Mad God

Chapter 217 – Keina

It was early evening, and instead of the usual guards, Kitten and Ariana were standing before the opened gate of the courtyard.

"Haaah… When is she arriving already?!" Kitten moaned, completely bored out of her mind.

"Be patient! The sun is still only halfway down!" Ariana looked at her with one eye. "You act like the waiting is going to kill you! She wrote in her letter that she is coming in the evening."

"At least that would be fun or something! I am booooored!" Kitten crouched down, drawing circles with her finger on the ground. "Plus, this should be the guards' job, no?"

"The one who is coming is notorious for how she handles men. Why do you think Master ordered us to be the welcoming committee?"

"And? What if she is a lesbian? Should I applaud her or something? Just because she likes pussy, it does not mean I should be here!" Kitten moaned as suddenly two cat ears and a tail appeared on her, meowing like a proper cat.

"Since you became relaxed around Master, you dropped any pretense, eh?" Ariana shook her head with a smile. "We are here to minimize any conflict from the get-go! So please, don't start a temper tantrum right now, Kitten!"

"It's not a tantrum! And… you think you could stop me if I want to throw one?" she asked with a provocative light in her eyes, looking at Ariana as her mood quickly changed from bored to playful.

"Mmm, I could." Ariana nodded with confidence.

"Are you sure? I went up against Nameless too! And held my ground~ He even escaped the fight!"

"Because you can cheat death a few times." she crossed her arms, watching her eyes with a flat look. "He was unsure of your trick, so he chose not to risk anything.

"You want to say it would be useless against you?" she grinned, revealing her sharp, canine teeth.

"It would be. We can have a little spar later on if you wish!" Ariana returned her 'smile' "I know you wouldn't believe me until then!"

"Sounds fun! I'm in!" She stood up, clapping in a happy mood once again, shaking off her demonic body parts and returning to a human form. "By the way, are you also a lesbian?"

"Huh?" Ariana blinked her eyes rapidly, not believing her ears what she was asked just now. An utterly red hue was creeping up her neck, engulfing her whole face in a second.

"You know! The girl-on-girl thing! When you rub-" Kitten started to explain.

"I know what the word means, for Gods' sake!" She raised her voice, turning even redder.

"Oh, okay, okay! Just asking! Geez, you don't need to bite my head off because of it!" she raised her hands at her, giving up quickly.

"Why do you even ask something like this?!" Ariana snorted, trying to hide her embarrassment.

"Because I never saw you with guys before. Even my own Master had some downtime in the Capital… Plus, when you sit in your Master's lap, you look like you could melt! Also, I smelled your scent change when you were being pampered by her!"

"Shut it! You are once again speaking nonsense!" Ariana replied, already flustered, ignoring her completely, closing the argument right then and there.

"Don't need to be shy about it! It's normal! When the heart falls in love, you can't help it!" She grinned but seeing Ariana not even looking at her, she just gave up in the end, letting out a bored sigh again.

After another ten minutes of silence, Kitten was about to ask something once again. Still, to Ariana's relief, they spotted a coming carriage carrying the crest of the Spire of Keina. It was a white orchid in full bloom, prompting a purple eye in the middle of it. As the carriage stopped before them, Nuray, who acted as the driver, stepped down. Opening its door, she was helping down Keina, who was wearing an elegant, white, one-piece dress.

"Greetings," Ariana said as she stepped forward, cupping her hand as Kitten followed suit. No matter how playful or quippy she was, now she presented a perfect curtsy before them with a respectful look.

"Mmhm." Keina nodded, not taking them seriously because of their maid outfits, yet it did not mean she was ignoring them.

"The Lord of the Spire of Keina has arrived!" Nuray stepped forward with a firm voice but not as aggressive as she was against Balbeer or Sentios. "Why isn't the Lord of the Spire of Ren welcoming her?"

"My Master is waiting inside, entertaining other guests," Ariana answered with a calm voice.

"Other guests?" Keina opened her mouth before Nuray would lose her cool to her fiery temper.

