Magic and Martial War God

Chapter 212: Burial God's Sanctum Part 13

"So, are you planning to pass the trial on your own?" Wan'er looked at him with an interest in her eyes and asked.

"Yep, I won't find out the fullest extent of my Ultimate Destiny Bloodline." Johnny nodded his head and stretches his arms. At the same time, the Ultimate Destiny Bloodline erupted an insane amount of energy. This bloodline energy merged with his blood and suddenly a mysterious aura spread out of his body.

This aura was the aura of Ultimate Destiny Bloodline. He doesn't know how hard his enemy is going to be so, he was going full strength from the very start. Suddenly, a white light flashed in front of him which made him confused.

Because the first thing he saw was the blue jade floating in front of him. Looking at the blue jade, his expression froze he glanced back at Wan'er. She looked at his stunned expression and chuckled "Before anyone got the rewards for passing the second level, a monster had arrived. He killed others but before he could kill the remaining four, we arrived and killed him."

"That must be the reward from the previous trial. But I am surprised, you were able to get the reward even without participating." Suddenly, her gaze narrowed as she continued "Wel, technically I am not surprised anymore. With that bloodline, your luck is ridiculously high."

"Seems like it." Nodding his head, Johnny caught the blue jade. Holding the blue jade in his hand, he poured his spiritual energy. Suddenly, his mind sunk inside the blue jade. When he arrived inside the blue jade, he saw a book floating on mid-air.

"Law of Time"

'Law of Time, does this have anything to do with Supreme Law of Time from eight extremes? Wait, the Elder sister said this treasure is stronger than any of my other treasures which means this law must be above Supreme Law.'

'Well, no matter what I can't simply start practicing Law of Time. So, it's no use for me now.' Thinking of this, he retreated his mind from the blue jade and put it on the system storage. Suddenly, he heard the voice of the woman resounded throughout the cave.

"Third Trial shall begin!"


Suddenly, the ground trembled and dust rose as a figure crash land on the ground. When the dust settles, Johnny saw a giant skeleton standing in front of him. Seeing this skeleton, Johnny frowned. Because the power of this skeleton was around Warrior Master.

Although he could take down Warriors, Warrior Master would still be a headache. But suddenly, Johnny rushed forward smashing his feet on the ground. At the same time, thunder mana poured out of his body, condensing long arrows around him.

"Innate Ability- Thunder Arrows"

"Bang" "Bang" "Bang"

This time he didn't awaken Thunder Ball's innate ability rather thunder arrows. The power of these arrows was a lot better than Thunder Ball. When those arrows smashed against the skeleton, black gas spread out but when gas dissipates, Skeleton was unharmed.

The skeleton rose its hand and clenched its fist. There was not a single aura of energy in that fist, but if that fist hits him, it was going to break his bones. The skeleton was like a mindless puppet. When Johnny was in front of him, he lifts his fist and smashed at front.

"Bloodline Ability- Peerless Spirit"

Instantly his strength makes a huge leap but he didn't choose to fight him head-on. Instead, he stomped his feet, and somersault on air. But this wasn't enough to completely dodge the attack. So, he poured spiritual energy into his hand and pushed himself on the skeleton's hand.

Skeleton's body was completely like a rock, with a simple push, Johnny lifted his body to the ceiling. But he wasn't jumping around just to dodge the attack and play gymnastics. The dark mana poured out of his body and condensed around his right hand.


When his feet reached the ceiling, he bent them as much as he could and pushed himself with all of his strength. A long black spear condensed on his right hand, as his body falls towards the skeleton. He pushed his spear a little forward while rushing towards the skeleton.

"Bam" "Bang" "Thud"

But suddenly, he noticed a change in the skeleton. The skeleton puts his hand down and suddenly takes his right foot back. Lifting his head, he glanced at Johnny. Originally, his eyes were completely black but now there was a red dot in the middle.

Just when Johnny reached near him, he lifted his right foot and greeted Johnny with a round kick. His kick smashed Johnny's spear, and the impact of the collision made Johnny's body unconsciously spins in mid-air. But that didn't end there. When skeleton feet returned to the ground, he kicked on the ground and smashed his bone fist on Johnny's jaws.

It was the perfect timing when Johnny's head was at the bottom. His punch smashed Johnny on the walls of the cave. And Johnny fell down. His mind spun for a moment until he caught breath and yelled "What the hell happened?"

"Host, your body is weak now. Your body can't maintain two bloodlines at the same time." Only when Sulfur's voice rang on his mind, he noticed his Ultimate Destiny Bloodline had already worn off. Although his back was crushed by the collision and he also lost the teeth by that punch, everything began to repair in an instant.

But suddenly, his eyes noticed a skeleton rushing towards him. His pupils narrowed with the tension flashing on his face. His body hadn't completely recovered but he also can't wait until the skeleton comes near him and smash his face again.

"Space Transfer" Reverting his undead bloodline effect, he runs Ancient Nine Headed- Hydra Bloodline. In an instant, his eyes glowed brightly with silver lusters as he bent the space around him and disappeared.

He appeared on the ceiling, but before he fell down, he tightly caught one of the pointy rocks. At the same time, he ran the undead bloodline and began to repair his wounds. But at this moment, he was also feeling weak.

His stamina was going down. If he can't finish this trial soon, he would certainly die. At this moment, he gritted his teeth and muttered "Sulfur, analyze the Law of Time and make the easiest route to comprehend it."

This is why he previously said Sulfur was the greatest blessing for him. In terms of support, Sulfur could do almost anything he wants. Of course, he could use his fate clone whose strength seemingly surpassed his own.

But he hesitated. This was the third trial and there could be many higher trials. So, he wanted to bring this skeleton on his own. Suddenly, his eyes glowed when an idea came to his mind.

"Gene Art- Fire Spirit Summoning!"

Running the gene art, he creates the portal with the mysterious energy flowing out of his body. At this moment, a small red portal opened near him. At this moment, the skeleton also sensed the portal. But when the figure walked out of the portal, Johnny's eyes popped out.

"Who are you?" Looking at a three feet loli floating in the air, wearing a red dress, with a cute face and big eyes.

"Young master, did you forget about meeeeeeeeeee? What happened to my voice?" When loli spoke, her voice was very familiar to Johnny. But it was too innocent. Not just Johnny, even loli herself was surprised by her voice.

"I shrunk!" Loli looked at her hands with wide eyes, suddenly turned her head at Johnny. At this moment, anxious expression appeared on her eyes as she floated near him and asked "Young master, why did you get weaker? What the hell happened? And why couldn't I contact you for few days?"


Just when Johnny was about to reply, he noticed a skeleton rushing towards him from the ground. He looked at the fire spirit and shouted "Let's merge together!"


But before he could shoot, the fire spirit had already arrived near his chest, colluding him. Her face was drooling like the previous time but Johnny had no time to care about it. He directly let her enter his body. When she entered his body, a powerful explosion occurred around him.

"Whoosh" Suddenly, Johnny's body moved out of the explosion rushing towards the skeleton with great speed. In mid-air, he stabled his body and clenched his fist. At the same time, Nine Yang Sun Bursting Art ran on his mind.

"First Style- Golden Fist"

The golden flames poured out of his fist and condensed into his fist. The power flames condensed the layer inside his fist, the more destructive his fist got. But there wasn't much time. After five condensations, his fist collided against the skeleton fist.


The bone fist collided against the golden fist, it was like the collision of two heavy objects. But the power was equally matched. Their fists negate each other power but at this moment, the golden flame burst out of his hand, pouring into his fist, and then burst out against the skeleton.

"Second Style- Incinerating Flames"


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