Mad God

Chapter 227 – Auction (3)

After Ooda's bid rang out inside the room, it was followed by another, coming only after a few seconds straight from Nuray's mouth.


The quick raise and her voice representing the Spire of Keina immediately made the noble families in the room nervous. Even if Seya had explained before that no rank mattered here, they were still afraid to bid against such a powerful force.


The voice that announced the bid was a surprise for everyone as it came from a smaller noble line, the Ulyx family, which was in nobody's camp as they mostly traded with other kingdoms. They were importing luxuries into Rozex to sell to anyone interested in collecting. To everyone's surprise, no complaining came from the booth of Keina, only a calm voice, without frustration.

"2.700," Nuray said, getting an immediate reply from Ooda.


"3.400," the leader of the Ulyx family voiced his bid, seemingly unafraid of the competition, trusting Seya's previous words.

When no more bids came, Seya gently looked at Keina's booth, and Nuray only shook her head, signaling she wouldn't raise it any further. The same was true for Ooda.

"Final opportunity." Seya said with a raised voice, but when no more bids echoed out, she just formed a slight smile. "Sold." Her voice was firm and strong, coming down as a hammer, and Daryan was already up there, taking the formation plate off the table. He handed it to his people while he placed another item, a little box, in front of everyone.

The fact that the first-ever item was sold to someone who dared to bid against a Spire Lord encouraged everybody else present to be braver next time. Especially after seeing how calm Keina and her entourage were. Even though it was a man who beat them for the formation disk. If a notorious bunch like them were willing to follow the rules, it told the rest they had nothing to fear. Sensing their thoughts, Seya repeated her words again before introducing the second item.

"Don't forget. Wonder Emporium is backed by two Spires. Our rules are ironclad, and we are going to uphold them, no matter what." she smiled before clapping once again. "The next item contains something I am sure every one of you is going to be interested in!" she laughed before opening up the small box, and everyone could see a plum seed-sized, round pill inside. It was mainly green but had thin, swirling white lines around it, while it was surrounded by a solid and stable, light-green hue.

Murmurs immediately ran through the crowd as it was not the first pill they saw, already used to the dozens of such things available in the Wonder Emporium. Everyone present bought at least one such pill, recognizing it as a product for body strengthening. But accompanied by a glow? It was the first time for most to ever see one. Not only were the nobles excited and waiting for Seya's explanation, but even Seya herself. She and the rest were curious too, how much it would sell for as they were consuming these kinds of pills almost every week for their cultivation.

"As most of you are already familiar with the coloring of this pill, you all know this is simply called a 'Body Strengthening Pill.' Yet this version of it is a Tier 2 pill." Seya explained, "What you can buy in the shop is only an inferior version. Wonder Emporium only sells the Tier 0 version of the same pill. Sometimes when we have a good batch, you may be able to purchase a Tier 1 version, but anything higher is reserved for auctions like this." she said slowly, wearing a soft smile through it all.

"Tier 0? It must be the lowest kind then…" rang out a murmur from one of the booths, followed quickly by others.

"I already bought a dozen of those, both of my youngest sons were able to start cultivating with their help and reached the 1st stage in just two weeks!"

"I once saw a Tier 1; it was pulsating with the same hue… but this one has a stable glow around it… not flickering at all." echoed another noble.

"I also saw it. It was bought by the Brightseed Family." came a fourth voice, making a few more courageous eyes travel towards Veponia, who remained unperturbed, even answering in a flat tone.

"It made one of our family members who was stuck at the 5th stage for 20 years reach the 6th stage. In a week."

Her words were a tremendous and effective advertisement. If given to a talented youngster or someone who was stuck at a particular stage… it could do wonders! If a Tier 1 pill could do that, then what they were seeing must be even more valuable!

"The effects of this pill are twice of one in Tier 1," Seya said, drawing their attention back to herself once again. "Of course, taking it at a lower cultivation level can benefit you even more. It helps the cultivator strengthen their bodies, guide the energy they take in, and distribute it effectively. Below the 5th stage, it is guaranteed to have an instant effect and make the progress of your cultivation smoother! It can at least halve the required time to advance a stage! Or even more, if the one who takes it has talent! Above the 5th stage, it is perfect for cultivators who are stuck. It can help anyone to focus and attempt a breakthrough with… around 60% success chance. Or even more, depending on the circumstances and accumulation of the individual." she explained calmly, watching how fidgety everyone became just then. They were clearly more interested in the pill than in the previous item. "The starting price is 2.000 gold pieces."

"What?" not just one person exclaimed at that moment as they expected it to be way more expensive.

"This is just one pill that we are going to sell today. There are more unique ones in the queue!" Seya giggled with an innocent voice, making even Corvux shift in his seat now. He was focusing on the pill with a serious look as he was totally caught off guard by this auction.

"3.000," Nuray's voice rang out immediately, but just as she finished, Yavik spoke up.


"6.000," Ooda countered without a flinch, but then some wealthy nobles also started to chime in, already forgetting who they were fighting against, focusing only on the pill up on the stage.

"If Uncle saw this, he would tear his hair out." Ren held back her laugh while Ariana could do nothing, just sigh and nod beside her.

"This pill is… really nothing. Even back home, we can earn it with the most menial chores… isn't this pill what we were trading with the Elroths?" Ariana looked at her Master with a raised eyebrow.

"Yep!" Ren nodded, "They usually kept the higher tiers for themselves, but the lower ones were sold off. Well, they never reached Rozex or most parts of the Kingdom of Ten. They usually were pocketed by the rulers. It was time the people here finally got in contact with what the future holds! Soon these kinds of pills are going to be the norm, sold just the same as swords and shields on the market."

"Is it good to bring these out from the Sect, Master?" Ariana asked, a bit worried about the notion.

