Machine God with EX-rank talent (Deus ex machina)

Chapter 92: Halo (10)

A top ranker, ranked 5th.

An EX-grade alchemist.

The Drug King, El Chapo.

He was the most influential figure across the entire South American continent.

His influence wasn’t just great; in South America, his word was law, almost a religion.

The secret to his power? Drugs.

Every single drug cultivated and distributed in South America had to go through him.

It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that all the money in South America flowed in and out of the Drug King’s hands.

He could have monopolized all the riches, glory, and women he wanted, but surprisingly, the Drug King didn’t desire any of it and shared it evenly with the people.

Contrary to his unsettling nickname, he was even respected by the people of South America.

That’s why they called him “King.”

But at his core, he was a Hunter.

A top-ranker at level 10.

“He was truly terrifying once.”

South America was a battleground, with daily fights over drug ownership.

The powerless were swept away in the gang wars, and government officials were so corrupt it was staggering.

In that world, a handful of cocaine was far more important than human life.

And it was the Drug King who finally put an end to that hell.

It was estimated that the number of gang members and Hunters who died at the Drug King’s hands back then numbered in the millions.

“And now, that Drug King has appeared here.”

The pink giant grabbed his belly and burst into laughter.

“You’ve got a good eye, boy. Only I can dance with such graceful moves.”

As he spoke, the pink giant, no, the Drug King, swayed his hips and performed a strange dance.

“It wasn’t because of the dance... sir.”

Watching the massive jelly-like body jiggle, Hyun Suho felt dizzy, as if he was about to faint, but he couldn’t bring himself to yell for him to stop.

You don’t mess with a madman.

Suho tried to stay calm as he asked, “How long have you been watching?”

According to Tang Tianqi, the pink powder that made up Halo wasn’t extracted from any plant or animal.

Drugs were, in fact, the Drug King’s power.

Tang Tianqi had said that using that material wouldn’t even faze the Drug King.

But Suho had seen Tang Tianqi’s eyelids tremble severely at the time.

He, too, wasn’t sure and had recklessly gambled.

If the gamble succeeded, he could gain everything.

Like all gamblers, he lost everything in the end.

Now, it was a meaningless question to Tang Tianqi, but Suho still wanted to know.

The Drug King spread his arms playfully and replied, “Of course, I’ve been watching from the beginning! Hehehe! How could I miss such an entertaining scene?”

“And you knew that the Tang clan was siphoning off your raw materials?”

“Of course! I knew all along.”

“And you didn’t stop them?”

The Drug King spread his arms wide again as if asking why Suho would even ask such an obvious question.

“That made things more interesting, didn’t it? My predictions were right. That girl’s performance was especially outstanding. Even I was fooled.”

As the Drug King pointed his hand, Tatiana, who had been watching, flinched in surprise.

Perhaps worried that he might harm her, Bayets and Alexander quickly stepped forward.

But the Drug King stretched his upper body, bringing his face right in front of Tatiana.

“You’re the first alchemist to process my drugs so perfectly. You call it Halo, right? A wonderful name. I’ll have to remember it. By the way, little miss, what level are you?”


“Hohoho! Impressive. You have incredible potential. With a bit more effort, you could make drugs as good as mine.”

He was implying that if she grew stronger, Tatiana wouldn’t just be using the Drug King’s raw materials to make Halo but could create her own drugs.

Realizing that the Drug King was interested in her, Tatiana blinked rapidly.

She feared that she might be scouted and dragged off to South America.

Fortunately, the Drug King quickly lost interest in Tatiana.

He turned back to Hyun Suho.

“Wahaha! The Tang clan was never on my radar to begin with. There are countless people messing with my drugs all over the world.”

“And... you don’t care? They stole the raw materials for your drugs.”

“Yoohoo! That’s just the scraps left over from making the real drugs. They can’t just throw that stuff away... I’m actually grateful they handled it.”

The Drug King’s drugs were, in some ways, more dangerous than nuclear waste.

Who knew what kind of side effects might occur if they were buried in the ground or thrown into the sea?

It was even possible that a super monster, fueled by drugs, might be born, just like how Tang Tianqi had become stronger.

The moment Suho realized the meaning behind his words, the Drug King pointed his finger directly at him.

“You were the one I was interested in from the beginning!”


The Drug King’s attention was on him.

It was more overwhelming than the gaze of any beautiful woman.

Suho held his breath for a moment and cautiously asked the reason.

“Why... me?”

“Why? Isn’t it obvious? You were unaffected by my power! Haha! Be happy, boy. This is a historic moment!”

Unaffected by his power?

That was strange.

Suho had never met the Drug King before.

Then, it suddenly hit him. The drug sample he’d been carrying.

“No way...”

The Halo sample given to him by Director Kwon Chul-jung.

He had briefly touched it with his hand when he first received it.

He’d kept it sealed ever since, but the Drug King’s words suggested otherwise.

“You’ve figured it out, haven’t you? That’s not just a drug; it’s a fragment of my power. Just touching it was enough for you to be affected.”

Considering the Drug King’s power, it all made sense.

The power of a level 10, mid-grade divine force.

No one could steer the course as decisively as the Drug King.

"Of course, I didn’t complete Halo myself, but that doesn’t mean its power has disappeared."

The Drug King looked at Hyun Suho as if he were an expensive toy. 

