Mage Wall – The split between worlds (Breast/butt expansion story)

16. Sticks and stones

From atop a spire of stone, surrounded by towers of similar height, Abigail stared down at a black circular door sticking out of the cavern wall. The door, marked with blue symbols entirely alien to her, was supposedly a vault. Somehow, she was supposed to find a way inside.

Which she would, if she wasn't waiting for her backup to finally arrive. Seven bandits, sent by Sarill to both help her and keep an eye on her, she was sure. Six of which she thought she had fought and knocked out when she broke into their fort. But the seventh one was the bandit with the silver spear, Baric.

He was the only one she felt was an actual threat. 

If he ever got here that is. Which, after another fifteen minutes of waiting, he did. Then after another five, the other bandits arrived as well. 

When they all found their way under her after a minute or two of searching, she fell from her perch and landed amongst them. The bandits that hadn't noticed she was above them, jumped when she hit the ground. While those that had gave her an amused look.

Only Baric gave her an amused look.

Then he turned and pointed at the vault ahead. "I lead. All of you follow."

Abigail brushed off her new dress as she considered that. "After you tried to kill me? No thanks. I'll lead." Then, before Baric could respond she bolted off.

Her feet carried her toward the vault as the wind blew through her hair. The black of her dress a shadow waving behind her, daring the bandits to try and keep up. They didn't. Instead they began a slow march with Baric in the front, his spear held out defensively.

Abigail almost laughed at the sight. She'd been out her for over half an hour and she hadn't seen any defenses the whole time. If the vault had any they were most certainly inside.

But, right as she thought that, the ground began to shake. It began as a rumble and then grew into a full blown quake. The scale of which knocked her off her feet and onto her butt. A landing that was annoyingly cushioned.

It also gave her the perfect vantage point to watch as a boulder rose up out of the ground right in front of her. A boulder that she slowly realized was the face of a golem. 

Blue lines swirling up and down the surface of it's body. Head shaped like a lumpy potato, its eyes two little green pebbles that bore into her. Lastly, and most importantly, it was shaped like a bulky man. If he was shaped out of rocks. Which if Abigail remembered correctly was a sign that whoever built this golem definitely knew what they were doing, as humanoid shaped golems were more than just hard to make.

They were also pretty good at squashing people.

So, when Abigail saw the golem's massive foot coming down towards her, she did the smart thing and dived out of its way. Then, as her body rebelled against her with an impossible to ignore jiggle, she crawled to her feet. As she did, the rocks beneath her, simple at first, rose into the air with a blue glow.

She turned and watched as they flew to the golem and clung to it's body as it let out an earth shaking roar. When it was done singing it's war cry, it turned it's eyes on her. Red little pebbles that somehow had furrowed brows.

Abigail didn't know golems could have brows. A detail that seemed entirely irrelevant when the golem swung a tree trunk sized fist at her. One that she barely dodged out of the way of, putting some space between her and it. 

A gap the golem closed with a swing of it's other arm, forcing her to dodge out of the way again. Then again and again. Each every time, though, she noticed the golem's arms lighting up right before it attacked. 

As it's veins did so again, she dashed forward. Jumping onto the golems arm right before it moved. Then she struck. Fist descended like a sledgehammer onto the blue flow. 

The result was a blast of liquid Ardin gushing out. It flew in every direction. Splashing even onto her skin, and it burned. It was like fire, hot and searing and too painful to keep quiet about. The scream that erupted from her lungs couldn't be stopped. Nor could the sudden surge of power she felt that followed.

Or the golem's arm falling off its body with her still on it.

As it fell, she jumped into the golem itself, clinging to its side. There she was safe, out of its reach and free to wreak as much havoc as she wanted. Which, right now, was a lot.

With a roar of her own she crawled to the golem's back, found another vein and struck it. Again it exploded in Ardin. The burning sensation washing over her as she moved to the next of it's weak points. 

This one was beneath it's right arm. A swirling vortex of blue that flowed inside of the construct. But it was not undefended.

The golem, like a building tipping over, fell. Down towards the ground, forcing her to hop off or get crushed beneath it's weight. She wisely chose to hop off. But when she landed, eyes facing toward the vault, she saw another golem.

