Madam, you don’t want your husband to know, right?

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

And Su Yawen’s delicate face.

Red as a ripe apple.

It can be seen that she is very shy at this time.

Seeing this photo, Lin Gaoyuan was excited to pound the mattress!

Su Yawen actually sent the selfie obediently!

That’s the first step to success!

I didn’t expect the beautiful landlady who usually stands high on herself.

It’s so vulnerable!

The photos are just appetizers though.

What follows will be an even bolder attempt!

Just as Lin Gaoyuan was planning his next move.

Unexpectedly, Su Yawen sent another message.

“Don’t circulate the photos, or I’ll call the police!”

See this message.

Lin Gaoyuan suddenly found that he sometimes didn’t understand women.

They themselves show off their good bodies in the circle of friends every day.

But he is secretive about the photos sent to the opposite sex alone.

This photo is just an ordinary selfie.

What if it gets out?

Didn’t dwell much about this.

Lin Gaoyuan registered a WeChat ID with the newly applied number.

The avatar is pure black.

The nickname is an X!

X stands for the unknown and the mysterious.

Very much in line with my current identity!

After the account application is completed, the next step is to add Su Yawen.

It didn’t take long for Su Yawen to pass the request.

Before Lin Gaoyuan could speak.

Su Yawen asked first: “Who are you?” ”

“Don’t ask if you shouldn’t ask, you just need to know and listen to me.”

The message was sent.

Su Yawen did not reply.

After half a ring, she sent another message, “Five hundred thousand, this is already the limit I can take out, how about rotting this secret in my stomach?” ”

“Do you think I’m missing half a million?”

Lin Gaoyuan installed a small B.

Now I don’t have to short of 500,000.

Don’t say half a million.

Fifty pieces for themselves.

But for the big fish in the back.

Naturally, you can’t be tempted by this thing!

Su Yawen didn’t expect that the other party would be so strong.

After thinking about it for a long time, she asked again, “So what do you want?” ”

“Don’t ask me what I want, ask what you can give!”

“What can I give?”

“Hmph, take another selfie of yourself.”

Seeing this request, Su Yawen’s brows furrowed again, “Didn’t I send it to you just now?” ”

“This selfie is a little different, I want you to pat your leg!”

“Legs?” So private, Su Yawen instinctively refused, “No, change to another request.” ”

Who knew that the message was sent, but the other party did not reply immediately.

I thought the other party was thinking about other requests.

But the clock passed.

He didn’t even send a punctuation mark.

The news is like a sea of stones.

Su Yawen was confused first.

There are all kinds of guesses in my mind.

He won’t tell Jiaming his secret, right?

You can’t really do that, will you?

It’s just that he didn’t send him a photo of his legs?


Thinking of this, Su Yawen suddenly regretted it.

What is reserved for yourself?

If only this matter was known by Jiaming.

It’s not as simple as a photo!

The more she thought about it, the more anxious she became, and she felt that she took the initiative, “Don’t you want a photo, I’ll send it to you right away.” ”

As soon as it was sent, the other party resumed a smile, “Wouldn’t it be good to be so dry earlier!” ”

The other party finally replied, which made Su Yawen feel relieved in her heart.

But now that the other party wants a photo, do you really want to take it for him?

She looked at her slender legs under the table.

I still can’t get over this hurdle in my heart.

But if you don’t shoot him.

Maybe his old public horse will know about 20 million things.

How about finding a random photo of your leg on the Internet and sending it to him?

He didn’t know if it was his own photo.

The sudden inspiration made Su Yawen happy.

However, when she opened the computer’s browser, her slender hand that was about to type on the keyboard stopped.

Just now I posted a selfie past.

Inside were the clothes I wore today.

If you find a random photo yourself, perfunctory him.

It will definitely be discovered by him.

What if he gets angry and pokes his secret out?

After a moment of entanglement, she still reached for her phone.

When the phone’s camera is pointed at the legs.

The sweat on Su Yawen’s palms came out.

After groping for a long time, she took a picture from the side.

The finished film is not very good-looking, and the light is a bit dark.

But it doesn’t affect his long legs in the photo.

It was the first time I had sent this kind of photo to a strange man.

Thinking of this, she was both apprehensive and shy in her heart.

The whole face is also hot.

“Alas, forget it!” Su Yawen sighed, “I hope that after he receives this photo, he won’t be too aggressive!” ”

She simply said that the photo was selected.

As soon as I closed my eyes, I sent it directly.

After sending it, she threw the phone screen to the black screen.

Don’t dare to look at your phone anymore.

At this end, Lin Gaoyuan was a little impatient.

Just wanted to urge Su Yawen, WeChat rang.

In the chat box, there was an extra beautiful leg wrapped in flesh-colored stockings.

This can be seen from the exposed green floral dress.

The owner of these legs is indeed Su Yawen.

Lin Gaoyuan nodded with satisfaction.

This Su Yawen is already a bit on the road!

Who would have thought?

The beautiful landlady will also send herself this kind of photo.

But that’s just the beginning.

I will let the noble lady who usually looks down on herself.

Slowly sink under your feet!

Next, try something more radical.

Although it is the first time to do this kind of thing.

But usually Lin Gaoyuan does not watch this kind of movie.

There is almost a complete tutorial in the movie.

How to make a wife and friends.

I just need to repeat the tutorial in the movie.

It should be very good to get started!

Thinking of this, Lin Gaoyuan smiled.

He sent a message again, “Ms. Su really has a pair of peerless beautiful legs, and I still envy your husband.” ”

Although Su Yawen on this end did not dare to look at her mobile phone.

But I was also curious about how the other party would react when he received the photo.

Her heart was entangled for a long time before she slowly reached out to touch her mobile phone.

However, as soon as I got my phone, WeChat rang.

When you see the appreciation sent by the other party.

In addition to being shy, it also made her a little proud.

At the beginning, many people fell under their pomegranate skirts.

The first beautiful leg on campus is not blown.

But the next moment she was frightened by her own thoughts.

What are you thinking?

Isn’t it imperative to get rid of this man’s entanglement?

How can you be complacent because of a compliment from the other party?

“Su Yawen, Su Yawen, you have to be sober!”

Su Yawen shook her head.

Throw out all those unclean thoughts.

Now it’s time to fight back yourself!

Just as she was about to negotiate terms with the other party.

The message came again, “This time I want to see Madame take some seductive photos!” ”

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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