Magi Craft Meister

Chapter 345: At Reinhart’s parents’ house

Chapter 345: At Reinhart’s parents’ house

“The boat that Reiko was sailing? Ah, a paddle steamer, right?”

It’s a propeller that Jin had hurriedly built at the port town Port Rock. It’s a boat that, instead of using oars, has a paddle wheel attached for propulsion.

By having Golems paddle, control of the boat is self-supported, making the use of a rudder unnecessary.

“That’s right, that paddle steamer… Once we’ve returned, I want to make one for myself. Is that ok?”

As expected from Reinhart, the fact that he expressed such intention to start learning Magicraft as soon as he got back home left Jin half impressed, and half shocked.

“Of course, that’s not a problem. Still, are you sure? What about Belche?

Hearing those words from Jin, Reinhart laughed.

“I wouldn’t worry about her! She knows I’m like this, and still likes me!”

It was nothing more than speaking fondly of a loved one.

“Gosh, you’re such a sentimental.”

Jin also let out a sarcastic laugh when saying that over his shoulder.

* * *

On the next day, the 22nd, Jin and his party departed from Koju at 9AM heading to Vanne, on the opposit shore of the lake.

Just like Reinhart said, they were using a wide boat with a shallow bottom.

There were 3 of such shallow-bottomed boats that tied together being towed by a large cargo ship loaded with carriages.

The speed was about 6 or 7 kilometers per hour, which meant it would be a 3-hour cruise to the other side.

The ones on board were Jin, Reinhart and Reiko, along with Reinhart’s butler Claude. The maids Beth and Dolly had returned to their hometown of Vanne a long time ago with Reinhart’s permission.

“Vanne is a provincial town in the center of the Count Randall’s territory, and it’s also where my parents’ home is.”

Reinhart had explained this to Jin while on the deck.

“Maybe you know about the tax system of Klein Kingdom, Jin? I haven’t personally been to the Klein Kingdom, but as a diplomat I have a general idea about it.”

After that introduction, Reinhart began to explain.

“Our Shouro Empire is divided into several territories, each of which is governed independently.”

As Jin heard that, he thought “I see, so there’s a decentralization of power”.

“Basically, taxes are paid to the lords, and each lord pays a certain tax to the state. Of course, there are also areas under the direct control of the state. That’s the general gist of it.”

There are merits and disadvantages to both decentralization of power and its opposing centralized authoritarian rule. The tendency is for small countries to decentralize, while wider countries seem to have a high tendency towards decentralization. At least in this world, Jin thought back upon the country he had visited.

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“Our territory is naturally governed by my father, Wolfgang Randall Von Morgan. Within it, Elsa’s father — and my uncle — George Randall Von Amber rules over the town of Exi. That’s where Elsa’s parents’ home is.”

“Elsa’s… I see.”

There are many noblemen in the Shouro Empire who have no territory. Some of them managed to unify towns within the territories controlled by the head families, and rule over them as their own small territories.

“By the way, the territory to the west of it belongs to the Marquis Theodoric. Matheus’ family governs the cities of Sagina and Mahahama, two of the cities under the Marquis’ jurisdiction.”

It all seemed quite complicated. Jin tried to get the gist of it as background knowledge for the future.

Between these conversations, while enjoying the scenery from the lake, the ship approaches the opposite shore.

This area of the Shouro Empire consists of great plains, with only a few gentle rises towards the north.

The wind of May across the lake was neither hot nor cold, and the ships sailed through as if they were gliding over the surface’s ripples.

After going over halfway through the lake, another ship approached them from the opposite shore. It was a shallow-bottomed ship which was somewhat bigger than the one Jin and the rest were in.



It was Reinhart’s fiancee, Belche.

“Would you like to come over to this ship?”

Reinhart, Jin, and Reiko switched ships over to board Belche’s vessel. Claude, the butler, remained in their ship to look after the luggage.

“Since it’s exactly noon, the preparations are ready.”

As she said that, she ordered her female automata ‘Neon’, who was on board with her, to prepare lunch.

The bread was thinly-sliced, and there were various fruit jams. The fruit juice in the flask was cooled with ice magic.

The dried meat’s warmth was well kept over a fire, since it wasn’t ready yet.

Then, the specialty Lake Tosumo came out: salt-grilled Pink Toromon.

Everything was delicious, and both Jin and Reinhart were delighted.

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Reiko was at leisure while everybody was eating. So Neon shuffled her feet to her side, and lowered her head.

“Reiko-san, how are you? Do you remember me?”

“… Neon-san, was it?”

“Yes, that’s correct. I’m glad you remember me.”

“… “

Before, Neon seemed to become friends with Reiko at the town of Riare in order to speak with her. She would frequently talk to her in order to attract her attention, but Reiko had always given out bland replies.

