Magic and Martial War God

Chapter 144: Love and Sword

In the distant galaxy, 2215

In a deep forest, there were two figures standing in front of each other. They were just a few centimeters away. One was a man with a dashing and handsome face, his eyebrows with those crystal black pupils made the darkness shine within brightness.

In front of him, there was a lady, beautiful but not comparable to that man. Still, both of them were madly in love with each other. Breathing of this lady was heavy, as she panted rapidly to recover her breath. After a minute, anger flashed in her eyes as she looked at the eyes of the man and yelled "Why don't you take me with you? Why do you always keep pushing me away?"

"Am I not worthy enough for you just because of my wealth and beauty? Or do you not love me anymore?"

"You…. I am not pushing you away. And I love you more than anything else. And this is exactly why I can't take you with me." Just as the man was going to say something, his voice stuck for a moment. Then he realized his words and corrected them in hurry.

"See! You are not being honest with yourself, how do you expect me to believe in you? Why do you keep hiding things from me? Do you think I don't know you possess extraordinary superpowers? I lived sixteen years with you, but you never changed."

"Your face is exactly the same as it used to be. You haven't changed a bit, except your age. You might have an extraordinary lifespan, you might live even forever. But I can't." Suddenly, she yelled and pounced into his embrace.

Tears droped down her cheeks into his cold shoulder. His body was extraordinarily cold but she was feeling the warmth from her heart. At this moment, she shuttered as she continues "I.....I—I can't l….live forever. Please don't leave me alone. P…..Please stay w----with me until I am dead."

"I just want to live in your embrace as long as I live, as long as you don't hate my old and ugly face, I just want to keep lying in your embrace."

These words were like small knives piercing his heart. He doesn't want to live here either but now he can no longer maintain his image, no longer accompany her to the shopping, and may even cause her death.

Because they are coming, soon this world will open the Space-Time Formation, soon the aliens and his people will come to find him. But he just wants to accompany her for the rest of her life.

It is said man doesn't shed tears but if that man loves someone and cares for that person even more than himself, he can never stop himself from crying. The man couldn't contain his tears as he clutched her tightly into his embrace and cold light glinted in his eyes as he spoke "We'll live together. I'll no longer hide anything from you."

But when he spoke these words, he didn't notice the world was changing everything was changing, but the change was still far away from them. They went to their house. Slowly the cold night swept by, the man covered the lady with the blanket and slowly move out of the house.

After walking few meters away, he looked back at the house and muttered "I promise you, I am not going to run away. I will face them and I'll be together with you forever." At this moment, the scent of the blood spread from his body.

At this moment, inside the house. The lady slowly pulled down the blanket and her face covered in tears was revealed as she murmured "Daniel, you still hide the truth from me."


In Mars,


"Damn! I thought my battle armor distracted their attention. How come they still found me so soon? But at least, they only send few kings. As long as I hide properly, I can take care of them one by one." Steve made an ugly expression while flying over the hot desert.

"But currently, my exhaustion is taking over me. I can't fight even the early kings. Damn! They really calculated well. All this I was running away from them to buy a new transmitter but they won't leave me a second alone." Steve's face was still ugly when he looked back at those witch race people who were a lot weaker than him.

But due to his exhausted body, he couldn't take dozens of them at once. Normally, they sent the early level kings to chase because the early level kings are many times weaker than late level kings. This is also why Johnny was able to chase Grey away.

On another side of the desert.

"Whoosh" "Whoosh" "Whoosh" "Whoosh"

"Splash" "Splash" "Splash" "Splash"

Dozens of golden swords flew in the air and rushed towards the fiery red-tongued salamanders. This Red-Tongue Salamander has a unique power to store immense heat in his mouth. This heat was even stronger than magma.

Of course, they are also very close to the Lavanedo Monsters race, like a big brother. In front of this group, Jian Tian was standing with his mighty posture releasing an intense amount of sword energy from his body. At a single time, he was able to condense four swords with his current control.

But he was very fast, within few minutes he had already slaughtered those salamanders. Both salamanders and Lavanedos were at the same level, so taking their life with his improvement condition wasn't bad at all.

"Boom" "Boom"

Suddenly two lasers were fired towards them. But Klink made two swords and destroyed them down. Due to such actions, everyone's attention shifted towards a person who was getting chased by others.

"Steve!" Suddenly Rocky exclaimed attracting others' attention but Steve was still far away to hear him, not to mention the people behind him.

"You know him?" Klink asked with surprise. After all, he could see the condition of Steve from far away.

"Yeah and he also knows me. He is the son of Thunder Emperor. He is a very easy-going guy and he is like an elder brother to me." After few seconds Rocky uttered these words, Steve passed by him but didn't look at him or talked to him.

"It seems your elder brother doesn't want to talk to you. Well, I can understand. He is chased by ten kings if he talks to you, they'll definitely capture you. But hey, look at your hand." Klink nodded with satisfaction after all he saw each of his actions.

Steve caught the transmitter in the wrist of Rocky which was a watch and took it away. Steve knew the password of the watch, so he didn't flinch while taking it away. But except Klink, someone else noticed it too.

"Stop!" Suddenly when that group of kings was about to pass by Klink's group, a man with a hoarse voice shouted. His sound stopped other and he floated towards Rocky in the intention to capture.

"Whoosh" "Ding" Suddenly, Klink's figure blurred and appeared right beside the man with a hoarse voice in the mid-air. His body took a rotation and slashed his original white metal sword against the man. But that man noticed it way earlier, he clutched the black dagger and blocked against the

"Bang" When the sword and dagger collided, intense pressure was released forming the crater beneath them while breaking small mountain rocks by their pressure.

"Space Portal" Rocky condensed mana into his arms and sparkle it with the space element. Condensing the power of space element at his finger, he formed a giant space portal beneath him, Jian Tian, and James.

Then, the next moment they reached thousands of meters away, to be exact in front of Steve startling him.

"Thud" Losing his balance, Steve fell on the ground and yelled "Why did you come finding me? Don't see there are people chasing me. I have already contacted dad, he will be here shortly."

"Don't worry Brother Steve, our friend is blocking those guys." Rocky patted his chest and proudly said.

Only then Steve noticed one member less in their group, suddenly his face got filled with worries as he yelled at Rocky "Don't you know the ones chasing me were kings? How come you let your person go to death like this?"

Seeing his expression, Rocky pouted and then giggled "Don't worry Brother Steve, I know even you couldn't see his cultivation. Although his cultivation is not higher than yours, he can indeed fight against them. Not to mention, he just breakthrough in yesterday's fight."

"What? Master broke through but when? I didn't even see him cultivating." Before Steve could say something, Jian Tian reacted with disbelief on his face. He shouted at Rocky, asking him many questions, almost grabbed his collar.

"Oh! At that time you were busy fighting against those Lavanedos. While teaching you, he also realized some truth and broke through. And don't ask me how in the hell did he do that? Cause I don't freak in now. He just taught you something and then next moment he sat down, condense a golden sword out of his body and 'Boom' breakthrough as IF THAT GUY WAS EATING HIS MEAL." Rocky felt agitated while mentioning that phenomenon. His eyes burst into flames with hatred and jealousy.

"Tap" While Jian Tian was hearing his words with a dumbfounded expression and was about to ask something, James caught his shoulder. Then he got a little closer and whispered "Don't ask him, otherwise he became a mad bull. Your master was freakin amazing, he said 'I didn't teach him, I taught myself because even I lack the mastery over sword energy control.'"

Hearing him Jian Tian's eyes were wide open as he gaped "Even master lacks over the sword energy control. I wonder just how vast the sword dao is?"

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