Magi Craft Meister

Chapter 257 - Each One, Afterwards

Chapter 257 – Each One, Afterwards

The next day, the 24th.

After having his breakfast in a great hurry, Jin first warped to Kaina Village. To make a report.

He went to Martha’s house where he met with Hannah who had just woken up and gone to wash her face.


After seeing Jin, Hannah ran over and jumped at Jinn. Jin held Hannah up in his arms.

“Good morning, Hannah. I came back after I was done as promised.”

“Good morning, onii-chan! So, you’re not going anywhere anymore?”

Jin gently lowered Hannah to the ground and,

“Hmm, there’s still some things to put in order, so could you please wait one more day?”


While having the conversation, Martha, Elsa, and Mine who heard them came along.

“Welcome, Jin.”

“Martha-san, I’m back. Elsa, Mine, I’m back.”

“Welcome home.”

“Welcome home. I’m happy that you’re well.”

Jin gave a short explanation to everyone about how he had neutralized the Unifiers among other things.

“Next, I was thinking of having the Unifiers reorganize, or rather recompense for what they’ve done.”

He explained how the top seat and the second seat had been brainwashed. Elsa who had some knowledge about it could immediately understand, and Mine also quickly got it as she already had a vague idea about it.

Martha didn’t seem to really get it, not to mention Hannah.

“Well, at any rate I was thinking of using today to tidy up some things.”

Hannah could only reluctantly nod after Jin’s explanation.

* * *

“Now then, first comes your role, Elena.”

Jin called for Elena after coming back to Hourai Island.

“Yes, master. What would you like me to do?”

“Right, for the next while you’ll be advising the Unifiers on dismantling and rebuilding the organization…”

“Elena-san, I will also be assisting you as necessary, and so…”

And so Jin gave orders to Elena while Laojin supplemented them.

“In that case I’ll be going now, master.”

Elena got on Falcon-4 and returned to the Unifiers’ HQ via the submersible base in Lake Azul.

There were the (former) top seat Joule Rolan and the second seat Donald Carou Alpha.

Both had been cleared of the brainwashing, one by coming near death and the other by application of the [Shock] magic.

Also, the information about the former Princess of Destruction’s, Elena’s, [Subliminal] magic had been recovered from her memory. Of course how to dispel it too.

“Please work out…”

Jin wished for a success as he watched Falcon-4 disappear into the giant Warp Gate behind the research laboratory.

Jin’s plan was as follows.

Originally, the Unifiers’ foundational principle was to revive the pre-Great Magic War country Dinar Kingdom. The Golden Princess of Destruction replaced that with unifying the continent.

From there, using the top two who had returned to normal he’d have the brainwashing cleared from the executives down to the rank-and-file members, making the organization a harmless one.

In so doing, he planned to give them some technologies outside of the ones taught to them by the Princess of Destruction to work as an unifying force.

Specifically, he was thinking of the Mana Phone. It was an inferior version of the ManaCom, so to speak. Although it was wireless it could only make calls to a specific party.

It was also as big as a large desk, so carrying it wasn’t possible. Selecting who to call like with a ManaCom wasn’t possible. But as a hot line between the leaders of the nations it should be usable enough.

Apparently the top seat and the Princess of destruction had used an even more inferior version of this, or more precisely, a smaller model with a short range. That’s it wasn’t particularly bad to spread the technology.

This technology, along with holding the reborn Unifiers together, could also be used to apologize to the neighboring states.

By delivering the technology only when Joule and Donald were at a loss on what kind of amends to make would probably be a small atonement itself.

“Nevertheless, it’s so large…”

The prototype Mana Phone Laojin made really was as large as a desk.

“Long-distance communication is a quite the thing, huh.”

The reason for the size was that the device included a lot of parts. All of the parts were high-grade Magi Tools.

Once again Jin felt proud of the range the ManaCom he had made reached. Because the signal could reach all the way to the other side of the world.

“But looking at it that way, I probably should’ve used Ether and not Mana for my device…”

He hadn’t realized it when applying the method that came from the analysis of the Artifact Magic Screen, but he had carelessly named the device a ManaCom. In truth, it should’ve been called EtherCom. Although Jin was thinking that it sounds bad so he’d keep using the current name.