The meal was eventually finished, and Neon started to tidy up. Reiko decided to help out.

“Thank you, Reiko-san.”

Neon expressed her gratitude, and Belche also bowed to Jin and Reinhart with a smile.

“Thank you for joining me for lunch.”

At around that time, the town of Vanne on the opposite shore could be seen quite clearly. A wide canal continued all the way to the inland.

It seems like in this town as well, the defense against foreign enemies is provided by canals rather than by walls.

After entering the canal, and advancing for twenty minutes, the ship carrying the party on board reached the harbor.

“Reinhart-sama, today my father and brothers are having a meeting.”

Belche said this to Reinhart as the ship was arriving at the dock.

“Oh, I see. You haven’t seen your father or brothers in quite some time, have you?”

The ship was docked. Reinhart quickly disembarked and held out his hand to Belche.

Belche took his hand with a smile, and disembarked next to him.

After seeing that, Reiko anticipated Jin’s disembarking and extended her hand. Although in Jin’s case, it was different. Despite he tilting his head he was pulled out of the ship by Reiko.

At the harbor there were some of Count Randall’s carriages already waiting for them. Jin and Reiko got on a large carriage along with Reinhart and Belche.

Since the vessel prepared by Belche was quite fast, the other large ship where the luggage and carriages were had yet to arrive. The delivery of those carriages and luggage will be duly carried out by the Randall household.

From the harbor, after 15 minutes of travel over the stone paved roads, the count’s residence finally came into sight.

It had 3 storeys, and it was firmly built in stone. It was about a third of Roizart’s Imperial Palace in size.

While the spires on top of each side were greatly different, the rest of the building bore a striking resemblance to the palace.

“Oh, it’s been a while!”

Looking at Reinhart being so delighted about being finally home, Belche smiled as well.

* * *

That night, they celebrated both Reinhart’s homecoming, and his fulfilling of his service as a peace diplomat. Furthermore, they excitedly celebrated a welcome party for Jin, despite his reluctance.

Jin arrived at Reinhart’s house and, much to his chagrin, ended up getting looked after by a maid and a butler. He only managed to put up with the whole ordeal since Reinhart had told him that it was ‘only for tonight’.

“Reinhart, thank you for your service as a diplomat.”

His father, Wolfgang Randall had said this as a toast. He resembled Reinhart in his grey hair and eyes, but he was different to his son because of his solid figure.

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“I’ve heard about your deeds with the Schwartz Ritter at Cellroa Kingdom and Lorelei at Elias Kingdom.”

The one who said that was Reinhart’s eldest brother, Leonhart Randall. He is the spitting image of their father.

“Jin-dono, I’ve heard great things about you as well. It would appear you dislike these formalities, but please, do accompany us just for tonight.”

The one who had called out to Jin was the second son, Wilhart Randall. He takes after their mother’s platinum blonde hair and blue eyes.

While being silent, the third son Elhart Randall playfully strikes Reinhart’s shoulder. He takes his blonde hair after his mother, while having inherited his father’s grey eyes.

Reinhart was being served at Belche’s side, and one by one replied to each of them.

As Jin was sitting right in front of Reinhart, he could see his state of affairs quite well.

“… Family, huh? What a good thing to have, isn’t it?”

To an orphan like Jin, a normal family is a difficult concept to grasp. To him, a family is a director, who sometimes a mother and some other times a father, and other young children.

“Jin-san… can I call you that?”

“Uh, yes.”

The one who appeared at Jin’s side was a tall and slim-all-around beautiful woman. Reinhart’s mother.

“Isolde Randall Von Turfell. Pleased to meet you.”

“Ah, yes, likewise. Pleased to meet you.”

She was clad in a gentle ambience, and a great figure. Jin thought that perhaps this would be probably be Reinhart’s ideal mother.

“It appears that you’ve looked after my son during your journey. Please allow me to express my gratitude once more.”

“No, uh… Me too, he’s looked after me as well.”

“Ohohoho! When it comes to that boy, Jin-san, I can speak with face as gleeful as I possibly can. I have yet to find a friend like that myself. Please continue to get along.”

“Yes, of course. Rather, I’m looking forward to it.”

“Oh, I’m glad!”

Afterwards, Reinhart’s mother, Isolde, spoke a few words with Jin, bowed down, and went back to her husband Wolfgang.

After that, Leonhart, Wilhart and Elhart said their farewells to Jin before leaving. Reinhart’s father Wolfgang soon followed, after saying a few parting words.

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“Jin-dono, I have heard many things about you from my son. I can only ask that you continue to look after him from now on.”

“Yes, of course.”

Perceiving a hearty concern in his gesture, Jin gained Reinhart’s father’s favor. No, it would be more appropriate to say it was the favor of the entire family.

Reflecting upon this, the thought of Elsa swept through Jin’s head.

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