Magic and Martial War God

Chapter 226: Sect Battle Part 7

The Supreme Sword Sect stopped at the southern side of the stage while Bloody Moon Academy stopped at the northern side. There eight people from Bloody Moon Academy. Seven disciples and one teacher.

Among seven, five of them were women while two were male. Surprisingly, all seven of them were releasing intense a cruel murderous intent. The aura around them was intensely red. Five girls were incredibly beautiful on par with Rose.

They were wearing the same dress. A long red pants with a red shirt. As for boys, they were average and they wore the same clothes. As for the supreme sword sect, seven students that followed Rose were Jian Tian, James, Luo Qing, Takeo, Raphael, Jester, and Ouza.

Ouza and Jester were extra while the other five were regular. In the big panel, 'Supreme Sword Sect Vs Bloody Moon Academy' appeared indicating the start of the battle.

For round one, Raphael decided to fight. A girl from the Bloody Moon Academy walked towards the stage. She was a little tall, even taller than Raphael. When they stood in front of each other, the fighting intent flashed on their eyes.

The dark energy rolled out of his body, embracing each part of him. He clenched his fist and stomped his feet. His speed soared as he rushed towards the girl. The girl from Bloody Moon Academy didn't hold back.

The red energy poured out of her body, covering her palm. The red light glowed out of her eyes, as she jumped up in the air. She bent down and rushed towards Raphael pushing her palm in front of her. Instantly, the red energy condensed a huge palm in front of her small palm.

Although it was made out of energy, it was completely connected with her. When Raphael saw her move, his feet stomped the ground on a motion and rose up. He poured the dark mana into his fist. Suddenly, the energy condensed around his fist and formed an enlarged fist covering his own.

"Bottomless Abyss Fist"

"Earth Destruction Blood Palm"

From the very start, both of them didn't try to hold back. In an instant, a huge collision caused a massive impact around the surrounding. Natasha noticed it and pressed a button on her watch. In an instant, an invisible barrier was formed around them.

Although the barrier held most of the impact, it still released a lot. After all, people outside need to feel the impact of the matches.

"Bang" "Boom" "Thud"

Their collision shattered the enlarged fist and giant palm into pieces. When Raphael punched her palm, both of them fell on the stage by the impact. In an instant, he understood, it would be impossible to defeat her.

Looking deep into her eyes, Raphael decided to make a huge move. She glanced at him and giggled "Friend, aren't you embarrassed to stare at a lady's eyes for so long?"

Her words made him startled as he withdraws his gaze. Suddenly, a sword appeared in his hand. As a sword cultivator, he must show his swordsmanship. Seeing his sword, she understood he was getting serious. The red energy around her becomes more and more intense.

"Bloody Moon Secret Art- Moon Ritual"

In an instant, her eyes turned red as if she was a beast. At the same time, an astonishing change occurred in the surrounding. Above her, a small moon appeared. It was very small and could only appear above her head, not in the sky.

She puts her hand at the front and clenches her fist. She separates her hand formed a long red rod. But it wasn't a rod rather a spear. The shaft of the spear wasn't anything special but the tip was extremely ferocious.

Seeing this, Raphael closed his eyes for a moment. When he opened his eyes, the girl had already moved towards him. But he didn't panic. Not only he didn't panic, he also moved closer. When he moved, he held the sword with both of his hands, positioning it in front of his chest.

The dark mana condensed around his sword. When he saw her spear tip moving closer to him, he suddenly turned his body around. With a single rotation, his dark mana at the tip of his sword had its strongest momentum.

"Red Lotus Spear Art- Shatter"

"Dark Heaven Sword Technique- Nether Slash"


The spear condensed out of red energy and his sword collided. His sword was a single-edged sword and the sharp edge was colliding against her spear. Even though his sword was empowered with dark mana, his sword couldn't break a spear made out of energy.


Instead, he found his own sword was cracked. Seeing this, his pupil shrunk. But he didn't back down. Because his actual attack hadn't been launched yet. Suddenly, dark mana condensed into green energy with his sword and slashed through her spear.

But at the same time, he noticed his sword was completely broken. Even though his strike not only broke her spear but also make a sword mark on her chest. The moment her spear got broken, thunder mana rumbled around his body.

The thunder condensed in his right and the dark mana condensed in his left. He smashed both of his fists against each other. Suddenly, the dark mana moved out of his left hand and coiled around his right hand.

At this moment, his hand was more of a thunder coiled with dark mana. Seeing this, the girl's eyes shrunk. She didn't hesitate to take out a real spear from her spatial ring. When that spear appeared in her hand, Raphael got a little terrified.

He took a deep breath and controlled the thunder and dark mana in his right hand. They didn't fuse rather a strange thing appeared. Dark mana condensed a long dark sword coiled with thunder mana. At this moment, everything was reversed.

'I don't know whether this will work or not but it's my strongest attack, so it gives it a try.'

Taking a deep breath, he looked at the girl who was rushing towards him like a maniac. Her eyes were crazy red and the murderous aura released by her was turning him mad. But he could see, even with such a powerful murderous aura, her mind wasn't affected.

"Red Lotus Spear Art- Break"

"Dark and Thunder Breaking Sword Art- Chaos"

In an instant, his sword collided with her spear creating a powerful impact. Even though there was the barrier, the impact made was so strong, it gave audiences hard time. But instead of getting mad, everyone was cheering with excitement and enthusiasm.

"Thud" "Thud"

The dust rose up by the collision of energies, and two bodies smashed in each side of the stage. They fell on the ground hard coughing blood out of their mouth. Seeing this, the teacher of the Bloody Moon Academy spoke "We surrender"

"We surrender" At the same time, Rose also spoke. She could see Raphael was on the verge of falling unconscious. His clothes were torn apart at the same time, he had a huge hole through his hand. The blood was dripping from every corner.

Of course, that girl's condition wasn't normal either. Her clothes were also tattered. As for her wound, she had a powerful sword mark on her chest. Blood was gushing out of her blood, flowing down like a river.

Rose and the teacher from the Bloody Moon Academy took them back. Natasha walked to each side and gave them a pill. It was a powerful pill that she created herself. She used her knowledge of alchemy and Johnny's undead blood as one of the main ingredients to create those pills.

The teacher from the Bloody Moon Academy took the pill and put it on the girl's mouth. The teacher was a lady, beautiful and mature. Her eyes shrunk when she saw the effect of the pill. The wounds on the girl's body were healing in front of her naked eyes.

"Lyra, how are you feeling?" Although she was severely injured, she didn't lose her consciousness. When her teacher asked her, she tried to nod her head but couldn't do it. Her teacher understood her condition and didn't ask anything further.

Instead, she looked at another girl who was a little shorter than the girl named Gwen. With her gaze, that short girl understood her intention and walked towards the stage. Although she was short, her body was releasing the enormous murderous intent that could easily surpass tall girl murderous intent.

Bloody Moon Academy is neither evil nor righteous academy. But their way of teaching is slightly considered evil in others' eyes. Killing monsters or humans to enhance the murderous aura. They practice a particular technique that can enhance their strength based on the lives they take.

But of course, they have a little weird way to control that murderous aura. In Bloody Moon Academy, women rules. There are more than seventy thousand students including fifty thousand women and twenty thousand men.

In this academy, men are brought up from poor and helpless families in order to treat them as a cauldron for cultivation. Females of this sect use them in dual cultivation to control their murderous aura by pleasure.

Although nobody calls them evil due to their huge contribution against the monsters, their true colors are hidden within their academy ground.

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