"It is not like I am selling off our Tier 3 pills! Those are the real deal; anything below that is only mediocre. Sooner or later, the first three tiers will become ordinary commodities. I am just reaping a bit of profit before that happens~ Nobody is going to bat an eye in a decade or so! You'll see!" She shook her head with a smirk. "Don't forget, anything below Tier 3 does not stack in effect! Take it once, and then consecutive pills of the same kind are going to have greatly diminishing effects! The fools who buy up dozens of Tier 0 pills are just wasting their money! Not that I am complaining~" she stuck her pink tongue out playfully. "Only pills at Tier 3 and the above levels will have the same effects if taken multiple times. Those pills are reserved for those who are close to me~" Ren winked at Ariana before looking at the back of Seya, who was guiding the bidding war on the stage. Neither Seya, Daryan, nor Balbeer realized what they were eating was, in reality, Tier 3 pills, as they had the same effect no matter how many times they consumed them.

"12.000!" Yavik's forceful, even annoyed, loud voice rang out beside everyone's ears. It was rage-inducing that others dared to raise his prices again and again. Especially as they came with the intention of buying up most things. One pill was now selling for the price of a handful of quality specimens they could experiment on in their Spire, a mind-boggling comparison for him.

On the stage, Seya looked around with a friendly gaze, waiting for the next bid, but deep inside, she was tearing out her hair. 12.000 gold coins?! Are these people insane? Or are they the insane ones who consume 12.000 coins every single week? So willy-nilly?! A noble family had to eat tree bark and whatnot for three or four months to gather that much money. Yet now they were throwing it away like that? Not to mention their 'cultivation allowance' from Ren was four such pills per month?! She felt like fainting right up then and there, almost failing to call out when no more bids came… they were eating literal fortunes every time they cultivated!

"Sold!" She scratched her throat in the end, calming down Yavik, who almost fell over as he yelled out their last bid. He was grabbing to the railings of their booth to keep himself steady. They could finally bag in the first pill, already thinking about how expensive it is going to be to buy the next one.

"Bring me the pill," Corvux spoke up, not masking his voice, and Seya just nodded toward Balbeer. He walked up, flanked by guards, dressed in the amethyst armor set of the Spire of Ren, bringing it to him. Balbeer showed no fear, looking directly into Corvux's eyes, and only gave it over when Yavik presented the gold coins.

When it was finally in Corvux's hand, he just picked it up, twirling it inside his palm and around his fingers, smelling and even licking it. Everyone was watching him in dead silence. Soon they could only feel their jaws drop and their bodies cringe while Corvux crushed the pill, examining the powder the same way Rabout did the first time. Some even wanted to curse him out and start crying. For others, this was 12.000 gold coins flushed down the toilet, a complete waste. Even Seya lost her composure for a brief second. Luckily nobody was looking at her but at Corvux.

"Unique." He whispered only one word before looking up, dusting off his palms while his eyes were watching the curtain, looking through it, directly watching Ren, who was standing behind it.

"He is good." Ren smacked her lips.


"He figured out the ingredients."

"Huh? How?" Ariana blinked her eyes, only believing it because her Master said so.

"It was crafted by Uncle Dermitos. Corvux has Aerthus's bloodline integrated into him. I felt the same thing from him as I felt from Rudrick. Even if it is not perfect… he may have the same affinity towards pills as him. I am sure if given enough time, he could recreate it."

"Master… this is not good!" Ariana whispered, turning nervous.

"Relax. I already decided he has to die." She answered, forming a smile, crossing her arms before her chest. "I would not mind it if he would be like Rabout. Then I would let him reproduce it. Competition brings advancement… but sadly, he is a twisted bastard."

While Ren was talking with Ariana, Corvux did the same with Yavik.

"Bid for every pill. Buy them all." He ordered with a stern and tyrannical voice.

"B-" even before he could finish his words, Yavik received a stare from Corvux, making him leak a few drops of piss into his trousers for the amusement of Elinus. "Yes."

"The next item is something that not everyone present will find valuable," Seya grabbed back their attention with a smile, returning to her calm and collected voice and expression. Everyone else became even more confused after hearing her say it. "It is a spell." She continued while Daryan walked up and placed a thick booklet on the table. It was wrapped in black leather, without any title but with a strange yet interesting symbol. A purple eye, flashing with lightning. "To better explain it, I'll let the one who designed this spell tell you about its effects." she bowed towards the curtain, and Ren slowly walked out, standing before everybody, patting Seya's shoulder with a smile.

"Greetings, I am Ren, Lord of one of the Spires, as most of you know," she spoke up with a smile, looking over everyone while her voice was mild and friendly. "I see most of you still don't dare to look into my eyes." She chuckled, making many nobles flinch, guessing what all this was about. "I don't blame any of you as I know everyone here is told again and again while growing up not to do. I assume you are being scared by bedtime stories while still a child; if you look into a Naulin's eyes, you risk your mind being dominated." She chuckled playfully.

Her words draw a smile onto Corvux's face as it was a great pride for the bloodline, originating from Zelig, who perfected their inherent gift, making it as famous as Aerthus's overwhelming regenerative ability.

"I also experienced its effects firsthand. More than once, when fighting against Rudrick." she spread her arms, drawing the attention of nobles onto herself completely. "Still, he died by my hands, rendering his eyes useless against me!" She exclaimed with a strong force and a proud smirk. "It was not because I have the same gift… but because of this." she patted the booklet, turning not just Corvux's eyes into a small pin, getting nervous, but Keina also perked up in her chair. "As Seya said, this spell is not useful for everyone here. There is a special requirement to cultivate it, and that is…" she raised her hand as lightning was flickering around it. "To have the same affinity as me."

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