Magic and Martial War God

Chapter 236: Battle for the Earth Part 1

"Is this the place?" Floating in the black endless space, a man looked at the blue planet and spoke. He had a tall height and a muscular body. Wearing a purple robe around his back and black pants, he had a handsome face with a charming look.

"Yes, Left Guardian. Her highness has been reincarnated into a mortal's body. Unfortunately, her past lives couldn't be awakened due to certain reasons. His Majesty sends us to bring her back so that we can recover her memory." Near him, an old wearing a white shirt and white pants spoke.

Both of them were floating in the space and talking with each other. Each of their words contained a kind of energy that could travel through space. The man in a purple robe walked into space and slowly drifted into the atmosphere of the earth.

Suddenly, his head turned right as his eyes narrowed. He saw few figures rushing towards the earth. All of them were floating in space. While walking in the space, they don't walk at light speed. They use the Dao of Space to manipulate the space and transfer them to a certain distance.

This certain distance can be varied from one to ten light-years. Of course, this was only possible in outer space. Unlike earth's space, outer space is easier to manipulate. When the man in purple robe saw them coming, he frowned.

He noticed the race that was rushing towards the earth. They were none other than Witch Race. And they didn't expect so many Star Level Cultivators would be sent at once. More ever, the Federation didn't do anything to stop them.

"Is this planet strong?" The man in purple robe looked back at the old man and asked with seriousness in his eyes.

"Umm…. This planet was only an E-Rank Threat. How could so many Star Level Cultivators rush to this planet?" A confusion flashed on the old man's face. He looked at those star-level cultivators but couldn't find them.

Although Witch Race has a great resemblance to humans, they were a little bit different due to their aura. The man in purple robe brows knitted as he tried to find the reason unfortunately, he couldn't. He finally shrouded his body with black energy.

Seeing this, the old man also did the same and both of them hide within the shadows of the world. Soon, few figures appeared in the atmosphere of the earth. Most of them had a human appearance but their aura was completely different. There were thirty of them.

Bloody, dark, filled with curses, their aura was full of negative energy. Their faces were gloomy and their hands were soaked red. This made them completely different from humans. After all, no human would walk with their hand soaked in blood.

Even if they soak their hand in blood, they would go home and wash their hands with soap and water.

Surprisingly, most of them had middle-aged men look.  Some of them were short, some were long, and some had a broad chest with a mighty mustache while some were cleaned face. Some were wearing red pants and shirts, some wore white, some wore black, and some wore blue.

Some were ladies wearing a black tight dress. Most of these women were middle-aged due to their mature faces but they were also extremely pretty. They had sparkling eyes with rosy lips and that white skin.

Unfortunately, they weren't wearing anything revealing. They wore a completely black dress.

A short middle-aged man looked at the earth with his deep eyes. He then looks at another person and spoke with a glistening in his eyes "I didn't expect Human Federation wouldn't send a single person to block us."

"Even if they have a hatred against that sword sect, it was still ruthless to use us to exterminate. After all, they shouldn't have forgotten who we are?"

Hearing his words, a toned middle-aged man with clean shaved spoke "Federation must have seen a huge potential to them or something must be stopping them from using their full potential. It's just like our race."

"Even though we are weak, our ancestors are still there. If they dare to go extreme, our ancestors would fight with them to the death. Federation would win but their strength will decrease exponentially. They are holding on against many other races, so it would be a perfect chance for other races to finish humanity in a single go."

"You are right. But none of that matters to us now. We need to spread our forces slowly but steadily. This planet is a huge resource for us, so we must conquer it at all cost." A middle-aged woman in black clothes with a red scarf suddenly interrupted them as she rushed towards the earth.

Seeing her movement, other women followed. And seeing women rushing so quick, men shook their heads and followed them with a bitter smile. They followed those women to the sky from where the ground was visible.

That woman with a red scarf revealed a watch on her wrist. It wasn't a normal watch as she licked on the display and a hologram of earth appeared. The blue hologram displayed several powerhouses of the earth.

Some of them were scattered throughout the world while the majority of them were gathered at the small place. Seeing this, most of them had doubts on their face. They knew this mission was secret, so how could humans know it?

Although they were sure to take care of these humans based on their strength, having too many humans will bring a huge casualty. Suddenly, the woman with the red scarf spoke "Have you called those beasts?"

"Are they even useful?" Suddenly, a man interrupted another man with doubt on his face. He was a little relatively young among others with a clean shaved and handsome face. He had no wrinkles or a completely matured face.

His look was rather innocent, so when everyone looked at him, they shook their head. At this moment, the woman with the red scarf spoke "We can attack them. We can win. But the price that we have to pay is too much."

"We are very weak now. If we lose even a single person, our loss will be huge." Then, she looked at another man and said "Inform the beast race to attack humanity. We need to scatter the humanity powerhouses and take them one by one."

"Only then, we can win."


But suddenly, a huge roar shook the sky. When they turned around, their pupils shrunk with horror.

In the Supreme Sword Sect,

The battle between sects was finished. The winner was Bloody Moon Academy. The Supreme Sword Sect was in second place. The third-place belongs to a mysterious sect known as Dao Sect. It seems very simple at first but the power of each disciple was equal to Luo Qing and Jian Tian.

The only reason the Supreme Sword Sect won was because of James. He was able to defeat the opponent even though Raphael and Takeo failed. On the second day of the battle, Johnny was inside the Time Palace.

It was a new room created inside the Supreme Sword with the help of the Book of Eight Extremes and Single Chaos. He was cultivating for a new threat coming at him. Not only him, were even Rose, Klink, Yan Yijun, and Shin Rao practicing beside him.

Although the competition had finished, most of the people were still at the Supreme Sword Sect. They have no reasons to leave now. Especially when for the students. Many of them still want to compete with each other.

Some of them couldn't fight each other at the sect battle. So, they wanted to test their strength. Most of them wanted to test Jian Tian limits. In the entire competition, he didn't lose even a single time. That's kind of strength made everyone scared.

Even the teachers wanted to test his limits. But unknown to them, the main powerhouse of the Supreme Sword Sect was cultivating inside the Time Palace

Everyone was cultivating hard because they knew a big threat was coming and that threat was coming for Rose. There is no way Johnny would let anyone take away Rose. And not just he, everyone else doesn't want that either.

All of them want to reach a higher stage. Johnny was already at the Grandmaster Realm. Rose was already at the War King Realm. Klink was at the Sword Lord Realm. Yan Yijun was already at the sixth rank monster. As for Shin Rao, she was at the peak of Star Essence Realm.

Everyone wanted to reach a higher realm to exponentially improve their strength. Johnny didn't want to use this space. Because he felt like his manipulation started from this place. But strength matters a lot. If his strength doesn't improve, he would lose Rose.

Can he improve at in faster rate if he loses Rose? He can but will it be worth it? Losing the most important person to him for what? Strength, he can achieve even if he is together with Rose. And he wants to travel the universe with her.

That's why he said the Supreme Sword Sect will leave the earth.

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