Magic and Martial War God

Chapter 156: Sword Control Part 2

His Sword Heart burst the immense amount of sword energy a few times, finally, it no longer pumped the sword energy. At this moment, the Sword Heart turned silent once again. So, finally, his sword heart broke into new realms finally.

"Sword Heart Realm- Second Stage"

"Finally, now I can test my theory." Johnny took and release few breaths after he reached the second stage. He stood up and then released his sword energy. With his greater control, the sword energy rapidly transformed into the sword.

Hilt, body, and tip, one by one, a total of eleven swords were condensed out of his sword energy. These swords were the same size, but they were more stable now. His bloodline passive ability 'One with the Sword' was operating diligently giving him better control over the sword energy.

But this wasn't the end. After condensing the sword, he released the black energy out of his body. This black energy was silent but when it was released, immense pressure was developed within the surrounding.

"Conqueror Armament- Condense"

This black energy was the conqueror armament, when it flows out of his body, it slowly rolled through his hands into the first sword. While passing through the air, Johnny didn't even need to control it. It was just going on its own as if it already knew his intentions.


The conqueror armament rolled around his first sword, and suddenly condensed the black layer over the red sword, turning it completely black. When the sword turned black, it released a spark of red and black energy.

"Crack" "Bang" "Crack" "Bang" "Crack" "Bang" "Crack" "Bang"

This energy was so intense, just by the overflow of this energy, it shattered four swords around it. At this moment, Johnny felt the nature of the conqueror armament was changing. For a moment, he felt a little dissatisfied but then his eyes popped out.

When the sparks settled down, he saw the red conqueror armament slowly removing itself from his sword. And then, it returned back to his body. For a moment, he didn't understand what was going on? The Conqueror Armament acted on its own. But then he realized the dark mana flowing out of his body.

This caused him dumbfounded, because this time when the dark mana touched the sword, not only the sword didn't repel it but also welcomed it with pleasure. Of course, this didn't actually happen and it was only his imagination but the sword didn't repel the dark mana for sure.


Suddenly, the dark mana covered the sword. At the same time, the sword turned dark but overflowing with sharpness. Seeing this, Johnny felt a little helpless for a moment. Then, he released his dark mana into the remaining second sword.

"Crack" "Bang" Just like the last time, his control over the energy wasn't enough causing the conflict between two energies. The sword broke and the dark mana dissipated. Seeing this, Johnny had urged to cry.

He found without the treasures or external forces, he was truly worthless. It might be just luck that allowed them to achieve everything he has achieved till now. But soon, he regained his calmness. After all, luck was part of his talent.

Even though he doesn't understand much about his own luck, he knows this was certainly his own talent. Then, he once again tried with other swords. But all of them exploded, and only the sword which got conquered by the conqueror armament remained.

Finally, he left a long sigh and took out his real black sword. This was the sword given by his brother, he renamed it 'Dark Abyss Sword'. Holding the sword in his right hand, he slowly moved the dark sword condensed by sword energy and overlapped by the dark mana to his real sword.

It was just the same as the Klink integrating the sword condensed with sword energy into his real sword. When the dark sword integrates with the black sword, an intense overwhelming dark energy released out of his sword.

This energy was revolving around him in the shape of the thread. At the same time, the dark energy burst out of his eyes and he moved his left leg to a little left. Then, he held the sword hilt with both of his hands, lifting it above his hand.

Suddenly, the dark energy moved out of his sword, turning into a small whirlpool. This whirlpool was very small, but when it was released above his head, it suddenly turns the surrounding black and white. The dark whirlpool turned complete black, and it looked nothing more than a hole made in the infinite black world.

"Dark Dimensional Sword Art- Black Hole"

At this moment, he realized he needed someone to attack him so that he transform the opponent's attack and use it for the attack. Soon after three seconds, that black hole disappeared. With his current strength, he could only hold the black hole for three seconds.

But he didn't stop here. His goal was to merge the dark mana with his sword energy on his own. So he continued his practice.

