Magic and Martial War God

Chapter 134: Sect Entrance Examination Part 3- Sheer Will


Both Jian Tian and James Torres were barely standing against the pressure that was released to the fullest extent. This pressure was splitting their mind and soul, as they felt the scorching heat in their body, with a powerful gravity pulling them down.

"It is really unexpected." Klink appeared near Johnny and spoke with a surprised expression on his face. His eyes were sticking at Jian Tian, as a mysterious smile appeared on his lips. At this moment, he felt nothing like the Klink from a few weeks ago.

Currently, Klink was like a mysterious black hole, no matter how much you look at it, you can't find the end. But more importantly, Klink had to move too fast in terms of Sword Cultivation. He had already moved out of Sword Energy Realm, if not at least at the peak of Sword Energy Realm.

But Johnny hasn't asked him, Johnny didn't know a single thing about it. Johnny nodded at his remark, but his eyes were at a different person. Johnny was looking at James. He knows Jian Tian was burrowing the power from his talent, but James had nothing.

Only sheer Will was allowing him to stand next to a heaven-level talent. This was unprecedented because his Will was at least ten times stronger than Johnny's Will. Of course, both of them are nearly at the same age, so it understandable.

Not to mention, James had something to prove, something to achieve, unlike Johnny, he had a dream to pursue. His dreams were rather ridiculous though. He knows he had no cultivation talent, so his dream was to defeat his opponent or monsters with his physical strength.

But the problem was inside him. Even if he wanted to do so, he can't improve his physical strength by a lot, at least not without cultivation. But he didn't give up, he doesn't know why? There was an inextinguishable fire in his heart, this was the source of his Will.

This fire didn't give any supernatural power or luck, but whenever he felt he can't continue. Whenever he felt his 'Will' will extinguish any moment, this inextinguishable fire kept his Will burning, not letting it fade away.

Six minutes have passed by, at this moment Johnny had already reached the full limit of his suppression. He could no longer increase, so he decided to disperse it.

"Thud" But suddenly, he saw Jian Tian falling unconscious on the ground.

"Whoosh" The next moment, Klink swiftly moved and take him away. At this same moment, Johnny releases his pressure. At this moment, only one person was standing on the stage. He was covered in blood and sweat, but he had a gentle smile on his face.

He knew he won and got a chance to change his future. Suddenly, Johnny kicked the air and rushed at him. Johnny moved closer to him and patted on his shoulder saying "You are amazing."

Suddenly James turned shy as he buried his face down. After all, he was able to impress the sect master and got praise from him, it was really joyful for him. Johnny took out a golden marble-sized item and said "Open your mouth!"

James subconsciously opened his mouth and found Johnny tossing that golden marble-sized item into his mouth. It was a healing medicine from the system. James was very ordinary, so if he remains injured for a long time, it will definitely affect him, so he hurriedly gave away that medicine.

When the medicine entered his body, it acted on its own. The medicine slowly melted near his throat and the blue essence moved inside his body. Instead of moving down, the blue essence got sucked in by the blood veins and merged with his blood.

Soon, this blood flowed around his whole body, healing every injury that he possesses. Within a few moments, he was completely healed. Then, Johnny took out a transparent small bottle made out of jade and pass it to him saying "The fluid inside will help you awaken Magic or Martial Path, then you can take another fluid to awaken sword path."

"Once you awaken your sword path, you just need to reach a certain level, then you abandon the magic or martial path."

At this moment, James turned silent. He was a little confused and a little disappointed. Seeing this, Johnny asked, "Are you not satisfied?"

"I, I don't think I can awaken magic and martial path. Can't I directly practice sword path?" James doesn't even remember how many medicines he had taken in his small age to awaken those paths, but unfortunately he couldn't. His last hope was to be a swordsman directly, which is why he choose this sect.