"Yes." Kitten said, "The Lord of the Spire of Rabout is also here." She explained with a soft smile, especially enjoying the new, surprised, and a bit of panicked look on Nuray's face before she could regain her composure.

"I see. So the old man really did crawl out from his cave." Keina sighed a little, "Please, lead us in."

"That is why we are here. This way!" Ariana bowed a little, already used to her role as a maid, leading them inside.

Arriving at the Spire, at the top of the stairs stood Seya, dressed elegantly, waiting for them. When Keina was led up before her, she respectfully curtsied as she introduced herself.

"Welcome to the Spire of Ren, Your Lordship! My name is Princess Seya."

"Princess?" Nuray raised her eyebrows, yet no more words could escape her throat as two auras pressed down on her simultaneously, coming from Ariana and Kitten. She was caught off guard, not expecting they would be this aggressive in the presence of Keina.

"My apologies," Keina replied, placing her hand on the back of the head of Nuray, pressing her into a bow but, in the meantime fighting back against their auras. She was combating both of them to a standstill. "We are just not used to seeing someone call herself a princess. Not with her strength and especially not someone who is just a part of the family of one Spire," Keina explained but also questioned Seya as to how she dared to use that term.

"It is a title bestowed upon me by Her Majesty after the Council agreed on it." The young cousin of Ren answered.

"Council?" Keina whispered, finding it weird. "And… 'Her Majesty?' As far as I know, the throne to Rozex still stands empty."

"Our bloodline is the natural heir; her Majesty has come home because she is the next in line to inherit the throne," Seya answered calmly, not diverting her eyes from Keina's. Deep inside, she was extremely nervous while she was waiting outside; just as Ren ordered, she felt like fainting multiple times. Yet when performing her role, she found herself surprisingly collected and calm, gaining more and more courage by the second as she stood her ground against Keina.

"You are up to facing obstacle after obstacle if you really think that way," Keina said, breaking eye contact with her. Just as she did, Ariana smiled at Seya, saying with her eyes that she performed excellently.

"Thank you for your concern." Seya bowed a little toward her. "This way, Your Lordship." She signaled, remaining unflustered while smiling back at Ariana.

Leading them inside the Spire and to the big, fancy ballroom, prepared for their arrival, Keina came across another big surprise. She stepped through the door and immediately recognized Ren from the recording she saw, speaking and giggling with Rabout. They were standing next to a table full of snacks and bite-sized delicacies. What was surprising was the number and looks of people present; barely any of them had her bloodline's signature hair and eye colors.

"My Liege…" Nuray sent a voice transmission over, "That tall male at the left side is the head of the Nelvis family."

"I heard about them. His poor granddaughter… if not for our intervention, his family would be dead already." she sighed but not because of what happened to Ooda but only feeling sympathy for what happened to Ina. "What is he doing here? He should be an annoying splinter inside their sides, not a friend..." she furrowed her brows a little, seeing him talk with Daryan with a happy expression. He was even slapping his shoulders and laughing while Ina, who was already looking wholly different and radiant, smiling ear to ear, stood next to Daryan. She hugged her son's arms with two hands, not letting it go.

"We don't know… we did not have any direct connections with them to avoid further problems for us."

"Doesn't matter…." Keina answered quickly, ignoring them and looking over the rest, watching the guards who stood at the entrances, one of them being Balbeer. Since they entered, he did not take his eyes off Nuray. For them, his gaze was nothing, easily ignored. Nuray's eyes instead were watching Sentios, who stood behind Ren, acting as a butler, giving her drinks or snacks if she asked for them. He spared not even a glance towards the new arrivals.

"Your Majesty." Seya came before them, bowing to Ren, respectfully presenting Keina to her.

"Good job, Seya!" She smiled at her before looking at her guests, nodding with a friendly expression, and giving her wine to Sentios. "You must be Keina, correct?" She asked, ignoring Nuray's presence altogether.

"I am… and as I see, you have not been raised in how etiquette works between nobles. I'll chalk it up to being raised in the Empire." Keina's words were slicing at Ren like sharp blades right from the start.