This is a digression, but the usage of kanji played a large part in the miniaturization. Even the power words of Magi Language had a result several times better when written with logograms instead of phonetically.

Back to the main subject.

Leaving the support of the Unifiers to Laojin, what was left was giving aid to the nations.

This wasn’t something Jin was particularly worried about, but because there had been victims and damage because of his late intervention he wanted to give them some kind of aid.

“It may be hypocritical but it’s better than not to…”

And so, he decided to first give Egelia Kingdom -which was deemed to have suffered the most- ingots of the materials made out of the molten golems.

In total, there was about 200 tons of steel, 200 tons of bronze, and 50 tons of Light Silver. And little bit of Adamantite and Mithril. The market value was approximately 150 billion Torr.

Similarly he planned to donate half that amount to Cline Kingdom’s Tetrada.

In addition, he decided to return the seized pieces of Elradrite which had the countries’ seals carved on them to the respective countries. 15 pieces to Egelia Kingdom and ten pieces to Cline Kingdom.

There were no seals of Celuroa, Frantz, or Elias Kingdom.

This was all from the molten golems so it didn’t hurt Hourai Island’s pocket. The only cost was time.

Jin had 41 pieces of Elradrite without any carved seals on them left at hand. That was plenty.

He planned to carry in the materials in the middle of the night using a number of Pelicans with the [Stealth] function added.

Jin couldn’t restrain his laughter as he thought about the surprised faces of the material storehouse administrators come morning.

* * *

“…Just when can we leave.”

Reinhardt and Fritz who were returning to their home country induced to stay even longer because of the internal troubles of Celuroa Kingdom among other things.

* * *

“My Lord, about the response of the nations’ governing bodies regarding the Unifiers’ puppets we told them about.”

Jin was listening to Laojin’s reports. This was the newest information the Quinta sent this morning.

“Cline Kingdom and Egelia Kingdom have, for now, dismissed the people thought to be puppeteered. Celuroa Kingdom seems to still be in a dispute over it.”

Since Celuroa Kingdom was the country where the Unifiers had taken root in the most, this was no wonder.

“The dispatched armies have all withdrawn to their respective countries. The borders appear to have gone back to normal.”

Even so, the truth that they had invaded didn’t just vanish. Jin left the apologies and reparations to be argued between the countries. What he was interested in were the common people.

“What does the damage on the commoners look like?”

“It seems insignificant. As they had begun evacuation beforehand, no commoners died. There are 24 severely injured and 249 lightly injured people.”

“I’d like to stealthily administer restorative medicine to the severely wounded.”

“Yes, that is possible. I shall issue instructions to the Quinta tonight.”

“Mh-hm, please do.”

Now Jin too felt rather at ease.

“Really, I’m also wondering how my acquaintances are doing.”

Jin muttered and Laojin immediately replied.

“Yes, My Lord. This is as much as we know. Lithia Fahlheit from Cline Kingdom is staying in Tetrada. She is working hard with the relief knight troops.”

Lithia, really? Jin thought. She must’ve found what she wanted to do.

“With regards to Beana-san and Earl Kuzuma, although the Earl had gone along with the dispatched troops, he seems to be heading back to Blue Land since the dispute came to an end.”

They’d probably have the wedding ceremony soon, Jin thought.

“Elias Kingdom where Port Rock is seems to have been indifferent to the strife.”

Marcia was probably doing her best, huh, Jin thought as he reminisced about the days he spent in Port Rock.

“Egelia Kingdom’s capital Asunto appears to still be in a state of disarray, but they seem to have begun heading towards normalcy.”

Talking with Prince Ernest and Laila was really fun, Jin thought as he recalled the times and smiled.

“That is all. Furthermore, Tellurs in Celuroa Kingdom seems to be under blockade; no one can come or go.”

Speaking of Tellurs, what was the healer Sally doing, Jin wondered.

“Come to think of it, I wonder if Schiede’s family is still there.”

“Ah, they seem to have returned to their home country before the conflict began. Capella-3 of the Quinta caught sight of them in Desir, you see.”

“That’s good then.”

There still were a lot of things in his mind, but now that he had taken the measures he could take Jin relaxed.

Then Reiko brought him Citran juice.

“Father, please take a breather.”

“Yeah, thanks.”

Now that peace seemed to have finally come, Jin thought about what to do after this while drinking the chilled juice.

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