Magic and Martial War God

Chapter 45: Four Strikes To Kill The Fire Dragon

"Hu" "Hu" "Hu" "Hu"

Johnny was taking fast breaths; his body was covered with wounds and burn. His previous attack did work, but not on the scale to completely stop that attack.

"Undead Bloodline"

Johnny activated his undead bloodline, a green light covers his body, and his wounds began to heal. His skin was returning to its initial state, but he still lacks stamina. He overestimated his stamina in this match, next moment an A.I. rang in his mind "Data has been completely studied, the host can extract it any moment."

"Extract! Extract now!" Johnny shouted in his mind, finally, he got a chance to fight back. Suddenly, his mind turned black, and new information flooded in his mind.

"Azure Dragon Four Spear Stances: First Stance- Dragon Roar, Second Stance- Dragon Pierce, Third Stance- Azure is Holy, and Fourth Stance- Azure Dragon War Lord"

His mind began to remember his moves, spiritual energy flooded onto his body. His own physical strength was at the peak, he holds his spear diagonally, and a dragon phantom began to form over it.

When the dragon phantom emerges, the fire dragon felt a horrible aura around him. The higher rank bloodline is the king; this is a rule that has been passed down in the dragon clan. Even if you aren't strong, once you have a powerful bloodline, you can almost suppress them down.

"Snap" Johnny moves another hand and hold the back of the spear, his feet pressed against the ground. The next moment, his figure dashed towards the fire dragon, the dragon phantom was still getting formed over the spear.

Though the fire dragon was suppressed, he didn't lose his strength. He roared towards Johnny and flaps his wings. His speed was also great, within a few seconds; his figure was already in front of Johnny. He swings his giant claw and slashes towards Johnny. Although the simple move, his body was enough to create a massive force against Johnny.

"Azure Dragon First Stance- Dragon Roar"

The dragon phantom in his spear released the dragon energy into his spear. His spear pierced through the air, and strikes against the fire dragon claw. The collision released a strange sound which completely made the fire dragon body weak for a single moment.

"Bang" "Splash"

Johnny didn't let go of this, for him this moment was everything. His spear pierced straight through the fire dragon's claw, making a huge hole in him.

"Roar" Suddenly, this wound made the fire dragon roar in pain. That suppression was released, and Johnny hurriedly removed his spear, getting far away.

"Roar" "Roar" His actions made the fire dragon completely infuriated, he roared against Johnny and flapped his wings. His speed soars as he moves towards Johnny. Another of his claw was swinging towards Johnny.

"Damn, I can't back down now," Johnny muttered, spiritual energy flooded into his spear, and he moves towards the fire dragon.

"Azure Dragon Second Stance- Dragon Pierce"

His spear released the dragon claw in the tip of his spear. This claw clenched into a drill and completely merged with his spear. Though this drill was just a phantom, it wasn't an ordinary phantom. Currently, its power was even stronger than the tip of his spear.

"Bang" The claw and the tip collided once again. This time, the fire dragon's rage let him ignore the suppression but its bloodline was still suppressed making him a little weak.

Yeah, his body was almost the same as Johnny, so no doubt the fire dragon has its own bloodline.

"Roar" The fire dragon tried to push Johnny to the ground.

"Ahhhh" "War God Bloodline- Warrior Arm" Johnny roared too, after activating his War God bloodline ability, his hands flooded with domineering energy. This energy was passed from his bloodline, and his arm strength rose to completely another level.

"Bang" "Splash" "Crack" "Bang" "Thud" Once again, Johnny succeeds in piercing the claw of the fire dragon. But during this, the drill was completely broken. Suddenly, Johnny got hit by the tail of the fire dragon and fell hard on the ground.

This attack was enough to make him cough blood, but he still didn't let his guard down. Though he was injured, his undead bloodline was constantly recovering his body. He once again runs spiritual energy into his body; the power of spiritual energy slammed into his arm, and with the warrior arm strength, his arm was already at the level of fire dragon strength.

He finally understood the benefits of Desolate Fighting Art. His body was constantly improving during the fight, and his strength was also getting stronger. He didn't need exact moves, all he needed was meaning behind that art, he can just use the same technique of contracting and releasing his muscles while using different Martial Art.

"Azure Dragon Third Stance- Azure is Holy"

The bright azure glow out of his spear, the whole space was restricted when these lights fell on the fire dragon, it completely restraint him. Suddenly, a red light inside the azure domain flashes, it passed through the fire dragon, and the next moment, the whole azure light disappeared.

