Mage Wall – The split between worlds (Breast/butt expansion story)

24. Dinner

Abigail counted the seconds as they passed. The minutes as they went by. All ticking towards the inevitable fight that lay ahead. Killing Argor.

She felt sick thinking about it. Even though the man was undoubtedly a bandit. Evident even in the way he walked. A distrustful swagger. His eyes counting the value of everything they landed upon. Or making sure his subordinates weren't trying anything they'd regret.

Bandit eyes for a bandit. Yet completely different than Sarill's.

Something she tried not to think about. Instead turning her focus to the food in front of her. A plate of grilled meat. All of it pulled from the Dust horn. It's body now roasted by the fire, more meat being pulled from its bones and served to anyone fortunate enough to be close.

She was the closest. The fire no more than a few feet away from her. An uncomfortable position. Made worse only by the fact that she was seated right across from Argor. 

Who was currently drunk and talking with Baric. Talking at him, really. She wasn't sure about what. Just that it was apparently something that could make even Baric blush. 

And as she pondered that, distracting herself with girlish theories, another plate was brought before her. A bandit placing it right next to her first unfinished plate. An anxious smile on his face as she stared. Then he explained.

It was from Argor. A personal thank you.

That only made the twisted feeling in her gut worse. As if she'd been stabbed. The blade laced with poison. Worse still, the bandit leader was staring at her, out the corner of his eye. 


So, despite her lack of an appetite, Abigail ate. The first bite quickly followed by a second. Then a third as she realized that she was hungrier than she thought. Hungry enough to finish both plates off. And even consider asking for a third.

She didn't. Instead she set the plates aside and decided to get ready for what was ahead. Tuning out the roar of the bonfire and clamor of the bandits. Her attention turning inward once again. Mind forming a bubble. Every detail crystal clear to her, down to the way moonlight reflected off of it.

She saw it float. She saw it expand. Growing twice it's size before popping. Detonating with force. 

Like that, it was gone. The picture erased. And just as quickly it was replaced. This time, the details were finer, sharper. Meaning added to it's form. Purpose that gave it action, power. 

It was a bubble. 

It was a weapon.

It was a bomb. Scolding hot. Fire infecting the surface of it. Slowly reaching it's way inside. The rising heat causing it to inflate, the walls of it's shape stretching outward. Silently. Unnoticed. Until the last moment.

And again it popped.

Over and over she repeated the exercise. Going through it exactly as Esbern had taught her. Repeating it until it became almost second nature.

And once she had done that. She moved onto another picture. This one an Ardin sculpture. A blade in one hand and a shield in the other. Both made of a single wave, boiling between her fingers. Hungry to be used.

And as she began to refine them, form and function, her concentration was broken. Ripped away when Argor patted her on the back. His massive hand releasing a wave of force. One that traveled through her bones. Ringing inside her like some great gong.

Which had the obvious effect of getting her attention. And the slightly less obvious effect of causing her body to jiggle. Breasts bobbing up and down in the confines of her dress. Presenting her barely fitting bra with a surprise test. One that she was glad that it survived.

Focus shifting from it to Argor as the giant leveled her with a serious look. The kind that reminded her of who he was. 

A bandit. A thief. A killer.

"Sarill sent you. Yeah?" He asked. His voice colder than night itself.

Abigail shot a glance at Baric, and nodded. "Mhmm." 

Argor did not smile. Though, he pretended to. His grin a thin thing that promised nothing good. Rage silently boiling up in his eyes. Brows betraying his thoughts.

"And what did he want?" The giant asked. His question barely a question at all.

It was Baric who answered. "A gift." 

"Well, let's get this over with then. Follow me." Argor said. And they followed.

Away from the bonfire and the bandits gathered around it. All the way away from the camp. Off to a secluded little stretch of dirt and rock near the river. No notable features but a boulder beside the blocked waterway standing tall. 

And when they arrived, Argor turning to face them, Baric drew his spear.

The battle began seconds after that. Argor launching himself at them like a living ballista bolt. Ground cratering under the force of his blow as they jumped out of the way. Arms held up to block the shrapnel sent flying in all directions.

Several pieces of which cut Abigail. Leaving nicks across her arms as she backed up. Dust cloud hiding her.

If only for a moment. 

Clearing up as Argor spun. Massive hand reaching out towards her. Fingers coated in sickly blue blades. 

Abigail was certain that if he touched her she would die. And he almost did. Fingers inches away from grabbing hold of her when Baric flew in. Spear thrusting towards the giant's throat. Missing by just an inch as Argor jumped back. Flipping out of the way with surprising agility and leaving them with room to breath.

And just as quick, he closed that distance. 

Dashing towards them. A wave of blue that almost crashed into Baric. Paws reaching out for his throat.

