Madman’s Retirement

Chapter 12: Technique

Dain was having a hard time choosing.

Because he had nothing to choose.

Only one technique stood before him. “Earthly Rotations, The Heaven’s move?” he read aloud, as he looked questioningly at Grant. Grant could only shrug helplessly. “You use a greatsword Dain, there aren’t many cultivators out there who use greatsword, so there’s only one technique I actually have for you. An old friend of mine, the stubborn-headed bull he was, created the technique himself. Gave me a copy of the manual. Lucky you, you get to use it.”

Grant willed Grata Minn to change, and it obeyed, slowly changing into a plain greatsword, which he then began swinging. He did not stop, and with each blow the blade seemed to increase in strength, each blow greater than the next, and soon he seemed to be a miniature storm, and only a cultivator could see through the fierce wind he was producing.

“zhòng shǒu used his sword in constant momentum,” hollered Grant over the loud wind. “In order to increase power in battle, he never paused in a fight. He does not block, because he never went on the defense. Even when he retreated in battle, he was merely winding his blade in preparation for greater attacks. To use his method is to be the unyielding storm. He calls it “Earthly Rotations, The Heavens Move” because when he used it, people claimed he caused the Earth itself to rotate faster, and the Heavens to recoil in fear. Not quite true, but you get why it’s called this.” He stopped suddenly, willing his blade to melt back into a plain sword once more. “it’s a good technique. Once you’ve mastered it, you’ll find it quite useful in developing a new path forward, should you choose to do so.”

Natalie had been ignoring the conversation the whole time, and had been looking for something more to her taste. By the time he turned around she’d already picked out something.

“The Yin Shadow world Technique.” Grant nodded thoughtfully. “A powerful assassination technique. I thought you would pick out a bow and arrow technique like “The Hand of Apollo” over there, but I’m sure this will be equally beneficial. I did leave you the option.” “Where did you get this one teacher? Where did you get this one!” Natalie asked excitedly. While she had been picking out her own, she was listening to Dain talk with Grant about zhòng shǒu who he’d gotten the manual from. So she wanted to know where this one came from. Ooh, ooh, and a demonstration too. “Ah, the “Yin Shadow World Technique” Grant rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “That one belonged to an ex of mine. Christmas exchange y’know. I got this technique and she got a chain type technique that a friend helped my improve.”

A faint ringing of chains went off in the background in response to that.

Grant flipped through it, remembering that he hadn’t really ever used the technique. Luckily he wouldn’t be the one teaching Natalie. She was rather smart, no matter how little she showed it, and that old friend of his would love to teach her.

“This technique isn’t really about bows, but more about ambush, which can mesh well if you work on it. The technique focuses on messing with the perception of your opponent, and controlling the darkness. It’s great for blending in and reconnaissance.”

He took them out of his realm, and left them there to read. He was sure they would have a very enlightening experience.

Dain came to, after having trying to read the book. For some reason, when he tried reading the book, the book knocked him out, and when he came to, he found himself in a plain. Well, at least it felt like a plain. Everywhere he looked, it was nothing but flat area.

In the center of it all was one man, dressed rather simply, dressed no different from the average soldier. The second he came to, he felt a piercing stare, and it seemed even miles away from him, the man could see him.

In a second, the man was no longer far away, but standing right above him, staring down at Dain, who could only look up at the man, who felt like he was the skies himself.

He was tall. And holding a huge ass sword, that Dain couldn’t even call a greatsword, for this sword felt greater than Dain’s greatsword for sure.

Black hair sprawling across his back messily, and golden eyes with black pupil’s Dain felt like he was staring down a beast. The beast smiled, revealing a rather toothy grin.

“Well, well, well! That mad bastards brought me fresh meat! Ah HAHAHAHA!”

Dain felt very uncomfortable.

When Natalie came to, she got up immediately, readying her bow, and checking all her weaponry. Checking her surroundings, she found herself in a world of complete darkness, where the only thing she could see was the floor beneath her, a small patch of grass. Natalie began doing quick calculations, trying to figure out Grant’s angle here. ‘Obviously that man wouldn’t bother trying to kill us now. He seems like the type to pact on a whim sure, but he’s also unlikely to kill us. Grant’s already spent weeks on us and hasn’t seen the fruits of his labor yet. Then again, he acts on a whim…’ As she’s thinking, she feels an instinctive tug and immediately moves, just lucky enough to dodge 4 daggers, getting nicked by 1.

“Tsk tsk. 4 out of 5 isn’t bad, but I’ve had better. The thought process is alright. That young fool has brought me trouble hmm.

The darkness moved back a few meters, revealing an elegant woman, seemingly in her early 20s, draped in a silky dress with bright flowery adornments far in contrast to the dark night, as she danced along the grass, with a fan in her hand. Despite seemingly holding no weapons, Natalie felt herself on high alert. The woman felt dominant and dangerous, far beyond what Natalie could handle.

Closing the fan, the lady had a smiling face, yet Natalie could easily sense the poison in her eyes as she eyed her like a slab of meat.

“Let us see if you’re worthy of our sect’s secrets”

This was going to be hard.

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