Magic and Martial War God

Chapter 161: Ninth Demon Prince

"Damn! How could these guys be so strong?" Wiping down the blood from his mouth, Brian cursed himself for being so rash. He couldn't understand how could they beat him to this state even though none of them were King Realm Cultivators?

His face had few scratches, his chest bone was broken and there were two sword holes on both of his arms. He was in the state of fainting. A half an hour ago, he arrived at the territory of the Supreme Sword Sect, due to the thunder tribulation, he didn't enter the sect instead went to that site.

Then, he asked them to return that little girl but Yan Yijun blindly refused. Although it seems he added the oil to the fire, he invoked Johnny to kill Brian at any cost. Of course, it wasn't easy as it seemed. Yan Yijun, Johnny, Mira, Rose, and Charlotte, all five of them were together and they barely wounded Brian.

Michal and Luo Qing didn't join the fight because of their injuries. But still, it was taking them all they had just to fight it.

"Boy, don't push your luck. I haven't revealed a natal weapon. Let's end this fight here!" Brian still got the King's attitude but his silent voice was making him look more like a scholar than a demon or a King.

"Space Transfer" Suddenly, Rose controlled the Dao of Space and transferred Johnny in the way of Brian. They had no intention to let him go. Previously, Johnny didn't care much about Yan Yijun's words because the opponent was King after all.

But now, he understood if he let go of Brian, he will be sowing a seed that will bring endless destruction to humanity. While fighting against him, only Mira was in the same realm. After all, because of Klink, she was already in the Sword Soul Realm after the birth of Elisha.

But her understanding of sword wasn't very high. While fighting against him, she had too many disadvantages. Brian had the Soundless Demon Dao, allowing him to reach the True Meaning to all of his martial arts.

Due to the immense strength, he was at the absolute advantage against Mira alone. But the fact, she wasn't alone. Yan Yijun's Buddhist Dao and Johnny's Infinite Cultivation were holding on against him. Rose and Charlotte were giving them backup support over several situations.

Rose was using her Dao of Space to transfer and switch their places during many attacks while Charlotte was using her Ice Magic to hold the defense in critical situations.

"Damn! Since you want to face my true strength then I will give you one." Brian got irritated by Johnny's actions. Finally, with no choice left, he decided to go all-out.

'Originally, I wanted to use these moves to prove my worth as a Demon Prince but now it seems I need to use it here.'

"Heaven Slaughtering Demon Art- Nine Origins of Demon Strikes"

"The First Origin- Chaos"

Suddenly, a vast amount of spiritual energy flows into his veins, reaching out to the blade he was holding. This blade was a meter long, toned with a dark dragon coiled around. Holding his blade, he stabbed forward.

But Johnny had already prepared his move.

"Bloodline Ability- Nine Steps of Death"

"Third Step!"

From the above, a giant foot bearing the mass of a mountain, trying to crush the clouds and seas, rushed towards the blade. At this moment, Brian saw this terrifying move coming, with no choice left, he gritted his teeth and stabbed up.

The chaos seemed to have merged with his blade, the space and time rumbled. From the tip of the blade, a black dot was released. The moment it was released, the space-time around them seems to have stopped.

"Crack" "Bang"

But who was he facing? The third step of death, just the second step that crushed the thunder tribulation, then how powerful could the third step be? Even space and time don't seem to restrain it. The foot broke the disturbance of time and space, clashing against the black dot.

But this black dot wasn't ordinary either. Just from its release, time and space stopped, it was the prominence of chaos, beginning to everything, but in front of the giant foot, it was still the puny virtual chaos created by a King Realm Cultivator.


"Bang" "Thud" "Thud"

The second step clashed with the virtual form of chaos, breaking it into the pieces. His feet still had the tiny amount of infinite energy left, smashing Brian to the ground. But he wasn't the only one injured. In fact, he was least injured in this collision.

Johnny suffered terrible pain and ruptures. His bones were broken, not only legs but also back. His skin was ruptured and blood was gushing out like a foundation. The blood from his body was dripping on the ground.

He was barely flying with help of sword steps. But now, his body could no longer hold it. So with no choice left, he fell on the ground with a lot of injuries. Fortunately, he got the Undead Bloodline and it was also this bloodline that gave him the courage to use the third.

He had opened two hundred meridians, strengthen his body to the limit of Iron Rank Body and also condense a large amount of infinite energy. All of this was barely allowing him to condense the third foot. In this foot, he didn't use his spiritual energy instead of the infinite energy.

Although Johnny didn't receive any injuries from Brian's attack, he understood how powerful that attack was? His third step could be the strongest attack on his possession, for that, he even increased his strength with War God Bloodline and its ability.

Even so, he couldn't bear the pressure of this third step for too long and ended up creating the small foot. Yes, that foot was really small for the third step. Because the third step was the end of the Early Steps of Death. Afterward, there were the steps of real death.

And the third step could be big as a planet, but not just a mountain but a planet. In fact, the full potential of the first step would be the planet. But the problem would be the bloodline energy could produce.

Unlike blood energy, bloodline energy is special energy unique to its bloodline. While running the bloodline, it produces this kind of energy from its source. The only way to increase the bloodline energy would be to improve his bloodline.

That means if he wants to show the first step to its full potential, he needs to awaken his bloodline for the second time. It would be hard considering he had to explore his body just to push his bloodline potential to its limit and awaken it.

It was only due to the credibility of Yin Hao'er he decided to take such action. If it was anyone else, he might not have agreed. He himself doesn't understand why he feels too close with Yin Hao'er.

"Ku-ek" While Johnny was healing, Brian coughed blood out of his mouth as he suffered terrible injuries. At this moment, he felt his eyes were slowly closing. He doesn't understand why but he doesn't seem to be able to hold on anymore.

'Is this how I die? NO! I don't want to die. I haven't avenged my parents. I need to get that position. I need to get resources. I need to increase my strength and exterminate those serpents and those big serpents (Dragon).'

Although he thought well, he knew if he can't move, he'll die. He had already seen the killing intent of a Buddhist animal, so he sure that the monster will kill him. But he really didn't want to die. And he was right, before his eyes were closed, he saw a giant golden palm that was illuminating the sky, rushing towards him with full force.

The power of the palm wasn't something he could fight against, at least not in his current condition. He could only stay there, but he really didn't want to die. With all of his remaining strength, he gripped his blade.

But the blade was heavy, even so, he used all of his strength, just to point the broken tip of the blade towards the golden palm.

"Whoosh" "Bang"

But suddenly, a figure appeared next to him. This figure was an old man with wrinkly skin and old aged face. He got a white beard with a bald head and long nails. He also had a smile but it was creepy as a real demon.

He lifted his palm, and pushed against the giant golden palm, breaking it in a single stroke. It was a devastating power. The 'Buddha's Palm' which once toppled the King Realm was broken in a single stroke.

It was really hard to accept, but Yan Yijun was really helpless. He couldn't believe someone this strong would appear on the earth. But that old man didn't even bother glancing at others, he simply smiled giving a gloomy and chilling aura, looking at Brian, and gently spoke "You have passed the trial."

"As of today, the inheritor of Soundless Demon God, inheriting the Soundless Demon Dao shall be proclaimed as the Demon Prince in the honor of Demon King, to serve the Demon World."

Then, he gives him a deep glance, speaking "I, Aladdin shall follow the ninth prince as his protector and bring him back to the Demon World." While saying so, he kneeled on his one knee.

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