"Oh! Then you can directly take this Kendo Improvement Fluid. Of course, this way might have to endure for a little longer." Understanding his heart, he took out another jade bottle with blue fluid on it. Previously, he was able to help Klink awaken because he possesses a chance for both paths.

It was because his martial path was rather dominant than his magic path, so he awakened the martial path. But once his martial path was cut off, he still got the chance to awaken the magic path. But in James' case, it was different because he had consumed heaven rank treasures, but still couldn't awaken even a single path.

So he needed a new path. A path is different than a magic and martial path. Holding the Kendo Improvement Fluid in his hand, James' hand trembled with excitement. He hurriedly sat down and open the lid.


The next moment, he drank the entire bottle in a single try. The Kendo Improvement Fluid entered his body, but all of a sudden, he screamed in pain "Ahhhhh"

His scream was very loud, awakening some of them. Klink, Yan Yijun, and others also heard this scream and rushed towards him. At this moment, Johnny suddenly panicked and shouted "Sulfur, check his current condition. What is happening?"

After three seconds, he received the voice "Sir, this person's body is rejecting the Kendo Improvement Fluid. Its particles are getting forcefully swallowed. Because of this, the sword energy present in the Kendo Improvement Fluid is fighting against it. Their fight is causing severe main to the person's body."

"Check his body, and find out why his body is rejecting and swallowing the Kendo Improvement Fluid," Johnny shouted, but once again looked at James with a worried expression. At this moment, James was still screaming in pain.

"Ahhhhhh" "Ahhhhhhhh" "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"

"Sect master, what happened?" Klink appeared at the fastest speed and asked in hurry.

"His body is forcefully swallowing the Kendo Improvement Fluid while the sword energy inside the Kendo Improvement Fluid is fighting against such forceful nature. And this whole action is causing the intense pain in his body." Johnny made a worried face as he explained.

But soon he realized, James was slowly calming down. He was no longer howling in pain, but his screams not only made elders react but also some participants who woke up earlier. They also arrived soon.

"Hu" "Hu" "Hu"

James catches his breath, but the next moment tears fell down his cheeks. He clenched his fist and slammed it at the ground, murmuring "I couldn't change my destiny. I still remained as trash. They were right, I am really trash."

"Bang" "Bang" "Bang" "Bang"

"Damn" "Damn" "Damn" "I don't want to remain as trash" "I want to get" "I want to cultivate"

James kept slamming his fist on the ground until the blood gushed out of his fist. This pain didn't even make him flinch.

"Stop it, you are hurting yourself. You had just gone through that horrible pain." Johnny caught his hands, forcefully stopping him.

"Is that a horrible kind of pain for you sect master? It is not painful at all. From the age of ten, I have gone through that horrible for dozens of times. It doesn't hurt as much it hurts to find out that I am still trash. It is very horrible pain, leaving the scar that I can't erase." Looking at those eyes that he made. Johnny sighed in self-blame.

That horrible pain was nothing, he said. Johnny could bet, out of seven hundred, not even a single one can bear that pain, not now at least. And this guy has been bearing such pain from the age of ten. Those eyes were pure, those tears were pure. At this moment, Johnny began to blame himself for sowing hope in this youth's heart.

But suddenly, a voice rang in his mind with a panel appearing in front of him.

"Name- Anti-Celestial Body

Description- It is also known as the strongest physique in the world. This body was created by a martial artist that achieved a point where he could break ten thousand daos with a single fist. This physique devours the world to strengthen the body. It doesn't walk on any other path except the extreme body path.

Condition to achieve- Anti-Celestial Fiend God Body Tempering Art"

Then, he found another panel in front of him.

"Anti-Celestial Fiend God Body Tempering Art

Description- This body tempering method is the extreme body tempering method.

Price- 5 Billion Sect Point"

"Fuck?" Johnny cursed after looking at the price of this art. The highest he had seen was two billion, and now five billion costing art appeared. But his voice attracted other's attention to him. They all had weird gazes.

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