Meanwhile, it was the nighttime outside.

"Whoosh" "Whoosh" "Whoosh"

Few figures moved in shadows, their speed was too fast and they were wearing black clothes. They directly entered disciples building. After they entered the disciple building, they stopped and looked at each other's faces.

They didn't talk but each of them understood each other's intention. They separated into different groups and went to different rooms. But the rooms were tightly locked. One of them walked near the door and found it was a card recognition lock.

Suddenly, they found they got no choice but to assault directly.

They all went near the girl who was their leader. They made different hand signals to talk to each other. The girl in black dress didn't know what to do. They were assassins, and so they need to do everything silently.

But it also seems impossible. So finally, they decided to wait until someone walks out. While they hide in different places, the girl in black hides herself on the rooftop. When she was thinking of something, a sudden voice startled her "Girl, you are bearing so many curses?"


Silently turning herself into darkness, she retreated to the edge of the roof-top. But she didn't notice that person was already there. The girl in black looked behind and saw the monster beast. This monster beast was none other than Yan Yijun.

But the girl in black didn't speak. Due to the unbearable pain, she forced herself to forget to speak. But the Yan Yijun had already seen through her. Yan Yijun didn't get near her and spoke from afar "I know you guys are here to assassinate our students."

"Of course, you can't do that based on your strength. But I am curious, why do you bear so many curses and most importantly 'Needles Tongue Curse'. And more importantly, all of your curses seem to be forced upon you."

Yan Yijun couldn't see everything exactly but he could see the harshness that this girl bears from those curses. As a follower of Buddhism, he was always at odds with curses and evil.

Although girl was surprised for a moment, she didn't speak. The dark energy flow through her body as she moved away. She didn't decide to fight him head-on but suddenly a thought emerged in her head. Then, she moved towards the lower floor.

Seeing this, Yan Yijun turned confused for a moment. She could feel she wanted to retreat a few seconds ago but she changed her path. But he didn't think too much and followed her. At the same time, ten swords flew out at extreme speed.

These swords were vast, moving at an extreme speed.

"Splash" "Splash" Ten swords pierced two assassins. Although not all ten of them hit the assassins, they were able to overpower them with numbers. Even though assassins blocked one or two swords, they couldn't block all of them.

The person who attacked was none other than Mira. Her sword cultivation was only below Klink so currently she was only weaker than Yan Yijun. But there was someone else who was as strong as her.

"Space Sword"

Merged the concept of space with the dao of the sword, Rose stood in front of three fleeing assassins and poured her mana into the air. By her mind sense, she controlled the mana and formed three giant invisible swords above them.

"Splash" "Splash" "Splash"

Three invisible swords pierced three assassins. At the same time, other fleeing assassins were also taken care of by Charlotte nonetheless. It was surprising when she contained other assassins within her ice cage.

At the same time, the girl was rushing towards the student that had come out. She was holding the dagger in her hands, trying to stab the student. This student was Takeo. With his strength, he didn't even know how to dodge.

But this wasn't her true intention. As she intended, when Yan Yijun saw her movement to kill Takeo, he didn't hesitate to keep his strength. Although he pities this girl, he can't let her kill his students.

"Buddha Palm" "Bang" "Bang" "Bang"

Pouring all of his Buddha energy into his palm, he condensed a giant golden palm at the sky. This palm was big and fast, breaking through the ceiling, it crushed towards the girl. Suddenly, a lightning flashed near them, a figure caught Takeo and took him out of the impact zone.


The giant palm fell upon the girl, her eyes were falling into the darkness. At the same time, Yan Yijun realized something was wrong, he found the girl didn't even try to dodge his attack. When he reached in front of her, he saw a smile full of gratitude on her lips as she uttered her final words before her eyes closed completely.

"Thank You"

At this moment, no matter how much pain her tongue bear? No matter how much pain her soul bear? No matter how much pain her body bear? Nothing matters now, because she knew she had finally freed herself from the curses as she was dying.

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