Magi Craft Meister

Chapter 350: New device

Chapter 350: New device

Jin explained the new Automata and Golem control theories.

“Hmm, I understand the theory, but does it go so smoothly in practice?”

Reinhart had his doubts.

“Jin, I can sympathize with your reasoning. If there’s anything I can do to help, I sure will!”

Said Saki, showing her support.

One could say this was another difference between Reinhart, who puts things into practice, and Saki, who thinks purely and solely in theories.

In short, Reinhart knows how hard it is to put theory into practice.

“Jin, I can understand your theory. But, first of all, how do you reproduce the ‘sense of touch’? I think you should start from there.”

Reinhart had held him in doubt, but Jin had an explanation.

A small device called ‘Strain gauge’. It can detect as far as one-millionth of a strain. The fundamentals behind it are omitted in the explanation, but it is a device essential to machine control.

Jin was trying to reproduce this device with materials found in this world.

If he managed to reproduce it, it could be attached to several places of the body, and the amount of pressure to the body could be known by detecting those strains. And that’s what basically the ‘sense of touch’ is.

Jin added one more thing at the end of his explanation of these operating principles:

“It would be wonderful if there some sort of material whose magical properties changed drastically as it bends or deforms.”

“Hmm, its magical properties, huh…?”

Actually, Jin has some knowledge of one such material. Wing membranes of a Sea Dragon. It’s what was used as a material for Reiko’s skin.

However, since it is not as prevalent, it seems it can only be used to improve Reiko.

“… There is one.”

Having said that, Saki produced a crystal out of the shelf.

The translucent crystal was cross-sectioned, and it had a red interior with an emerald green surface. It looked like a watermelon.

“Ah, a watermelon tourmaline, right…?”

Jin muttered that spontaneously. A long time ago, a certain girl he cared about was wearing small pendants that looked like that crystal.



Saki and Reinhart reacted to different words. Incidentally, the one to react to ‘Tourmaline’ was Reinhart.

“Oh, a Watermelon is large fruit with a hard, green skin, and a red interior. A tourmaline… is a kind of stone.”

“Hmm, this ‘watermelon’ you speak of sounds like a Shiika. Which reminds me that it is Skiika seedling planting season.”

According to Saki, Shiika are planted every year in her garden, and by summertime, they are ripe for harvesting and eating.

Translations by AsianHobbyist Website

Jin wanted to obtain one of those seeds or seedlings since he thought it would be nice to have either one of them. Naturally, it has already been decided that these wishes will be transmitted to Reiko, who, by contacting Laojun, will be given new instructions by the fifth-row Quinta, who in turn have been dispatched anew to the Shouro Empire.

Now, let’s return to our story.

“This stone is called Elbite. By applying force to it, it generates a very small amount of magical power. Could this be of any use?”

As Saki explained, Jin nodded.

“Oh, well then, let’s try slicing off a thin sheet of this crystal, and attach a mithril thread to it!”

Soon after obtaining Saki’s permission, Jin sliced the ‘Elbite’ with Engineering Magic.

“Hmm! It sure is nice to have a Magi Engineer around! I can hardly use any magic myself, so I’m glad!”

Saki went on rambling about things such as ’Analysis’ and ‘being able to feel magical power’.

“Okay, Saki, please hold this mithril thread. I’m going to try applying force to this slice of Elbite over here.”

“All right, Jin.”

A fragment of Elbite tied to a one-meter mithril thread. Jin placed his hand of the slice and pressed with his fingers.

“How about it?”

“Well, there’s some magical power springing forth over here.”

“That is great! Our first trial is a success!”

At that point, Reinhart, who had been silently looking from the sides, seemed to not be able to stand it any longer.

“Hmph! Jin, Saki! L-Let me help too! How should I put it? It’s unthinkable to try nothing more than just pressing it with your fingers! This is the birth of a new technology we’re talking about!”

Reinhart still appears to be a Magi Engineer, after all.

And then, the three of them repeatedly experimented with the Elbite, changing its thickness and size, in order to decide on its optimal shape.

Because of that, in that same evening, a ‘tactile sensor’ prototype was completed.

“Let’s build an automata using this. I will give this first prototype automata to Saki.”

Jin and Reinhart agreed. Saki could not argue with them.

“Huh, well, if you two say so. Besides, there are many tests I want to run.”

Noticing that it was getting dark outside, they decided to wrap things up for the day.

“Reiko, how much maple syrup was produced?”

“Father, this is all there is.”

In the pot that Jin had created were about seven servings. He wondered if it was approximately one liter.

