Madame General, Don’t Aggravate Me!

Chapter 438 - Fan Wai: Mo Zi Ling and Harmon (23)

Mo Ziling rolled his eyes, shook him away, and grunted: “What’s the matter with you. Free-fee-first-issue → [chasing] [book] [help]”

Harmon is not stupid, he quickly admitted again: “I’m sorry, sorry, Zi Ling, you are a big blessing star, I’m Harmon’s big blessing star, you will definitely give me a healthy and healthy prince. It’s just Doctor Chuqi Why do n’t you explain clearly when speaking? “

Mo Ziling sneered: “The concubine just wanted to see if your majesty would be loyal to the concubine because of the prince. Fortunately, your response to Dr. Church did not disappoint the concubine, otherwise, the blame concubine would not forgive you. “

Harmon Hanhan smiled: “Well, how dare? Even if there is no child, they will not marry another person. But, the two grandfathers and grandchildren have always been loyal to me, and now such a thing, I am sorry for her, How to solve it? “

Mo Ziling pointed at Hamon’s forehead angrily, and said: “You are a stupid goose. You just didn’t say it, you didn’t really doubt it. You didn’t hear the teacher said, that lily Is there rosemary in it? It must be inseparable from Lorna! Otherwise, why didn’t she shout? Why not resist? “

“Exactly, Your Majesty,” Su Bi said, “not to mention, just want to lead the snake out of the hole. If this matter is related to the previous dynasty, then someone will naturally speak for Lorna tomorrow morning. Let’s watch the changes and see who it is By speaking for Lorna, you can understand who the person colluding with Lorna is. “

Harmon suddenly realized.

In the early morning of the next day, there were indeed a number of veterans who played and asked Narona to be the concubine. Among them, Hawthorne admonishment is the most intense. The attached ministers are all Hawthorne, Mullen did not participate. Seeing this, Harmon already knew.

Hawthorne and others naturally blamed the emperor for being the root of all generations. Harmon’s temper was not good at all, and he would be furious if he was usual.

But today, Su Biluo and others took control of him in the back, so he calmly said that he had to consider it, and then retreated, telling Su Biluo about the situation and asking her to make up her mind.

Su Biluo said: “Understood. I’ll go talk to Doctor Church. I went out to talk to the people this morning and talked about some things. I asked Doctor Church to confirm.”

Afterwards, Su Biluo took the lily and went to the doctor’s office to find Dr. Church. When Dr. Qiu saw Su Biluo, he still showed great enthusiasm and made tea, took snacks, and invited Su Biluo to sit down.

Su Biluo just pursed his lips and smiled, then stopped talking.

Church saw that she had something to say, and sent the eunuchs and doctors, and then asked: “Mrs. Su Dahe is here, is it for Lorna’s sake.”

Su Biluoyingying smiled and said, “Yeah, neither.”

Church said: “Please advise!”

Su Biluo stared at Qiuqi and sighed: “Looking back at the relationship between you and me, it has been several years. Mrs. Ben has always admired you very much. Anyway, in the past, you also saved my life, so I hope to be honest with you. Announcement. I was companionship with Tumi in Xixia. Tumi was the daughter of Tuhuang Yu, and you once studied with Tuhuang Yu, right? “

Qiuqi heard the words, his face suddenly blue and white.

He knew that intelligence was like Su Biluo, and if he could ask this question, he already knew a lot of things. Therefore, he knew that he did not want to hide it. He nodded honestly, “Yes.”

“I just want to know that when Mo Xiangjun chased and killed Tu Huangyu, why were you timid and afraid of dying and hid to save you. Later, when you took the medical books and medicine, you couldn’t even take care of Xiao Tumei. Even if you are young, you wo n’t be seen by Tuoba Hong, and you will definitely not have a good life in Xixia. Even if you want to return to Zhongze, you can bring her back to Zhongze to raise up, in order to repay the kindness taught by Tu Huangyu. “” Su Biluo sharply asked, step by step.

Qiu Qi froze for a long while, Fang Chang sighed: “Eh, yes, this thing can not be avoided. It is indeed my fault. At that time, I was really greedy for life and fear of death. I knew that I could not beat Mo Xiangjun, and I was not willing to waste it. Sending his life, this is why Gu runs away. “

Su Biluo’s heart was cold for a while: “Really? Why don’t you put Tumi on your escape?”

Qiu Qi regretted: “At that time, Nanman was like a sun, and I was a wild land. I was greedy with greed and bullying. Mo Xiangjun was a spicy person. How could I cut the grass and not remove the roots? If I take Tumi with me, then It will definitely bring disaster to Zhongze. For my kindness, how can I dare to bring disaster to Zhongze? How can I dare to bite my teeth and give up my compassion. “

“In this way, you study medicine, you are greedy for life, and you are afraid of death, and you are saved for death, all for Zhongze?” Su Biluo kept asking.

“Yeah,” Church said sadly. “If it wasn’t for the strength of Nakazawa, how could I do that? Nakazawa originally had a small population on the spot. If the disease spreads again, then the population will only decrease. I can’t Do n’t do it. Afterwards, I was very upset. So, I adopted Lorna that year. Lorna was younger than Tami, but also a beautiful little orphan, I met Lorna, just I moved my heart, adopted her, and hurt her, but it was also a compensatory psychology for Tumi, I hope she can forgive me. “

Su Biluo was taken aback, thoughtfully: “It turns out that Lorna was actually adopted?”

“Yeah,” Church said, “It is because of a responsibility to her and an additional compensation psychology that I hope her life-long event can also find a Ruyi Langjun smoothly and smoothly. I always knew She likes Her Majesty. I once persuaded her to find someone who loves her for the rest of her life, but her infatuation is difficult to change. Now it happens that His Majesty’s drinking was wrong and it made her innocent. But now it seems that this is indeed impossible. “

“Of course not.” Su Biluo sneered. “My daughter married in the General Mansion has no reason to be bullied. The queen and her majesty once sworn together, how can you change because of Lorna? Now, the name of Her Majesty Xu Lorna, and In order to find Ruyi Langjun for her, she should be content. Besides, even if she got what she wanted, she married her majesty, but her majesty did not pity her, only when she was the tool of succession, let her look at the queen and her majesty. Eun love, is it good for Lorna? “

“Eh …” Church said with a long sigh. “I understand this too. Mrs. Su went to the Taiji Pavilion today to warn me and Lorna? If so, Church accepts it, but from now on, please allow Church to resign from Taiji To return to the private sector and become an ordinary doctor. “

Su Biluo sneered: “Why should Dr. Church be so disheartened? Madam Ben is not here today to warn you, but to ask you to do some analysis and analysis.”

“What’s busy?” Church asked.

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