Madman’s Retirement

Chapter 36: Campfire

Knock knock knock

"Come in." came the gruff voice of Granite, as Grant obliged, opening the door.

Granite, pausing in his packaging, gives Grant a surprised look, "How did you-"

he shrugged. "Never mind. What are you here for?" he shot straight.

"Well, I thought we could grab a meal and have a talk about your departure, and how I could help you?"

Granite shrugged. "Sure. Your treat."

"Alright, let's head downstairs; I've been wanting to talk to the bartender ever since I came from the last city anyway. "

"Bartender, a full meal for me and Granite here, huh?" hollered Grant, as he indicated towards the two.

The bartender, a large man, smiled and put up his thumb, before setting to work.

"Weirdest thing, y'know? I'm pretty sure I met his brother at some point, and while they do sure look the same, this one doesn't have that weird stereotypical Russian accent."

Granite rolled his eyes. "Grant, you said you had something to say?" he huffed.

Grant nodded. "Alright then, straight to business then."

With a waive of his hand, the whole bar went quiet. People were still moving, living, acting, and yet, they seemed unaware of them. No one noticed the magic circle, naturally moving around them without thought, not even a glance at them.

Like this whole space didn't exist in their mind.

Looking around, the minotaur's eyes landed on a magic circle that had seemingly weaved its way into the guild's interior, surrounding them.

"A magician too?" he asked, as one eyebrow raised.

Grant chuckled. "I'm a man of many talents."


"What did you want to talk about?" the minotaur asked.

"Well, I wanted to ask you a favor."

"I did not believe us close enough to ask favors."

"And I believe this favor can benefit the both of us."

The minotaur sighed. "You did save my life last time. Very well then."

"Alright, so..."

The minotaur looked skeptical at the offer.

"I must be frank; I do not see how this benefits me."

Granite had no problem being straight forward about his issue.

Grant had requested that Granite would train Marcus and Ben, and in turn they could protect his wife

"Could you not claim that any other adventurer could suffice? There is no reason to train these two in particular."


Without a word spoken, Grant popped the cork off a vial of blood, pushing it before Granite.

"Smell." He spoke.

With a sniff, Granite's face curled. "This blood... it belongs to something strong."

To this Grant nodded in agreement. Despite how he acted now, Granite was a monster, and like any monster, can recognize superior bloodlines.

This wasn't the blood of Marcus or Ben, but of a direwolf.

Of course, this didn't matter currently, the effect was about the same.

"Indeed." Grant agreed. "Who do you think this came from?"

Granite gave him a hard look. "Perhaps it belongs to the two you have mentioned?" he asked.

"Bingo" Grant clicked his fingers. "The two seemed to have run upon a streak of luck and awakened some dormant bloodline within them."


The stare intensified. "What a coincidence that you've managed to find such a pair." he commented mildly sarcastic.

Grant shrugged. "Chance or fate, it hardly matters does it. What really matters is that these two are stronger than your average beastman, and beastmen are already known for their strength. And with such strength, it would hardly be a task to protect a pregnant woman, no?"

Granite had to admit that this wasn't a bad idea. The blood smelled strong, a signal of a stronger being, the taste of potential.

If such a person were to protect his wife when she became pregnant, couldn't he come back to deal with the problem?

Of course, he was ignoring the fact his father in-law had said that to drive him away, but for some reason that thought wasn't entering his mind right now.

After a moment, he responded. "I'll consider it once I see them."

Grant grinned. Wonderful.


And everything was back to normal.

Granite looked at him. "How are you doing that?" he asked, genuinely curious.

Grant shrugged. "Mental magic. I just scrub this area out of their mind temporarily. Looking in the direction of the magic circle erases their processing of us in their mind, the very fact they saw us, causing them to continue looking past us. Forced ignorance. "

"Convenient." Noted the minotaur.


