Mad God

Chapter 245 – Infiltration

"Everyone is ready!" Emi said, bowing toward Rumira with an excited expression. They were standing on a big tree branch, watching the groups of demons on the clearing, standing in line together like a real army. The wolves and felines were the most organized groups. They were standing at the different ends of the long line, eyeing the other but staying wordless. Previously it was impossible to even imagine foxes, tigers, wolves, chimps, gorillas, or any other demons would work together like this. It would have been a miracle if they did not fight a few minutes after they met. Yet now they were standing here together, organizing themselves into squads, dozens of different tribes and species, all following their designated leaders. The most unique were the ones from Thunder Valley, forming the army's main core. They were all in mixed groups, with multiple different species working together. Each of them had one ape, responsible for the team's protection, an owl and fairy for their air superiority, and then different species for different roles. Some had warthogs in the group, either as squads for a frontline assault or lemurs riding them like cavalry. Some had raccoons, with extra owls paired with them, clearly put together for missions under the veil of the night. The wolves who arrived first looked at them weirdly and even found it funny, but seeing the arriving foxes splitting up and integrating into their groups, quickly made them look much more serious.

"Idiots…" Kago murmured, standing with his trusted comrades and Shadow, still accompanying them with Eisen.

"Woah, calling your own tribes idiots? What happened?" Eisen joked, looking at him with a grin.

"We suffered because the tigers also realized it; a mixed group can be more effective in battle. Yet what was their first reaction now? Giggling like girls in heat!"

"Hey, I giggle even when I'm not soaking down there!" Eisen elbowed him. "Then you just need to step up and do some reforms! Most of the young wolves are looking up to you already, you know! When you made your own team, there were way too many to choose from! You better start getting used to being a leader of your kind so I can become a lazy queen! Raising your puppies in peace!" she laughed nonchalantly, rubbing her exposed, bulging tummy. "They are getting wilder day by day! Clearly growing faster than human babies, they should be out soon!"

"I may do that." Kago nodded, watching his own brethren, hugging her with his wolf tail, tickling her stomach with the end of it. "Just go back to Thunder Valley after we depart, and I'll be back soon."

"Hehe, no worries, I'm not some panicky bitch~ Go have fun; you may even bring home some cute girl; I'm in if you are!"

"I may aim to be an alpha, but I am a loyal one!" he said with a firm voice, but Eisen laughed, snuggling up to him.

"A real alpha can have some concubines. Humans do it too, all the time… my 'little Red Rocket' ~ I'll be your alpha bitch! I'll keep your women in line!" She whispered, gently biting into his pointy, wolf ear, making him stomp quickly with one leg in place as his tail wagged like a propeller behind him.

"Showoffs." Shadow rolled his eyes and was unable to keep himself silent.

"Khm! We'll talk about it later!" Kago scratched his throat while his men looked away as if they saw nothing. "For now, I need to do something!" he let her go gently, fixing his clothing and walking towards the big cats' side.

"Should we…?" one of the younger wolves asked, but Eisen just shook her head.

"Relax, your captain knows what he is doing!"

Seeing the arriving wolf, some tigers quickly stood still, but a low growl coming from Sengge made them stand back. He walked forward calmly, greeting the young wolf.

"You are Sengge, right? The new leader of the Feline Alliance?" Kago asked, watching the lion king who became the head of the reformed territory of Harimau.

"Yes." He nodded with a friendly smile. "And you must be Kago. I heard a lot about you!"

"Not all good things, I assume." he smiled, stretching his hand out, which surprised not just the tigers, cougars, panthers, and lions standing there but the wolves too, who were watching, ready to jump in if a fight would break out.

"The bad things were also only bad because we stood on different sides." Sengge laughed, accepting the hand and shaking it firmly.

"The ones who were responsible are dead. The past can't be changed, and we need to grow up." he shook his head, letting go of his hand. "You have a good grip!"

"Haha! You too!" Sengge shook his hand, patting his back. "What can I do for you?"