This one was shaped like a spider. Seven spear like legs, with one huge like a club. It's body covered in the same swirling blue lines. 

Beneath it, dancing around its legs like their lives depended on it, were the bandits. Unfortunately, they were striking at it in a blind frenzy. Swinging their weapons uselessly against it's body.

Baric, wasn't amongst them, though. He wasn't anywhere actually. At least that was what Abigail thought till she heard the clash of metal against rock come from above. Where on the ceiling of the cavern, Baric was held up by a tiny tornado fighting another golem.

He was doing pretty well.

That was the last thought that passed through Abigail's mind before a fist the size of her torso slammed into her from behind. Sending her flying away from the golem and rolling in the dirt. Her body wracked with pain as she tried to force herself to get up.

But her legs didn't respond. Or her arms. Or anything. There was only numbness, a paralysis in her muscles. 

She burned it way with Ardin and forced legs to move. Slowly getting on her feet, just in time for the golem to reach her. It's slow, lumbering steps, picking up speed as it ran at her. The single arm it had left falling like a meteor.

But when it landed, she wasn't there. She moved out of the way like a bolt of lightning. Ardin coalescing in her legs. Strengthening them, giving her that extra oomph. A bang of fiery, frenzied power that empowered her. Making the impossible possible.

Like jumping from where she stood to behind the golem, crossing ten feet's worth of distance in the blink of an eye. 

Then she leapt again, this time from ground to the golem's back. Fist striking out like an arrow loosed from a bow, clashing with stone and dust. The recoil sending them both back, away from the other like forces repelled.

But, while the golem steadied itself, Abigail shot back at it. Again and again she struck it from every side with blind fury, not even targeting it's veins. 

A barrage of attacks that were as numerous as they were ineffective. Until one hit a vein. Causing the blue flow of Ardin to burst out once more. Then Again, and again, slowly dismantling the golem piece by piece. Bathing her in furious Ardin, burning with uncontrolled might. Potency given form.

Which reached a high point when she finally struck what must have been the golem's core. A spiraling sphere in the center of it's chest, buried an inch beneath the stone.

The resulting explosion was almost blinding.

It was also, one of the most painful things Abigail had ever had the displeasure of experiencing.

The air seemed like it was made of acid. Her skin felt like it was boiling. Pain gripping her entire body and squeezing. Muscles constricting and expanding out of control. Vision washed with overwhelming azure, as if she was staring into the most beautiful sapphire.

Then it all twisted on itself and became something else.

Pain faded into bliss. A sense of warmth that spread through her body like an infection. Soothing her nerves and bones. Bringing a sensation of peace that drowned out everything else.

Then it changed again. This time, from the outside in. Another bout of growth. Breasts growing from grapefruits to headsized melons in an instant. Warm flesh pushing against the fabric of her dress. Stretching one seam in the middle till it made the faintest ripping noise. 

Her hips, just a little less wide than her shoulders, crawled further away from her waist. Their width extending out by another few inches, till they were so wide she feared for whatever seats would have to contend with her later on. 

Her thighs, as if they felt left out, followed suit. Thickening till they were too far to even think about wrapping her hands around them. Like pillars of soft, squishy meat, meeting halfway down to her knees.

Last, and certainly not least, was her butt. Two jumbo sized cushions of softness that jiggled with what felt like every breath. Wider than pillows, sticking out like a shelf, and now growing bigger. They became as two moons, twin mountains, hills that didn't know when to stop. Bigger and bigger, until they dominated her lower body. Leaving no room for completion when it came to the topic of biggest 'asset'. Each cheek was a monolithic thing, barely contained by her dress, jiggling with reckless abandon.

When they were done growing, and her whole body had stilled once more, Abigail slowly rose to her knees. A herculean effort when her everything felt number. But she pushed through, forcing herself further until she was on her feet.

Then she looked around. At the bandits still fighting the giant stone spider. Up where Baric fought amongst non existent clouds. Then back down, and at herself.

Tired. Body new and strange. Fists numb from hitting stone. But she couldn't stop now. She could slow, take a deep breath, regain her composure.

After that. She ran ahead towards the bandits. Hands held up as they weapons they were. A flame of resolve in her eyes.

The spider didn't see her coming.

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