Marcus trembled a bit under the gaze of the minotaur, while little Ben puffed up, seemingly trying to look bigger in front of the minotaur.

A failure by all means, but still adorable to look upon.

The minotaur studied them, as he sniffed them.

After satisfying his curiosity, he nodded.

"You're right, their potential... is great."

He looked at Ben the puffed up little beast man. "He's young, but he has spirit."

"I can see the merit in your decision. Very well, I agree."

Marcus looked relieved, though still took a step back from the minotaur, while Ben got another lollipop.

They left the next day.

Trailing behind the small group of three, another small group could be seen trailing them, a group of 20, this better armed then the last.

When it was discovered that the minotaur had plans to leave the city, there was one last bid put into the works to kill the minotaur and publicly have the body strewn up to provoke tension amongst the people.

They were a threat to his venture. He had promised Granite that he would keep potential trackers off his trail.

This time it was not merely lower-level adventurers with good equipment, but a band of 20 C-ranks, all with decent equipment well beyond their worth.

They were far more competent than the last group.

And that was why they reacted faster when it started.

At first it was only chills and headache's nothing much. It was ignored, but that would change when the next few symptoms started showing up.

Sore bodies.

Coughs could be heard amongst the adventurers.

At some point it started getting worse, spreading, and by this point the group was well aware something was going on.

Treatment began. Healing spells, medicine, and prayer were put forth and to good use.

It was too late though, and more than half the group was sick.

The normal efforts were not working.

It was the work of an artifact!

Before they could react, the effect accelerated, as people began dropping like flies.

"No, more like rats. No, humans. Those were the main carriers if I recall correctly." Grant muttered to himself as he wandered through the plague-ridden bodies.

Those spasming bodies, coughing and gagging as the pain overtook them.

Blood had stained the fair ground.

"How nostalgic." murmured Grant as he kicked one.

Reacting to the kick, the C rank spat blood on his foot.

Grant merely spat before kicking the man.

"It's not painless, but it is quick. Behold my generosity."

Anyway, body hiding time!

Might not sound like fun to some, but that didn't mean it all had to be depressing.

"An old friend of mine used to tell me that one should take joy in everything one does." Grant paused. "Was it my friend?" he wondered, thinking hard.


"Oh well. I think incineration is the special of the day. That is how one clears plagues." he commented as he whipped out his torch artifact.

A wonderfully smoky smell came into the air, and it invited Grant to go camping.

Grant had marshmallows after that.


The abyssites are a species that evolved from ammonites, having fled to the abyssal sea in order to survive, one of the most dangerous realms in existence. 

Miraculously, they've survived to the modern day, like filter feeders, feeding on anything they can get their tentacles on, which may include unfortunate visitors to the abyss, malgaem, wisps, and other low-mid tier monsters. 

Abyssites may retain their squid like main body, but their shell has greatly changed, as the shell has become transparent, revealing the insides of the shell, as the shell has ballooned, no longer retaining their spiral shape. It now has a more bulbous, unnatural ball-like form, in order to better fit the abyssite's new body.

And the inside of the shell? The translucent shell now reveals a humongous eye, that has taken up the inside of the shell, using it as a magnification glass to amplify the eye's powers and ability to navigate the darkness. 

This eye is not a separate individual, but merely a new organ that has developed, acting as it's way of navigating the abyssal sea, as well as target enemies. 

Of course, since ammonites travel much like octopuses do, the result is that instead of looking like a cephalopod, it looks more like a giant eyeball traveling at you, and they do use this as a form of camouflage, traveling in groups acting as if they were the eyes of a greater creature, in the hopes of dispelling dangerous predators. It does work on the less sapient beings at least. 

On Earth, much like many abyssal creatures, they make valuable familiars, and are dangerous creatures to leave alone. Although they may be fodder in the Abyssal sea, on Earth, they are A-class monsters, causing many eye related status effects using that unnatural eye. 

Mass hysteria and insanity tends to follow them



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