"Do you know a jaguar, Tylvana?" Kago asked.

"Of course. Why?"

"I wanted to meet with her after hearing her exploits in Thunder Valley." He looked around, not seeing her anywhere. "She won't come?"

"No." The lion king shook his head, "She disappeared in the mountains; the last time she sent back a report, she said she was surveying a newfound path leading deep into the uncharted mountains. Going by her letter, she would not contact us for at least a few years."

"I see… I also entertained the idea of going north." he sighed, then shook his head. "But I can't do it yet. Anyway, I came because I want to form a group with some of your people!"

"Oh?" Sengge exclaimed while he raised his eyebrows.

"If there are volunteers from your group who are willing to work with mine, we could form a strong squad. Our ears and noses are sharper than yours, best for scouting and encircling the enemy. Your raw strength and the sharpness of your claws are stronger than ours, so we could complement each other."

"An Ice Wolf asking for cooperation… That is not what I would have imagined a year or so ago!" He sighed with honest admiration in his voice. "I'll make arrangements!"

"Looking forward to it!" Kago smiled, looking at the other big cats and seeing some eyes that were filled more with curiosity than animosity.


While the demons' army was getting ready to march, in the capital city of the Lotharin Kingdom, named Kübel, Ludwigh was meeting with the reinforcement from the Immortal Wonders Sect. They were led by Zern, followed by his three disciples. A little bit later, Isha, Zaphil, Heldi, and Jishan also arrived, catching up with them. As Frode was focusing the army on Paoma's city, the pressure on Ludwigh was significantly less. Yet he still had to deal with multiple squads of Heaven's Gate disciples raiding any scouts or troops he sent out, making him stuck in his own kingdom.

"I'll stay with Zaphil here and make sure the city is not infiltrated, and you are safe," Zern said as they were inside the palace, having a strategic meeting before a huge, detailed map of the kingdom, plastered all over the wall. "My disciples will scout outwards, recording our points of interest, where our enemies are, and where they raised their camps."

"I have no objection." Ludwigh nodded, "Should I send troops out to draw them out? So you can follow them back to their lair?"

"It would risk their lives," Isha spoke up, but her voice was calm and not condescending.

"We are soldiers. Our lives are always in danger." The King answered.

"Can't argue with that." Jishan spread his arms in agreement.

"Um…" Heldi stepped forward, "I can maintain an illusion for an hour or two… if I am with them, I can make it look like a bigger group than it is in reality. If they attack, I can make them think they are killing us, but they would be only illusionary bodies."

"How perfect would it be?" Ludwigh asked, already interested in the idea. As a response, Heldi just waved her hand, and another Ludwigh appeared. He was moving, mimicking every twitch of the King's body simultaneously, and when touched, it felt genuine. When Heldi waved again, it quickly turned into smoke, dispersing into the air. "Damn… That is scary!"

"It is harmless. They have zero power to deal damage… but they are perfect for something like this!" She smiled with a shy expression.

"I'll go with her!" Jishan stepped up, "I can protect her and the others if something goes wrong!"

"Good." Isha and Zern agreed at the same time. "I will also go and draw the attention of Heaven's Gate on me at the northern fortresses placed alongside the old Enjin borders." Isha said as she looked at the map, "I can intercept any reinforcement sent from Heaven's Gate."

"Be careful. If you draw Zelig out…." Zern looked at her with a bit of worry in his eyes.

"I'll run if it comes to that!" She chuckled. "But I don't think he will have time to worry about that if Emi and the rest of the demons, plus that troublemaker one-handed idiot, step into action!"

"One-handed?" Ludwigh raised an eyebrow, not really understanding what they were talking about.

"We had a few of our own infiltrate the capital city of Nervadask," Zern explained with a small smile. "They are there to get ready when the demons reach it and cause trouble from the inside!"

"How did you infiltrate a place like that?" Ludwigh exclaimed with surprise.