“All right, let’s split it between two bottles.”

Having said that, Jin magically created two bottles out of crystal and filled them with the remaining maple syrup.

The bottles are quite expensive. The lid is also made of crystal. They are not the type of bottles that usually contain ingredients, but considering the rarity of their contents (for now), they seem to be appropriate. Reinhart said nothing about it, and since it appears that Saki has also grown used to Jin’s outwardness, she also did not say a word.

“All right, let’s go to Reinhart’s house with one of these.”

“Oh, that’s right. I’ll need a sample when I speak to Father about this.”

And so, Jin, Reiko, Reinhart, and Saki rode on Jin’s carriage, heading to the Randall residence.

“Welcome back, Reinhart-sa… ma?”

At the house, Belche had come out to meet them, but her face changed when she saw Saki.

“Hey, Belche! Long time no see! Congratulations on your engagement with Reinhart!”

But Saki paid no mind to her sudden change of expression and greeted her like that anyway.


“Tha?” “That look you have! What are you doing, looking like that!?”

Belche’s voice sounded as if completely shocked.

“That unkempt hair! That dry skin! Those dirty clothes! That posture! … Oh my… you even smell a little!”

Belche judged Saki’s appearance from top to bottom.

“Reinhart-sama, you must be hungry. However, please wait for about one hour!”

Having said that, she left that place, dragging Saki along with her.

“Ha ha! Belche and Saki have known each other for quite a while now. Saki may also look delicate to Belche, too.”

Saying that, and looking at the two of them leaving, Reinhart laughed.

“Jin, it may be a while before Belche and Saki return, so in the meantime, would you like to come to see my workshop?”

After such an invitation, there could be no doubt in Jin.

Reinhart’s workshop was in the middle of the courtyard. It was independent of the rest of the house. The pathway to the workshop was built with walls and a roof, so one can come and go without getting wet on rainy days.

“Oh, how big!”

The workshop was about twenty tatamis wide, which is considerably spacious.

“This is where I built the Schwartz Ritter.”

Said Reinhart with a large nod.

“Well, have a seat.”

Translations by AsianHobbyist Website Reinhart offered Jin a chair that was next to a table in a corner of the workshop.

“We can talk without hindrances here.”

It appeared as if they were going to talk about something important. However, Reiko’s presence was not a bother to them.

“I think I should talk to you about this, Jin.”

With that preface, Reinhart started talking.

“Saki’s mother is dead now, but she was the eldest daughter of the marquis.”


They’ve suddenly started talking about such a serious matter.

“Look, that’s the marquis Elsa was proposed as a bride to. Marquis Gehlen Theoderic Von Aizen. His territory is to the west of ours.”

That eldest daughter and Saki’s father fell in love, ran away together, and in the end, Saki was born.

“Let me tell you something about marquis Theoderic. … How should I put it? The Marquis… erm, he likes women who are on the small side.”


Although it was somewhat difficult for Reinhart, he managed to explain that the Marquis has a preference for young girls that are just becoming women.

“So, now he has three, no, four children counting Saki’s mother. However, they are all women. It seems that the lack of a male heir troubles him. For that reason, and because his own wife has passed away, he has had his eyes on Elsa for a while now.”

It seems that Reinhart has been gathering all sorts of information since his return to his home town.

“I see… so, what about Saki?”

“Ah, I’ve strayed from the point. Now, Saki’s father, Toa Eschenbach, has become one of the top expert alchemists in the country, so he doesn’t show any resentment in public. I can tell as much because he lives right across the next territory.”

“Oh, I see.”

“However, he seems to treat Saki as if she was but a cute granddaughter, and is often trying to have our household take her under our care. But Saki refuses him every time, and continues to live over there.”

Reinhart laughed, with a little hint of sadness.

“When it comes to the Marquis’ family, there’s only so much that the Earl’s family can do.”

That is the way of feudal society.

“A Marquis’ word is only overturned by the prince, and then by the Emperor. Although it does not necessarily mean that it is against the law, you cannot simply say no to a Marquis’ will. Be it marrying Elsa, or having Saki taken under our care.”

The Emperor is not a dictator. It is a matter of simply not being able to doing anything similar to disregarding the customs and laws of this land.

“Well, I hope I haven’t troubled you by talking about this with, Jin. But since there may be something up ahead, I thought about telling you so you could keep it in mind. … I’m sorry, though.”

Reinhart finished his speech with a nod.

There were so many troublesome things already, but even though they’ve just become acquainted, Jin was already fond of Saki. So Jin simply said ‘It’s nothing’ and laughed.

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