Magic Elf in an Erogame

Chapter 5: Dungeon

I laid there for a while. My eyes eventually adjusted to the darkness, straining towards a rocky and stalactite filled ceiling, and there was the sound of droplets. Drip, drip, drip, every few seconds a drop would echo from impacting the floor.

However, my arms and legs were bound tight. Even if I wanted to observe the cave, I was prohibited. My captor stayed true to his promise. He hadn’t been back in what felt like hours, nor had Olaf come. There was no echo of fighting. There was no clanking of steel.

Maybe I am truly left alone?

Olaf didn’t seem the type who would leave me stranded, but why then had no one come to my rescue? Even though I was supposed to be a man prior to arriving here, my eyes became puffy from sobbing. I couldn’t hide the reality of being stuck in a cave behind some fake stoicism. My stomach grumbled, and I thirsted for those little droplets.

The man from before must’ve realized my unrest. He came back, and his hoarse, raspy voice—like someone who was deprived of water and attempted stand-up—entered my ears.

“My, it seems like you will be calm now, yes?”

I stared at his unfamiliar face. He was an elf like me. His pointed ears jutted from the side of his skeletal face. Mad green eyes peered at me with wild strands of white hair covering parts of his eyes.

He lifted my gag. “I apologize for our late meeting, Sarah.”

My eyes widened. “How do you know that name?”

The elf raised one of his white eyebrows. “How could I not? I arranged for you to arrive here.”

“You arranged? What does that mean?”

He got uncomfortably close to my face, breathing hard—inches from my nose. The smell was rancid like a dying squirrel. Though the man didn’t seem to mind his foul breath as he answered.

“You’re confused? Were you not in the carriage I arranged? What happened to it?”

“Huh? Why would I…”

His grin widened. “So, you do know something? Well, you don’t need to tell me. I’m only glad you’re here.”

“You’re the one that kidnapped me. What’s the reason for all of this? Are you going to hurt me?”

The elf’s face distorted in shock. It was as though I had said something unfathomable to him. “Hurt you? Why would I hurt you? You are my savior!”

“I don’t understand…I don’t even know who you are.”

“Oh, just where are my manners? Here I am in front of my savior, yet I can’t even do something so simple!” He bounded back, performing like a circus clown. His arm drew a smooth arc until he bowed like a magician at the end of a show. “You may call me Severin.”

“Can you tell me why I’m here? I never saved you or anybody. It’s me that needs saving.”

Severin’s scrawny, bony finger poked my forehead. “I can assure you all will be made clear. I didn’t expect a case of amnesia, but this will have to do.”

I clenched my eyes tight after seeing a flash of silver.

However, instead of stabbing me as I thought, his small knife cut through the ropes on my arms and legs. Severin flashed me a grin and waved his hand. “Come with me.”

I stumbled off the rock. The sudden movement made my vision flash black. Though, I was able to brace myself from falling. I walked behind his skinny back, very unlike Olaf’s. There was a thought to somehow knock him out or kill him, but my body was weak. Not only that, I didn’t know his intentions. Sure, he kidnapped me, but if he wanted me dead, I would already be.

The cave became thinner and thinner, until there was a smooth path leading towards light. We crossed into a bigger opening. The entrance to the well-lit cavern was like crossing a thin bubble.


My eyes took in the peculiar scene. The place was like a grand prairie inside the cave. There was a small stream running next to a white manor. Flowers decorated the field in front of the building. It was almost like a cute dollhouse.

I whimsically followed my captor up the steps and entered the unfamiliar home. The interior was vast and open, and the floor was covered in nice brown wooden panels. Paintings adorned the walls, though their meaning evaded me. Most were of scenery I’d never seen before, all within grand caverns.

He led me to an open dining area and pulled out a seat. “Come, come, I’ll get you some tea and food.”

I sat down and embraced the atmosphere of this place. My delicate hands rested on my lap. I stared down at them and turned them over a few times. My situation, this world, and the inside of my head, none of them made sense.

The longer I was in this body, the more I got used to it. I don’t think it was influencing my thoughts, yet there was no way to be certain. I kept letting the waves take me wherever. If this world was the sea, I was drifting towards some unknown destination. New forces were out of my control. I had slept, expecting to wake up next to Olaf, but then I found myself in a cave.

Severin interrupted my moping by placing a porcelain glass in front of me. “This is made with tea leaves straight from this place.” He then placed a plate with stuffed bread in front of me. “This comes from vegetables grown around here.”

I looked up at his expression, but I couldn’t guess what he was thinking. His smile seemed crazed as if he were a mad scientist, yet here he offered me food after I became a captive.

“You don’t make any sense.”

He sat down and sipped his own tea from the opposite side of the table. One of his white eyebrows lifted. “Hmm? Would you care to elaborate?”

“Are you serious? You kidnap me. You tie me down like an animal awaiting slaughter, and then, you ask me to drink dubious tea? What the fuck---”

“Mind your language. It doesn’t suit my savior. Why don’t you try the tea, instead?”

Once more, I was reminded of my parched, dry throat. The warm scent of the stuffed bread wafted to my nose. I hesitantly brought the porcelain cup to my mouth.

I hated to admit it, but the taste was delightful. It helped remedy the dehydration, and the bread was fluffy. The inside was stuffed with vegetables I’d never tasted before. The tea complemented the flavors nicely.

A deep sigh escaped my lips. “What is this place?”

“This is my dungeon floor.”

“Dungeon floor?”

He frowned and a groan exited his mouth. “Yes, this is just one of many floors. Don’t take this hospitality the wrong way. You’re still my savior. After you finish your meal, your destiny will come next.”

I shook my head. “You’re one crazy old man, you know that? What does this ‘destiny’ mean, anyway?”

Severin grinned. “I believe you already experienced it with that man, no?”

“Did you do anything to him?”

His laugh echoed in the dining room. “No, I don’t have such proclivities.”

“You know what I mean, you bastard.”

Severin frowned once more. “I didn’t do anything to him. It was simple really. I grabbed you. Then I transported us here. Though, I must say, that wizard is something special. Too bad he caught on late. By the time I touched you, the array had activated.” He didn’t give me a chance to answer as he continued. “Enough talk, you will go upstairs and change into the outfit.”

The girly outfit brought heat into my cheeks. I was made to look like the daughter of some noble about to be sold off. The boots made me feel a bit taller, but the long purple socks clung to my thighs. The black skirt was embarrassingly short, and if I twirled, anyone would have seen the erotic black panties underneath. The top was dark with purple accents, and it was complete with a purple choker.

Severin led me back into the cave where I was held captive. This time we continued down a path on the other side. At the end, a dark staircase led down.

He put a hand on my shoulder, and the other one pointed towards the dark staircase. “Go on, it’s your destiny.” Severin handed me a small rod. The thing was purple and in the unmistakable shape of a dick, but the handle had a star at the bottom. As if anticipating my question, he shook his head. “You will understand how to use it with time.”

I nodded reluctantly. I really didn’t want to descend the steps, but somehow, defying this man seemed like a worse option. I grasped the handle of my penis wand and started my journey down.

The travel to the bottom took quite some time, but once I reached it, my small hands pushed open a door.

My eyes went wide again. It was another forest. This one was faintly lit by the twinkling of fake stars high overhead.

Once I stepped into nature, the door behind me slammed shut, and I whipped around.


There was no structure. No door stood in the clearing. It was only more forest from here. I walked towards where I exited, feeling around with my hand, but there was no wall or door.

My entire surroundings had become some grand forest, and I was stuck there with only a cock wand.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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