Magic and Martial War God

Chapter 182: Everything was the part of his plan

When Yan Yijun and Klink appeared at the place where Johnny died, they only saw the sword. Indeed, a powerful sword destroyed that phantom and disappeared. But they didn't understand why did that sword let Johnny die?

But someone was even faster than him.

A minute ago,

"Ahhh!" Rose suddenly screamed with pain. It was heart-wrenching pain. She didn't understand why was this happening? But the next moment, a thought appeared in her mind. She kept shaking her head, but when still that pain didn't dissipate.

But she still didn't hesitate to use 'Space Transfer' to appear near Johnny. But she was a step late. She appeared hundreds of meters away, only seeing Johnny's body getting destroyed by the finger. Tears swell from her eyes, words couldn't produce out of her throat.


She arrived in front of the sword before Yan Yijun and Klink. Seeing this, they stopped few meters away from them. She clutched the sword, tears fell down her cheeks and she shouted "Why? WHY DIDN'T YOU SAVE JOHNNY?"

She was holding the sharp edge of the sword with her might. But she couldn't break it, instead, her hand was cut. Blood drops out of her hand, spilling on the ground. But she couldn't feel the pain. Seeing this, Klink shouted "Rose stop! You are hurting yourself. And do you really believe Johnny will die so easily?"

"Didn't you see that sword? It only came out after Johnny's body was destroyed. I don't think Johnny is dead. There must be some unexplained things here. Calm down!"

"Calm down! Do you know how painful it is to see your belovebed suffer pain? Do you know how much Mira suffered when you turned into a sword? Do you know how much it hurts seeing Johnny like this? His body was destroyed, it was destroyed until nothing left in front of my eyes."

She knows Johnny won't die. She would never believe it even if he dies in front of her. But when she saw his body getting destroyed with her own eyes, her heart was breaking like glass. The pain in her heart was hundred times painful than the pain that she was suffering from the cuts in her hands.

"Rose, don't hurt yourself! If Johnny sees you like this, would he forgive himself for making things so hard for you? And, this sword is still here. It must've known what happened to Johnny." Yan Yijun rushed in front of her, and forcefully grabbed her hands, trying to push her away.

But at this moment, Rose shouted "Go away!" Her eyes were very red. She was extremely angry and sad at the same time. She held the sword and shouted "Tell me, what happened to Johnny? I want to know why you didn't save him."

"Young Miss, please calm down! The young master is not dead but he is really in critical condition. I am just a sword. How can I save a young master? And young master soul body is inside me but it's very weak, so don't shake me too much!" Suddenly, the little black shouted with an anxious voice.

"I know he is not dead. But why, why didn't you release that sword earlier?" Shaking the sword, even more, she shouted with sadness anger but suddenly stopped when the little black shouted few words.

"YOUNG MISS, DO YOU WANT YOUNG MASTER TO REMAIN NAÏVE AND GETTING MANIPULATED EASILY? Do you know why he picked a fight with those star realm cultivators? It is because of me. Do you know why he chose the sword? It is because of the young lord. Do you know why he created a new path for himself? It is because of his sister."

"Do you know why he has the greatest luck? It is because of the lord. Everyone, everyone except his mother is manipulating him. And mistress does not want her son to get manipulated by others. This is why she asked me to do what I did."


Yan Yijun, Rose, and Klink stayed silent for a moment until Rose finally spoke "So, how to bring him back to normal?"

When she asked this question, the sword began to vibrate fast. It was so fast that it phased through her hand. Suddenly, a drop of blood was sucked out of the sword, hovering in the air. After the blood hovered in the air, the sword stopped vibrating, and little black spoke "This is the blood of the young master."

Then, pointing his sword tip at Rose, he continued "There is pact known as Eternal Blood Relationship. Once this pact is formed, husband and wife can share their cultivation speed, knowledge, enlightenment, and even comprehension of daos."

"Currently, young master only has his soul body and that is still in a weak condition. Currently, there are two things Young Miss needs to do. First, you must behead thousand emperor rank creatures and let me absorb their soul. Second, you must cultivate sword to the realm of Sword Lord."

When he said these words, everyone looks at the sword with a weird gaze. They felt this was another scheme. Well, they really do not trust this sword. Especially after what happened to Johnny, but Rose still didn't hesitate to answer "I am going to do as you say but if anything bad happens, I'll never let you live."

"Come on! Have some trust in me! I am just sword." Feeling their distrust in him, the little black helplessly shouted. At the same time, the blood dripping out of her palm was already healed, so the swordman a small cut on her hand and shared knowledge about Eternal Blood Relationship with her.

Rose nodded her head but still didn't completely trusted him. After she digested the information, she let the sword control her blood that was dripped out of her hand. The sword controlled the blood of Rose and merged it with the blood of Johnny.

At the same time, she began to chant a few words that were written in Eternal Blood Relationship. With her words, the two different types of blood began to shine in a dark-red aura. When this aura spread out, suddenly Rose's breath became hot and her face turned red.

When Klink and Yan Yijun noticed it, they didn't hesitate to leave the spot. Mira and the beautiful woman didn't follow them previously but now they did.

When Rose found this abnormality, her face began to burn like the sun with embarrassment. Fortunately, no one was there to see it. While she was having such an awful situation, her body was releasing the intoxicating breath. But soon, everything calmed down.

This pact ritual didn't last too long and only took five minutes. After the ritual was done, a huge amount of information flooded her brain. This information wasn't memory but experience. All of his experiences began to flood her brain with different emotions and feelings.

When she felt all these feelings and emotions, she was on the brink of crying. But this time, she held herself and didn't cry. Her emotions were turning back to normal and not just that, her emotions were turning cold.

At this moment, except for the unconscious Johnny, no one could really guess what's happening with her. But when the blood ritual was completed, a small blood mark appeared on her forehead. This was the mark of the Eternal Blood Relationship.

When the mark appeared, her eyes turned very cold for a moment. It was just icy cold but rather had a deep killing intent hidden on it. For a second, the little black was taken aback by her eyes. He has been with living with Johnny for a while. But he hasn't seen such killing intent whether it is on Johnny or Rose.

So when he saw such killing intent, he frowned. But as soon as the killing intent disappeared, he shook his head and no longer took care of her.

As for Rose, she held the Black Dragon Sword and disappeared. She directly went to the Supreme Sword Sect and entered the giant sword. There was nothing that would stop her, since her pact with Johnny, now everything can be hers.

Of course, this doesn't include treasures inside his soul body. After all, his soul body was in deep sleep. Inside the sword, Johnny's soul body was sleeping without any sign of movement. Fortunately, he reached Warrior Soul Stage otherwise when his body exploded, everything that includes his talent would be ruined.

In the faraway universe,

Su Ling floated on the edge of the star and murmured "Son, I did everything I could to push you out of his grand plan. But it seems, my efforts were wasted. But Rose, your existence still has an impact on his grand plan. We must break his plan and save Johnny."

"Fei is the same Fei we know off. If you want to save your beloved Johnny, you must fulfill your purpose to create a rebellion. It might not be Johnny but that doesn't matter. All you need to do is fulfill your job, and your efforts and destiny will create a rebellion."

At this moment, a few drops of tears fell down her cheeks as she murmured "Fei, why? Why must you punish your family for your dream? You were just a kind-hearted kid, why must you be so ruthless just for your dream? Is everything just a pawn for you? Is everything a part of your plan?"

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