam White went to see the doctor, and the rest of the guild members were just praying for Lymphoma, taking care of the wife of Lymphoma.

“The damage to your heart is very serious right now. The first thing we need to do is suture quickly during surgery, and we don’t have the time to do that. So we can’t even try surgery. ”

Nam Baek Ho must be depressed after listening to the doctor. However, Shin Minbae asked the doctor just in case.

“Is… is the buff in the auxiliary system going to work on the surgery? ”

“Yes……? Buff?”

Doctors and surgeons at the Talent Bank were a little surprised at what Shin said because they learned from each other.

“Well…… I’ve been told you’ve tried, but I’ve heard it doesn’t really work that well. ”

When Nam Baek Ho heard that, he said in a strong tone.

“That would have been a normal auxiliary system. This person here is the best subsidiary in the world. Maybe there’s a way to help. ”

“Yes? If it’s the best in the world…? ”

Then the doctor realized where he seemed to have seen Shin Mingbae’s face. And I was quite surprised at the fact that the conquest they were wearing was the White Tiger Guild.

“Ah! Bar, good to see you. I couldn’t figure it out. ”

“No, never mind. Right now, Chongjong Lim’s surgery is the top priority. So let me tell you what I can do, and I want you to think about whether this can help with surgery. ”

After that, Shin Minbae explained all her abilities to the doctor and showed great interest in some of them.

“Of the abilities you currently need for surgery, it’s life, mental strength, restoration, iron wall defenses, God’s blessings, and the bloodshed of life. ”

“What? You don’t need to strengthen your defense? ”

“Well…… that’s something I’ve been thinking about, but it might not be helpful for our doctors to be more defensive in surgery. If the patient’s skin becomes rigid and hard, there may be difficulties with the incision. ”

“I see…… so shouldn’t we try surgery right now? ”

Shin Minbae said as the doctor waved his hands.

“No. I can’t adapt to the ability of the auxiliary system. So the first thing is to get used to the buff’s ability. And when you get used to it, you should do the surgery right away. ”

“I understand.”

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