"It was easier than you think!" Isha stuck her tongue out while answering, "As slave traders, Reignar and Poli easily infiltrated the city alongside others. With Orsi going with them, her influence on people's souls is perfect for influencing their subconsciousness. They simply forget to be suspicious."

"They are as good as finished." Zern nodded, "I just hope Poli can keep himself in check until the demons arrive.

"I would be more worried about Kyu. She insisted on going with them." Isha tilted her head, placing her hands on her waist as she looked at the map on the wall.

"She grew up a lot!" Zern sighed with a bit of a nostalgic feeling inside of him. "She was the one who suggested she should serve as a demonic slave, pulling their carriage and acting as a show of wealth for Poli and Reignar. Since coming back from Thunder Valley, she has acted properly. Most of the time."

"Most of the time." Isha agreed, with a nod and a smile, remembering how she was the first time she turned into her human form.


Inside Frode's home city, Skarta, Reignar, and Poli were relaxing in their rented-out courtyard. Their disguise as wealthy slave merchants and bribes paid out to the guards made their infiltration into the capital city way too easy. Kyu was still in her bear form, resting in the garden and serving as their guard. Inside the house, Orsi was serving tea for them.

"Where is Lacuss?" Reignar asked, raising the cup to his mouth.

"He has gone out and looking for buying 'worthy' slaves. In short, he is scouting out the layout of the city."

"Mmm…" Reignar nodded, looking with an apologizing expression at Orsi, who was wearing a slave collar. "Even as a fake one, it looks horrible on you…."

"Ahaha, no worries, Young Master! It is not that bad!" Orsi giggled, touching it on her neck. "It's like a unique necklace!"

"When will you two marry?" Poli asked with a grin, making her blush, but Reignar just fell silent, asking back in the end.

"And you?"

"Soon." Poli nodded, "After all this, I plan to move completely into the foxes' village with Emi."

"Are you leaving the Sect?" Orsi asked with apparent surprise in her voice.

"No, I'll be the direct contact between them and us. When that happens, I'll ask for her hand from Queen Rumira herself!" he smiled proudly, even showing a shining, golden ring he had crafted in the past weeks. "I am serious~ You two also should step it up! We may live a long life, but that does not mean we should wait for everything to just happen!"

"I-" Reignar tried to speak, but Orsi quickly cut in.

"I am fine with how things are!" she smiled honestly, answering Poli, yet her words were mainly aimed at Reignar. "I'd be Young Master's little maid forever instead of turning our relationship into something weird!" she bowed, excusing herself before leaving as she felt her face turning bright red.

"Why are you hesitating?" Poli asked, watching Reignar after Orsi had left the room.

"Because she is too pure for me. You know how I was!"

"So? You kicked the old habits, no?"

"I did. But I know myself; I am addicted to it. I think about those days a lot… and miss them a lot. If I start again, I'll fall back to living like that!" Reignar sighed with a half-smile.

"Are you talking about… sex?" Poli coughed, almost choking on the tea as Reignar nodded, not knowing Orsi was listening from the other side of the door.

"My whole cultivation was and still is based on that!" Reignar explained as he leaned back. "That is why I have trouble advancing in the Harmony realm; the 2nd stage seems so far for me… Haaah! When she was little, I took her with me on my little tours, and she was sitting in the adjacent room of an inn while I was having girls and boys accompany me as I cultivated!"

"If you put it that way… I can see what you mean." Poli murmured, "Still… So what? You are in Harmony now; you can resist it. You have been showing it for years by now that you are resisting it!"

"I do. I am trying to find a new way for myself… But if I take it to the next level with her and fall back to my old habits, I don't think I could be what she imagines I would be… Look, I was a fiend, okay?" He rubbed his temple with a troubled voice. "I don't want to soil her! I love her too much for that!"

Hearing him saying that, Orsi's heart leaped right into her throat as her eyes became watery and filled with otherworldly happiness. What she did not realize, and neither did anyone else present, was that this revelation resonated so strongly with her soul and mind she reached a new level in her unique path of cultivation. Comparable to those who were in the Harmony level.

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