Magic Love Ring

Chapter 55

Two people's eyes collide in the void, and they do not give way to each other.

Blood rose's eyes are cold with a little annoyance, song Yan's eyes are with a little ponder.

Stand off for a few seconds.

The blood rose suddenly took back her eyes and began to undress.

Song Yan was surprised and asked, "what are you doing?"

"Isn't it healing without separation? Take off your clothes naturally. " Blood rose light way, speaking, she has removed the skin, showing the white cloth wrapped around her chest, no wonder song Yan thought she was the airport, but wrapped up a pair of her own chest.

At the same time, the skin of blood rose is different from that of Hansha and Su mei'er, but with a healthy wheat color.

Seeing that the blood rose wants to reach out to untie her chest, song Yan stops in a hurry. He just wants to play a trick on her, but he doesn't mean to play a hooligan.

"Why, there's no need for septless treatment?" Asked the blood rose with a sneer.

An embarrassed color flashed across song Yan's face and said, "ha, I'm just kidding. Well, put on your clothes quickly. "

The contest ended with song Yan's retreat.

Blood rose said nothing more and put on her clothes in silence.

"Give me your hand." Song Yan took a deep breath and said to the blood rose.

Between the hands, song Yan holds the hand of the blood rose, and there are calluses between the palms and knuckles.

The heart read a move, he urged the life God light.

Blood rose felt a stream of heat rush into her body from Song Yan's hands, and it immediately ran all over her body. The heat flow passed by, and her wound began to heal at an amazing speed.

In less than three seconds, she felt that her injury had healed, and even the dark injury she had left before had recovered.

"What a magical healing power!" She couldn't help but look deeply at Song Yan.

Song Yan smiled at the blood rose and let go of her hand: "well, your injury has healed."

"You have cured my wound. I'll give you a message for free." Blood rose suddenly said.

Song Yan didn't speak, just looked at her and waited for her to follow.

"Xiang Feifei is from Xuannv gate. She should have a purpose to approach you. You'd better be careful."

"What is the origin of Xuannv gate?" Song Yan frowned and asked, thinking about the secret she asked him when she had dinner with Feifei before, she felt a little uncomfortable.

Blood rose said: "Xuannv sect is an ancient sect that has passed on for nearly a thousand years. All the disciples in this sect are female disciples. The most powerful skill of this sect is called" Xuannv robbery ". It is said that the women who have practiced this skill can't really love men. Once they do, they will break the skill!"

"Did you practice to Feifei?" Song Yan asked nervously.

Blood rose's meaningful smile: "I don't know if she practices" Xuannv rob ", but I know that she is the most beloved little disciple of the current Xuannv sect leader!"

Smell Yan, song Yan's face suddenly sank, although the blood rose didn't say clearly, but the meaning that came out of the words was that Xiang Feifei should have cultivated "Xuan NV Jie", that is to say, he and Xiang Feifei should not be together.

"Well, I have to go!" Speaking, the blood rose went to the window: "Hans's death should soon spread to the dark world. You should be careful. It is likely that the dark world will find you!"

As soon as the voice fell, the blood rose jumped out of the window and disappeared.

Looking at the lost blood rose, song Yan smiled bitterly. Suddenly, his eyes fell on the black pocket with Hans's head. His face suddenly changed, and he went to the window where there was the figure of blood rose.

"What should I do with this head, motherfucker?" Blood rose threw him a problem, which made song Yan very angry.

Finally, he decided to go to the countryside later tonight and bury the head.

Put the head away temporarily. Song Yan goes back to the room, turns on the computer, and searches for medical information.

Today, the world's medical skills are divided into two major factions, namely, Eastern medicine and Western medicine.

Yanhuang is an ancient civilization country with a history of ten thousand years. The Eastern medicine originated from a generation of medical God, Mr. Dongyang, 8000 years ago. Even now, the medical classics written by Mr. