Magic and Martial War God

Chapter 178: Supreme Sword Sect Fights! Part 5

A few hours ago,

Inside the room,

Mira and Elisha were sitting beside Klink with a worried expression. They do want to go and help but they didn't want to leave Klink alone either. And Johnny also asked them to take care of the sect. This is why they didn't leave, at not now at least.


Suddenly, Klink opened his eyes startling Mira and Elisha. Although surprised, she was happier that Klink had woken up. After Klink woke up, she threw herself into his embrace, clutching him harder. But Klink frowned and asked, "What happened?"

But the next moment, he realized a huge amount of sword energy remained in his body. This sword energy startled him. It was very much refined and strong too. Only then he realized the reason, suddenly his sword sense was released.

The next moment, his face turned ugly. He saw Johnny fighting against three people who not weaker than the person he previously faced, might be even stronger. At this moment, Klink felt burning hatred in his heart but the next moment, a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

He pushed Mira a little far away from his embrace and said "I must leave and help him." But when he was about to stand him, his clothes were tightly held. Mira's mood and the head was very low, not daring to look at his face, but she still didn't want him to leave.

It was obvious she loves and care about Klink more than the sect. But Klink kept his smile and pat her shoulder, saying "This time I won't leave you. So, don't worry about anything and wait for me." Even though she still clutched his cloth, he walked away.

'But I don't want to get separated from you.' Mira didn't stop shedding tears but Klink had already left.

At the same time,

In the far western part of Australia,

"Master, what happened?" Raphael taking his dark shadow back asked. At this moment, a figure rushed towards them. His body was covered with lightning as he moved, with the step he covered a thousand meters.

But within a single second, he made three steps. Covering the distance of three thousand meters, he reached in front of Yan Yijun. After he stopped, he panted for a long time, as he spoke "Mas… Master..... This is too hard."

"Because of five thousand pounds weight, I take three steps in a single second."

"That's good! Once you finish making ten steps in a single second, you can add another five thousand pounds." Yan Yijun didn't care about the complaint, he simply nodded his head. Then, suddenly he remembered something and took out three long herbs and said "Take each herb when you increase the weight by double."

Jester felt helpless but still nodded his head and took those herbs. Then, Yan Yijun spoke again "I will be leaving for some time. Take out those weights and carry me back to the sect. After that, you two need to train here until some time."

Jester nodded his head and happily took out those weights. Giving Yan Yijun a princess ride, he rushed towards the sect. It had only been three minutes, Yan Yijun had killing intent burning in his heart. Even his Buddhism Dao couldn't hide.

"Jester stop!" When Yan Yijun suddenly spoke, Jester was startled since they were still far away from the sect. But he did stop himself. When Yan Yijun moved down, he asked Jester "Use your speed to throw me up in the air at a sixty-degree angle."


Suddenly, lightning crawled around his body. When Jester moved, time around him became slow. He caught Yan Yijun and threw him with all of his speed. He didn't even ask why? He simply did what he was told.


Yan Yijun was blooming with golden energy. This golden energy had an intense amount of suppressing to other energy, might not be like this, he would have died against the beautiful woman.

On another hand, the beautiful woman was getting irritated by each second. Her attacks were getting weaker and couldn't do much damage to Yan Yijun. Instead, she was the one who keeps getting attacked by him.

Gritting her teeth, her fingers touched each other as she spoke "Emperor Skill: Domain Expansion"

"Great Lake of Mount Tai"

Suddenly, powerful energy burst out of her instantly turning surrounding into the pool of water. Everything was already underwater, and the same goes for these two.

"Water Dragon Roar"

Inside the water, she was not only able to breathe but also use her magic art. A powerful burst of water came out of her mouth, and when it rushed towards Yan Yijun, it only got bigger and powerful. Inside this domain, all of her attacks were getting stronger with every second.

But Yan Yijun didn't shrink back. He came up with a fist that was blooming with golden energy. He touched the water, and when his skill was released, a powerful fist was formed. But in the middle, his fist shrunk by half.

Seeing this, his pupil contracted. Finally, he understood her domain not only increases her attack power but also decreases her opponent's attack power.

"Bang" "Bang" His fist was broken apart by the water roar and his body was blasted away by it. Fortunately, he used his forearm to block but the power of the blast was very strong, it broke his forearm bones.

'Damn! Even if I get strong as her, cultivation is cultivation. She has gone through so many realms and because of that, her tricks are endless. If this goes on, I might die.' A quick flash of worry appeared in his eyes. Suddenly, he closed his eyes and a picture appeared in his eyes.

This was the picture of his wife, dying in front of him. Only because he kept himself low-key. He regrets he regrets being low-key. Remembering his wife, he finally left a helpless smile and murmured 'Am I really going to use it?'

At this moment the pain of his broken arm no longer hurts him, not even close to his wife's death. At this moment, a determination flashed in his eyes as he muttered "I must use it."

"Great Immortal Jade Body Activates!"

At this moment, his body got covered by white light. This white light blinded everything within the great lake. But when the white light disappeared, Yan Yijun also disappeared instead a man appeared in front of that lady.


When she gives him a quick glance, her heartbeats. Her face turned crimson, her breathing got heavy. Her heart keeps beating with greater speed. At this moment, she completely fell in love with the man in front of her. It was the love of first sight.

"Whoosh" At the same time, her domain completely disappeared. At this moment, a beautiful woman and a super-handsome man were standing in front of each other. The super-handsome man was obviously Yan Yijun, just transformed into a human.

His transformation was endless speechless. When he transformed into a human, his 'Great Immortal Jade Body' gave him two major charms. One was a body, another was an aura. His body was slender, with a naked upper body. His abs were stuck out a little.

But his gorgeous face made him even more stunning. Perfect twinkling black pupils with shiny black hair falling down his shoulder and that mind-blowing pale face turned him into the appearance of a real immortal.

His body was slender but fit, and his height was also above average, with that pale childlike skin, he gives the perfect example of an immortal. At the same time, the aura emitting out of him was ethereal.

"Let's fight!" Clenching his fist, he spoke with confidence but suddenly he was dumbfounded by her reply "I….I surrender!"

He didn't understand what makes her surrender so easily. After all, it has to be known her strength was still strong and they have a fifty-fifty chance of winning. But now, she surrenders which made him confused.

At this moment, he looked closely and found her breathing was getting heavier and she was turning red with each second. Suddenly a solemn look appeared on his face when he asked "Did you use the forbidden technique? Is this a side-effect?"

But after he said this, he was taken back for a moment. They were enemies, so why did he ask something like that with such concern? Even he doesn't know the answer. But his question raised unexpected results in her heart.

'Is he caring about me? He is, he is really caring about it. Does that mean he doesn't take me as his enemy? Wait, DOES THIS FREAKING MEANS I HAVE A CHANCE?' Her expectation was inside confusing. When Yan Yijun showed his concern, she got another heartbeat.

But soon, she calmed down her heart and her expectation and shook her head. Even though she seemed calm, her body was still red. Seeing she shook her head, he asked "Then, why to surrender?"

Although her heart was chaotic, she gave a calm answer "We are not life and death enemies. We just came here to deliver the message from Human Federation, so why fight to the death? If not for your sect master being so arrogant, we might even not even have fought and..."

Hearing her, he shook his head helplessly. He felt Johnny was changing so much but at the same time, he also saw a hidden danger. Not just he, even Klink saw this danger. Even though Johnny was getting power, he seems to be like a puppet, a puppet who does everything a controller makes him do.

This was worrying both of them, but for now, they had decided to let him find it out by himself. But suddenly, he asked, "And what?" Because that moment, he felt she was hiding something. So he didn't hesitate to ask but once again, he was left dumbfounded by her words.

"A…A—And I......…. I LIKE YOU."

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