"Splash" The fire dragon had his body torn by the sharp metal, blood was constantly pouring out of him. But this wasn't something to worry, because the next second, an aura exploded behind him.

This war was completely different from others; it wasn't restricting or suppressing him. But he fears this aura; his body was shaking in fear. Although he knew it would be very bad if he let this attack hit him, he couldn't turn around fast.

"Splash" "Thud" The spear with lightning speed, pierced through the body of the fire dragon. From one end of his body to another end, this completely made the fire dragon lifeless, falling heavily on the ground.

"Azure Dragon Fourth Stance- Azure Dragon War Lord"






In front of him, three icons appeared. These three icons showed a blue bead, a heart, and a book. Then, some extra words appeared in front of him.

"In case of participant do not understand rewards ranking, most important and powerful reward is 'BOOK OF EIGHT EXTREMES AND SINGLE CHAOS". The second important reward will be "COSMIC GOD HEART". Finally, the third reward is "LIGHTNING GOD BEAD"."

"Passing level 1 task would give you "LIGHTNING GOD BEAD", passing level 2 would give you "LIGHTNING GOD BEAD" and "COSMIC GOD HEART". Since you passed the hardest level, you get all three. Before accepting rewards, please look at their introductions."

"Lightning God Bead

Level- Ancient

Description- Lightning God Bead was formed from the heart of the Lightning Palace. It was captured by the Book of Eight Extremes and Single Chaos, so it disappeared from Lightning palace. This bead holds the supreme power of lightning. There are three rooms inside it with different ranks and abilities, only when you reach a certain level, you can access it.

Note: You need to drop your blood to claim your ownership, but if your talent isn't enough, it may reject you."

"Cosmic God Heart

Level- Ancient

Description- It is the heart of the cosmic god who holds the power cosmic. Cosmic power can do almost any inside the multiverse. But it requires enough strength to merge with this. The participant can drop blood in it, to merge this heart with your own. This heart was forged by the cosmic god using the power of Time, Space, Reality, Power, Soul, and Mind. He used his power and control over these to forge this heart for himself; unfortunately, he met Book of Eight Extremes and Single Chaos and got himself killed.

(Note: It doesn't affect participant true emotions and feelings)"

"Book of Eight Extremes and Single Chaos

Level- Unknown

Description- It is said to be one of the strongest treasures from the world of Supreme. It holds the power of eight extremes: Time and Space, Life and Death, Creation and Destruction, Yin and Yang. As for single chaos, it is chaos, it is supreme. This treasure is hardest to own but participants can try by dropping blood in it."

Seeing this, Johnny was inside shocked to the extreme. He never thought he would gain such treasures but suddenly, the Primal Chaos Celestial Dao Stone began to vibrate in his mind. Johnny didn't understand why was it doing so? But he ignored it and cut his finger.

Obviously, he first wanted to try Book of Eight Extremes and Single Chaos. The moment, his blood spill over the book, it vibrates. The Primal Chaos Celestial Dao Stone was vibrating even more; suddenly the book was covered in golden and light, pierced into his Inner Space.

The next moment, Johnny turned speechless. He found the Book of Eight Extremes and Single Chaos and the Primal Chaos Celestial Dao Stone were opposing each other. He was shocked to speechless because they continued to fight even though they were still listening to his thoughts.

"Umm, this book, can you help me merge with them too?" Johnny unexpectedly asked with uncertainties, he knows both of these possess spiritual thoughts, so and only treasure with a higher rank can make them submit. He also understood the reason for this treasure to accept him is due to the Primal Chaos Celestial Dao Stone. Although both of them were fighting, since this was now his treasure, it should help him, right? Johnny was very uncertain.

Unexpectedly, the book vibrates and released an immense aura. This aura immediately made both of the other treasures flew towards him. The Lightning God Bead entered his Inner Space while the Cosmic God Heart entered his heart. But this didn't solve the conflict, instead, now all four of them began to pressurize Johnny, making him feel pain all over his body and soul.

"AHH" Johnny couldn't hold, so he screamed in pain and slowly losses his consciousness. The moment he got unconscious, deep in his bone marrow, a drop of his blood shines in golden, and golden light radiates from his body.

Unexpectedly, when light appeared in his body, completely shuts these treasures down to mute but Johnny was still unconscious. No one understood what did his blood do? Was it his bloodline? If so which bloodline can make them so frightened?

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