"Hm? Oh, I was! I even married a prince!" Ren jabbed back quickly, especially as she knew it was a pivotal failure in Keina's past. "I just think the respect and whatever else you attach to it has to be earned and not just given to people. Plus…" She looked up and down at her with raised eyebrows. Even though she was smaller than Keina, she felt like Ren was looking down on her. "I heard something like that here; what really rules is strength! Heh, and they say the demonic forest is a dangerous place~. Please!"

"So you think you have the strength to discard my friendly invitation just like that?" Keina questioned her, not backing down. By now, everyone had cleared the room around them, watching with curious eyes, especially the young family members of Ren's courtyard.

"Yes. Also,… friendly? It did not come across like that at all." Ren stretched out her hand, and Sentios put a giant cookie into it. "It was," She bit onto it with a loud crunch, continuing with a full mouth, "trying to order me around! I may be new here, but you are snorting something wild if you think I'd take something like that seriously!" As she spoke, big chunks were spraying at Keina, materializing Ren's insults to the dismay of Nuray.

"Your attitude is even more barbarian than Rudrick's was!" Keina crossed her arms, unbothered on the surface. "You may have a lovely figure and a gorgeous, charming face, but your insides need a complete rework, it seems." Her continuous sharp words immediately drew Ariana's eyes onto herself as she spewed daggers at Keina. Her shadow even wriggled and almost sprouted black tentacles, aiming at her.

"Relax…" Kitten whispered, grabbing onto Ariana's hand. "Your girlfriend can handle it!"

"She is my Master!" She answered back, through gritted teeth, "And of course, she can handle her… but she should not! There must be an order for this kind of thing…."

"Woah, girl, you are completely lost…." Kitten giggled, patting Ariana's head with a grin, trying to calm her down.

"She is a little pepper, that is for sure!" Rabout laughed as he came closer, patting Ren's head with a smile. "Long time no see, Keina! I remember when you were her size, pulling pranks on others not that long ago! You two are more alike than you would admit now, aren't you?" he shook his head with a nostalgic smile.

"..." Keina did not reply, just looking at Rabout, trying to figure out their relationship, but what she saw was not encouraging. "It was a long time ago. It is surprising to see you outside of your own Spire."

"It was time to have a little outing, and meeting my new granddaughter was a perfect opportunity to do so!" Rabout nodded at her, "But don't worry, I did not come out to fight for the throne. I lost my interest in it long ago and advise you to do the same, Keina!"

"Should I take it as a threat?" She asked back with a colder voice.

"No. I'm only giving a piece of friendly advice. As your grandfather." he shook his head with a soft sigh. "You are stuck in a loop, my dear… I miss the little imp you were back then!" he said, looking into her eyes that she averted after a few seconds. "I leave you to it." Rabout sighed as he turned around; it was not clear who he said it to.

"Judging by your attitude and the letter you sent," Ren continued, dusting off her fingers after finishing the cookie, "You arrived here to challenge me." Her words drew back Keina's look, signaling Nuray to step away. Soon only the two remained in the middle of the room, facing each other.

"Yes. I want to know if you have the strength to back up your actions." She let down her arms as her aura was put on display.

"Mmmh… you are at the first level of Harmony." Ren took a long breath, feeling her out. "Sturdy foundation and a stable aura! You are talented and strong! Okay! I can instruct you a little!"

"..." Keina's eyes only turned colder by the second, listening to her, seeing and hearing she was not taking her seriously.

"Go ahead! Don't need to hold back!" Ren snapped her fingers as the tower's defenses lit up, and from the outside, the whole Spire of Ren was covered in a purple energy shield, masking everything that was happening inside from prying eyes. "Start whenever you wish!" she smiled, looking at her sideways, taking another cookie from the table behind her. It finally flipped a switch inside Keina's mind as she felt humiliated, something she had not felt since the day Rudrick refused to marry her.

"You bitch!" Keina screamed at Ren as inside the room, a real storm kicked up as hundreds of water droplets appeared, whirling like a typhoon around Keina.

"Excuse me! The correct term is Mini Bitch!" Ren corrected her with a playful wink as their battle started.

Of all the stories, the real villain is always the author. Leaving you with cliffhangers all the time. What a monster!

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