Magic and Martial War God

Chapter 188: Ruthless Rose Part 1

In the dark land filled with hundreds of corpses,

A man with claws like a tiger, eyes like a snake, the aura of a beast, held a black scale, demonic creature, on his hand. His claws smashed inside the chest of the demonic creature, clutching his heart, he threw that creature away.


Soon, the white light flashed out and instead of the beast-like man, a normal human appeared. Tall, handsome and had tattered clothes. He had sharp eyes filled with lots of killing intent. At the same time, his body was astonishingly releasing immense pressure.

"Ninth Prince, Demon King Zebrial has summoned you!" Suddenly, a figure appeared in front of him, kneeling on his one knee, wearing a black robe that covered his body. But his horns weren't covered at all.

"Umm! I will soon arrive." It has been two weeks since he has arrived here, in the demon world. At first, Brian found a lot of troublesome situations where he wanted to avoid it but couldn't. The major problem was sound. Originally, in the human world, he had made a silent castle where he didn't have to worry about sound.

But here, only strength speaks. And his strength was only stronger than low and middle-level demons. But soon, he adapted to the environment and silently head towards the royal capital. It seems the luck was on his side when he arrived a great competition was held on.

He signed up, although didn't win but successfully proved himself as the ninth demon prince with his Heaven Slaughter Demon Art which was the art that was only passed on to the inheritor of 108 demon gods.

When the demon in black rope disappeared, a hideous smile appeared on his lips as he spoke "Supreme Sword Sect and Dragon Race, soon, very soon, I'll get my revenge."

At the same time,

In the main hall,

"But sect master, isn't it a very rash decision?" Although all of them had already accepted her identity as sect master, they didn't think this decision was very good.

"Although this a rash decision but we also don't have much time. Even if human federation doesn't act now, it won't be long before they do. We can not fight against someone of that level with our current strength. The only way is the sword sect way."

"The divine sword hanging above us has the power of a Sword King when the sect is just the first rank. So if we want to save ourselves, we must improve sect rank to unlock the power of the sect. Otherwise, we would be doomed to die."

"And there is another thing that everyone needs to remember. Johnny is not here, so we can't expect his family to help us. We need to strengthen ourselves. So, make a quick announcement. For next five days, all the disciples must complete necessary tasks and improve their strength."

"Tell them, those disciples who can earn ten thousand contribution points will get the prize that can increase an entire realm within two days without damaging their foundation."

Suddenly, her eyes looked at the beautiful woman of the human federation and asked "Is it possible to say you are on our side?"

"Of course!" The beautiful woman nodded her head vigorously and then, cling to Yan Yijun's arms saying "I fell in love with him at first sight."

"Hey woman, can't you be a little bit more lady-like? Even if you are nineteen, you should act based on your appearance." Yan Yijun felt disgusted when she clings to his arms.

"For your information, my name is Shin Rao. And I can act however I like." Pointing her finger in his nose, she shouted at him with a proud expression. But the next moment, she once again clings to his arms.

"Alright! By the way Elder Yan, how is that girl doing? Is she awake?" Rose didn't mind their intimacy and asked with no change in her expression.

"Her life is not in danger but she is still sleeping." Suddenly Yan Yijun mood turned low. He sighed and answered with pity on his face. Seeing this, the eyebrows of Shin Rao rose as she looked at his expression with curiosity.

"Okay! After she wakes up, make sure she understands her current condition. We might need her strength for battle." Rose didn't care about his expression, simply expressed her words with the same expression. But one could feel her tone was getting colder and colder each moment.

"No! Sect-Master, we can't make her do anything for the sect. She had already suffered so much. We can't ask her to fight for us." But hearing her words, Yan Yijun suddenly stood up. His actions pushed Shin Rao a little far but soon she managed to balance herself. There was slight anger in his tone when he spoke but he still managed to keep his calm.

"Elder Yan, just so that you remember, she was our enemy. If we hadn't been there in time, our students would've died. The only reason we are keeping her and even helping her recover is your status and contribution to the sect."

"We are not unreasonable but we can't keep a burden in our sect. Supreme Sword Sect is a sword sect, created for training swordsmen and another disciple. Our sect is not a shelter house. If she can't show her worth, we can't keep her."

Hearing her words, Yan Yijun wanted to refuse but suddenly, Klink spoke "Elder Yan, sect-master is not wrong. She is our enemy and we can't keep enemies in our sect. Even if she had a poor past, we can't take pity on a cultivator. So, we can't keep her here .... Unless she got bind in the type of relationship with our sect."

"Sect-Master, I need some alone time. I'll take my leave." Hearing Klink's words, Yan Yijun felt he couldn't refuse. After all, both of them were right. Although Klink didn't say she had to work for the sect, his words very close to that.

Yan Yijun left the meeting without waiting for her reply. Shin Rao got curious and followed him but only after he went a little far away.

"Sect-Master, I think you were a little harsh on him." When both of them left, Mira spoke with displeasing on her face. She didn't understand why Rose became so cold all of a sudden. But remembering Johnny's death, she understood a little, so she spoke displease but respected tone.

"Mira, sect-master is not harsh on him. Elder Yan is a follower of Buddha, so his heart always pities the weak people and does everything to give them a good life. And, we are the swordsman, we can't let our emotions take over us."

"Although everyone in this room pities her, there are some responsibilities that we are meant to fulfill. And that responsibility is the sect's benefits." Klink shook his head and directly spoke. Among everyone, he was the one who understands her current condition the best.

Suddenly, he turned his head at the other three and said "Can you leave sect master and me alone for some time?"

Hearing his words, Rose was surprised but she could understand why Klink wanted alone time with her. Mira and others didn't care, so they left them alone.

Turning his head at Rose, Klink asked "Are you sure you can take this path?"

"Yes, I need to," Rose replied without doubting her decision. After all, it was her own decision but others.

"If you take this path, you might distance yourself from others." Klink sighed.

Suddenly, a blooming smile appeared on her face "It seems even you don't know everything."

Her smile and words confused him. But she didn't hang him for a long time, she directly explained "My path has two results. Friends and Enemies. As long as you are my friend, no matter how much ruthless I get, you will never face my ruthlessness. But if you are my enemy, no matter how much soft-hearted I get, you will never live."

Klink got surprised at her words. Suddenly, his eyes shone with brilliance but soon he sighed again "But you have never killed a human. Are you sure you would be okay?"

Feeling his worries, a touch of warmth appeared in her eyes as she spoke "Don't worry about me. Whether it is now or later, I need to face everything. And I promise I will stand equal to him. So, I must change and this change is only for the good."

"I hope so." Klink sighed and finally left the room. Only then he didn't notice a cold glare on her eyes that was making her very ruthless. But suddenly, the sword energy of her body trembled and that cold glare disappeared with an angry roar.

"Bitch! You can't escape your fate. Bearing that blood, everyone will hunt you down. And at that time, you would've no choice but to use blood to fight them. Heed my words, you will turn into a devil, you'll slaughter humans, and you'll kill your own husband."

"Ahhhhh! Bitch, let me go." When those words were spoken, a crazy slaughter intent rose from her body. The slaughter intent was very strong, directly entering her sea of consciousness. Her slaughter intent transformed into dozens of swords, piercing through the soul of a hideous-looking man.

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