Mad God

Chapter 222 – Meeting A Pervert

Since early morning, people were excitedly gathering before the newly built, massive building complex of the Wonder Emporium. As the days and weeks passed by, more and more people were curious about it. When the opening day neared, a sea of bobbing heads were on the main market square, all wishing to enter the domed building of promised wonders.

"Move, make way!" resonated a shout as a luxurious, decorated carriage was approaching, sandwiched between half a dozen armed guards.

Of course, the forceful intrusion into the masses made many people at the square upset and irritated, but they quickly held back their true thoughts. Especially those who were pushed and shoved out of the way as they quickly recognized the emblem on the carriage, symbolizing the sun with an eye in the middle of it.

"Freaks…" a younger-looking man whispered, who was just shoved out of the way.

"Stop!" a young voice echoed from inside the carriage before a male head popped through the veil covering the carriage's window. He had slick, white hair, combed backward, and deep, blood-red pair of eyes, with a face that looked like a teenager's. He just smiled, gazing at the other youngster, already making him gulp with fear.

"Elinus…" multiple voices whispered, recognizing the young-looking man, immediately taking steps backward.

He was part of the Brightseed family, one of the most dreaded noble families in Rozex. Even when Rudrick was sitting on the throne, if someone would ask which noble family they would want to provoke the least, it would be the immediate and correct answer to name the Brightseed family. Just because of one fact, they were backed by the Spire of Corvux. Rudrick's people would kill you. Corvux's? Make you into a couch.

In name, they were a typical noble family, dabbling in different businesses and trading, leading caravans outside of Rozex. In reality, everyone knew they were only a dollhouse for the Spire of Corvux. Their members were all experimented on, 'enhanced' by Corvux or any of his pureblood family members. They served as their living, breathing dolls to dress up as they wished. What was even more chilling was the fact that they usually 'donated' their own 'willing' family members. And their newborns. Or they brought back 'volunteers' from outside, right into the Spire of Corvux. It was a monthly occurrence.

Elinus was the appointed heir to the Brightseed family. He was donated as a preteen to the Spire decades ago. Back then, he had chestnut brown, wavy hair and a pair of deep blue eyes, the usual telling signs of someone originating from the Brightseeds. He was without any real signs of any talent, only that he was the newest son of the current family head, Veponia. She was the matriarch of the Brightseed bloodline. Nobody heard about him for years after he was 'donated' until one day, he was sent back, wearing the telling, white hair and having his deep blue eyes transformed into a blood-red color. He had an immaculate, almost female-like, slim, and slender body worthy of admiration.

Nobody could tell what was going on inside the Brightseed courtyard, but what everyone knew, when Elinus's carriage appeared, it was better to stay clear of it. It was soon apparent that his beautiful looks were hiding a frighteningly distorted and corrupted soul. He was prompted to act with wanton sadism and terror towards anyone present around him, finding great enjoyment in it.

"Please… repeat it!" Elinus looked down at the youngster, smiling brightly.

"I.. said nothing… milord…." He stuttered, trying to look away, but he just couldn't. He felt like his soul was being drawn to his eyes, unable to back away.

"Really?!" Elinus laughed as he flung the door open and stepped out. His soldiers were already clearing the way but had little work to do as the masses were receding automatically. "I heard differently, boy! What was it? Freak?" He tilted his head, scratching his chin, wearing a loose, bright-red silk robe and nothing else. It was only held together with a golden belt on his waist, looking like a male whore in a brothel.

"No, it was not…." The boy replied, with a weak, barely audible voice. His breath was forcefully pressed out from his lungs, through his throat, shaking his vocal cords the same way he was trembling now with his whole body. Soon he faltered and found himself sitting on the ground right before Elinus.

"I have pretty good hearing, you know~" he placed his hands on his wrist, tilting his head to the side. "You lot like to call my family a freakshow, huh? If I remember correctly, some drunkards did so to my face months ago… no? Or my new rug is made from another group's skins? Oh well! Doesn't matter!" He giggled. "Also, the rest of you!" He shouted, scanning the hundreds of eyes, trying not to look at him directly. "What the hell are you all doing here? Did you not see the notice that this is a building of TWO Spire Lords? Don't you see their crests on the front door? Do you think that nobodies like you would be permitted to enter? Dream in your own beds, not outside, blocking the way for nobles!" He clicked his tongue, shaking his head with disappointment. "Now… what should I do about you?" he turned his gaze back to the youngster before him, who somehow found the strength to finally stand back up.

Before he could say something or start begging for his life, Elinus's hand was already reaching out to grab onto his throat. Yet before his fingers could touch his neck, they were halted and kept in place by a black tentacle wrapping around his wrist.

"And who are you to say who is going to be let inside and who is not?" Asked the kind voice while Elinus's head turned towards its source. Ariana was walking forward, quickly cutting through the sea of people, wearing a small smile.

"Oh? Because you know better? Are you the owner?" Elinus giggled, unbothered, wearing an 'innocent' smile, his hand still stretched forward.

"Me? No. I'm only a maid." Ariana smiled as an answer, stepping into the circle of Elinus's guards, waiting for their master's orders to step in.