Even if he had taken human form, the gaze would still have been oppressive, but now, in the form of a pink giant, the pressure was doubled.

Whether he knew this or not, the Drug King continued to press Hyun Suho.

"A very interesting test subject—no, young man!"

Was this how mad scientists in movies would behave?

It was then that Hyun Suho recalled who the Drug King was.

A level-10 hunter.

Before becoming a hunter, he had been an alchemist.

Not originally a combatant, but more of a combat support role.

Like Tatiana, he helped allies through various potions rather than participating directly in battle.

All research professions require experimentation, but for an alchemist, it’s especially crucial.

To become a successful alchemist requires vast amounts of money, a variety of materials, and diligent effort.

But just as important to an alchemist is curiosity.

Hyun Suho had piqued the Drug King's curiosity.

This was the real reason the Drug King had appeared, unmoved by the schemes of the Tang family.

"Hehehe! Please, young man. Let me know more about you."

At that moment, the pink giant’s human shape began to crumble.

Crack, crack, crack!!

The crumbling pink giant broke into small particles, turning into a massive cloud of mist.

Sensing the danger, Hyun Suho tried to escape, but it was too late.

Before he knew it, he was trapped.

No matter where he looked, all he could see was pink mist surrounding him.

It was as if he had been caught in a fog barrier.

Beyond it, the Drug King's voice rang clearly.

[The greatest happiness a human can experience is the pleasure that explodes in a moment. It is the enjoyment of joy. It's the ultimate purpose all living beings strive for.]

The shattered mist began to infiltrate Hyun Suho’s body.

This was not some ordinary drug.

At this point, Hyun Suho could have downed cyanide and still been fine.

The mist itself was the Drug King's power.

It was a mental attack that grasped and shook his emotions.

It wasn’t something that could be stopped by holding one’s breath or deploying a barrier.

In that instant, Hyun Suho felt an overwhelming dizziness.

It wasn’t nauseating; rather, it was the opposite.

A deep sense of happiness, one that he had never felt before, surged from within.

[I am a true sage who brings lasting joy to everyone. I’m not talking about the fruit of bodily indulgence. I speak of the pleasure of the soul, free from the body’s control. Do you see this place?]

In that moment, the mist around him began to shift, transforming into beautiful clouds.

It became a mystical forest.

It became a peaceful home.

It became a warm light.

Simply breathing and stepping forward filled him with indescribable happiness.

A cheerful smile naturally formed on his face, and he felt as comfortable as if he were back in his mother’s womb.

[How is it? This is the ultimate good, free from all suffering. This is the heaven I have finally created.]

Now, even the Drug King's voice sounded like a heavenly melody.

Instinctively, Hyun Suho understood.

It was an everlasting, unending happiness.

No matter how often or for how long he was exposed to it, the euphoria he felt would never diminish or dull.

Was this the reason South America, once torn apart daily, had found peace?

It wasn’t just because of the Drug King's overwhelming power.

It was this happiness.

With this, there was no need to take from others or steal.

No need to desire more.

No need to wish for anything else.

The ultimate happiness was right here.

[A human’s only purpose is to live joyfully. Every law, every morality, even the laws of nature must serve to increase human happiness.]

This was the value the Drug King pursued.

When combined with his intermediate divine power, he had created such a world.

This was the Drug King's paradise.

[What do you think, young man? You deserve this. You can come to my kingdom and enjoy eternal happiness with me.]

Although the Drug King always laughed carelessly, he didn’t make this offer to just anyone.

It was a very generous proposal.

It was his way of rewarding Hyun Suho for sparking his curiosity.

If Hyun Suho slightly nodded his head here, he could live forever in this state of euphoric bliss, lacking nothing.

Hyun Suho’s lips slightly parted, and his eyes became hazy.

It seemed as though the Drug King's mental attack had completely taken control.

[Master! Snap out of it! Mas...!]

Nova had been calling out to Hyun Suho desperately for some time, but her voice couldn’t reach him.

In this world, where only pleasure was good, Nova’s voice was nothing but noise.

In Hyun Suho’s ears, only the Drug King’s voice could be heard.

[Young man, you are worthy of enjoying all of this. I will guide you to paradise.]

As if drawn by a magnet, Hyun Suho’s hand began to rise.

Slowly, his hand moved towards the Drug King’s outstretched hand.

But just before Hyun Suho’s hand made contact, he suddenly tilted his head and asked,

"But what happens to the Death Star?"

This was paradise.

So it had to be safe from any threat or danger.

Indeed, this space was not simply an illusion.

It was a unique barrier created between reality and illusion, a world crafted by the Drug King.

Even if enemies invaded, they wouldn’t be able to harm, let alone find, anyone inside this place.

But was it really safe from the threat of the Death Star, wielding superior divine power?

For the first time, the Drug King flinched at Hyun Suho’s question.

But he quickly regained his calm and spoke in a tranquil voice.

"This is a heaven where all fears vanish. Even if the world perishes, the happiness of the soul will continue forever."

The words didn’t quite make sense.

Happiness of the soul?

Was that different from the happiness of the body?

Does eternal happiness mean surpassing the limitations of time?

In any case, it was still a pleasant thought.

Even if the Death Star came, he could die with a smile on his face.

Thinking that, Hyun Suho opened his eyes wide and said,

"In the end... you're just running away."

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