Abigail's reaction was instinctive.

A bubble. Flawless in it's shape, materialized at the tip of her finger and she threw it. The world slowing as it floated towards the bandit leader. The inside of it a boiling cauldron writhing and turning till it could handle no more. And just like she'd envisioned- 

It popped. 

The fire within roared to life with searing heat. It's awakening sending superheated drops of water in all directions. The bubbles death immediately replaced with a tiny inferno. A blaze that scorched everything in it's wake.

But Argor, with almost cat like reflexes, shifted out of the way. Body lifting up, spinning on thin shards of ice and out of the way, escaping all harm. 

Baric, on the other hand, wasn't so fortunate. His trajectory was set in stone. Momentum already carrying backwards. Just not fast enough to avoid getting burned. A sight that Abigail couldn't tear her eyes away from. Guilt searing itself into her mind as she watched him suppress a scream of pain. 

Then, as if it never happened at all, he changed directions. Throwing himself at her and bringing them both to the ground.

Narrowly avoiding an icy kick.

He only said one word as he rolled off of her. "Fight."

She didn't have the time to even nod. A pillar of ice rising up out of the ground beneath her, launching her into the air. The blow only softened by a gust of wind from Baric.

She rode that gust. And when it carried her over and past Argor, she let gravity take hold. Dragging her back to the ground as she focused. Ardin surging through her muscles as she landed. Giving her the strength to kick off the ground towards her target and take momentary flight, hand raised into a fist.

And then she swung. Knuckles impacting the back of Argor's head. The blow sending him forward and down to his knees as she flew past him.

Landing with a roll up onto her feet. Ardin surging through her blood once again, but this time she willed it further. Out of her skin and around her hands. The energy taking shape, twisting, burning around her fists.

And it felt natural. An extension of her own body, released. Her chains broken and breaking as she ran at Argor.

He smiled, and in the same breath lunged out like a snake. Fist striking with impossible speed. Faster than an arrow in flight, and only missing it's mark because she stopped. Her direction changing on the drop of hat. Backwards away from him. 

Two steps was all she managed to make. A paltry distance eaten up in the blink of an eye.

Two steps, she was forced back. Blocking a blow that would have got her square in the gut. 

Two steps, and Argor was behind her. His foot coming down on the bend of her knee.

Two steps, and Baric was there. Spear flashing with wind as he defended her.

He bought Abigail all the time she needed to recover. Then they were both in the frey. Wind speckled spear and blazing fist clashing with ice as hard as steel. 

A solid thrust stopped by a wall of blue and white. A tendril of water whipping at nothing, too slow to keep up. Both blown back by a well placed kick. Foot finding purchase in both their guts, the force lifting them off their feet and throwing them to the ground.

Abigail rolled. Bunching up like a ball as much as she could and flipping up onto her feet. Faster than Baric. Faster than Argor might have expected. And if it was he didn't show. 

Instead he charged. Ice wrapping around his entire body as went in for a grab. Arms spread wide and aiming low. 

Abigail let it happen. And when he had her in his grasp, horrible strength crushing her in a bear hug, She slammed her fists down on his back as hard as she could. Ardin firing through her veins with reckless speed. Too much for her muscles to handle. Too much to keep in control. The violent flow alive with malicious intent.

And she directed it straight down at the giants spine. 

Fists barely thawing the ice right before impact. Then, she heard something crack, followed by Argor dropping her and falling to the ground. 

For a moment, everything was silent after that. There was no sound but her own breathing as his. Nothing going on but the knowledge that she may have broken her own arms. The searing pain that rose up whenever she tried to move them her proof.

And then, the silence was broken.

Two steps, and Baric was past her.

Two steps, and he was over Argor. Spear raised high, coated in a sliver of a storm. Winds whipping around the tip of the blade. Violent, hungry.

And then.

They came down. Silver turning red with blood. Ice melting away as Argor went limp. His last breath a chuckle.

Then, after the deed was done, Baric came over to her side. His walk a slow tilted thing. Hurt. But the pain didn't stop him from sitting next down and joining her in staring at the Giant's corpse. Eyes following the melting ice as it joined the river or vanished into the dirt.

"Good fight?" Baric said and broke the silence. Eyes trained on the body. 

Abigail groaned. "I think I broke my arms." 

Not to mention she felt grow-ey. Like her body was primed and ready to expand and break out of her dress. The growth only held back by her willing it not to happen. For now, at least. 

And while she still had time to, Abigail considered what she had done. The consequences of it. What the Rock river gang would do when they found out. What Sarill would do.

What she was going to do.

It was a question she didn't have the answer to. One she was almost too afraid to really ask. But, after staring at the bandit leaders corpse for a minute or two more, she realized that she already knew what she was going to do.

She was going to save Esbern, no matter the cost.

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