"Only a maid, huh? Well, you could serve me if you want. I like your face, little flower! With these kinds of things, you could pleasure me well~" he grabbed onto the tentacle with his other hand, squashing it and tearing it off from his wrist with relative ease. The youngster already rushed away, hiding amongst the crowd, blessing his luck to escape a calamity, hoping nobody would remember his face after this.

"If you wish so, I can entertain you with them." Ariana curtsied towards him. "Only it may result in permanent damages for which I can not take responsibility~"

"Ohoho, don't worry, I can't be hurt that easily and… I like pain~."

"I heard that." Ariana sighed, and then another, more spear-like, black tentacle rose from the ground, aiming between the legs of Elinus, who hurriedly stepped backward with his naked feet, laughing, still watching Ariana's gaze.

"Already going for the soft spots, eh? Oh my, how hungry, curious little a virgin you are! Don't worry, just ask, and I can show it to you!" his words made Ariana twitch her eyes a little, but she refused to reply to his provocations. "Mmmmh…" Elinus took a deep breath, licking his lips. "I can smell your unsoiled pussy's scent~" he moaned. He loosened his robe, showing his throbbing and clearly modified member to Ariana. It was a monstrosity, clearly grafted onto his body as neither the skin color nor shape matched him, not to mention the prominent scars around his groin.

"Disgusting…" Ariana said as she looked at it with a grimace for only a moment before spitting toward him, raising her hands upwards. Her eyes were filled with evident anger as she summoned a black spear, giving off a frightening and weird aura, emitting a blackish smoke from its tip.

"You want to fight with my spear with yours?" Elinus laughed, "I'm in! I can take it just as well as I can give it!"

"Not even Reignar was this abominable!" She groaned under her nose as she was already stabbing forward, watching his reaction to the attack.

What was more surprising was the fact that he did not even dodge. He just reached out, grabbing onto the spear with his bare, naked hands, grinding it to a halt. His feet dug into the cobblestone street below him, leaving deep marks as he was pushed backward by Ariana's strength, yet neither his feet nor his hands were injured. They constantly let out white smoke from the heat generated by the friction, yet neither his skin broke nor shed any blood. His face looked like he was in pain, yet his eyes enjoyed it.

"Oh girl, you are strong! Ahahaha! Let's fuck!" he pulled her closer, held by her own spear, surprising Ariana. She did not expect he could stop her attack just like that.

When she lost her balance for a moment, stumbling forward, what met her eyes was another 'spear' but with a more grotesque and dangerous look and smell than hers. By reflex, she shouted out like a frightened young girl, using her full strength to push on her own weapon, sending herself flying backward. Elinus just laughed, keeping up the 'thrusting' motion with his waist, spinning Ariana's weapon inside his hands.

"What a cute voice, my little cherry~ Let me pop you!" He rushed at her, wielding the black spear and aiming it at Ariana's flustered, panicked face.

Luckily for her, it was made out of her own affinity, and before it could land, she was able to gain control of it, melting it with a sweep of her hand, turning its solid form into a slimy, ink-like substance, covering Elinus's hands and robe with it.

"How quaint!" The man laughed, his blacked, smudged hand still aiming toward her head with stretched-out fingers. He was trying to poke out Ariana's left eye with a sadistic, wild grin. "I like being covered with sludge! Especially if it comes from someone this sexy! Let me poke a new hole for me to use right into your skull!"

At the same time, Ariana was shocked, surprised, and disgusted as she had never met someone like him. It was at that moment she realized what true insanity meant. What was even worse, her opponent seemed like he was not just completely scrambled in his mind. He had access to an incredible amount of strength.

When the finger almost penetrated her eyes, Ariana's head swayed to the side, grabbing onto his hand and twisting it. At the same time, her legs were already in a sweeping motion to knock Elinus to the ground, drawing his arm to his back and pinning him down.

"You can be on top if you wish!" Elinus cackled when Ariana landed on his back. Looking around, she saw the guards standing still, still not moving, only keeping the people away, letting their Master fight, or as they saw it, play around.

"Shut up!" Ariana spat through gritted teeth, pulling his hand back and twisting it to a point where most people's arms would be broken.

"Ahaha, more! Give me more! This is making me cum!" Elinus moaned loudly. "Finally, someone who understands me!" He gasped for air, giving Ariana goosebumps. “Hey… girlie… What is your name?" he turned his head to the sides, watching her with glowing, red eyes, but when he received no answers, he just laughed again. "No matter! If you don't want to say it… I'll name you later then, my little meat toilet~."

Moving his hand, Ariana was shocked. She was using her full powers to rein him in, yet he still could fight back. In the end, he could even tear his hand away from her grip, shaking Ariana off his back and standing up without injuries. He was breathing out hot air, visible to the naked eye even in the hot summer daylight. There were no visible marks or injuries on his body, and his animalistic demeanor and posture gave Ariana the creeps, barely able to keep her focus.

"I'll kill you…." Came for the first time, a cold, utterly emotionless voice from Ariana's lips as her aura started to boil and rumble. Unnatural darkness descended onto the square as if an eclipse was happening above them.

"Do it!" Elinus growled, with palpable excitement in his voice, "I wish you would do it! Death is the final and best orgasm in one's life! The ultimate climax!" He shook his body, ready to clash for a second time.

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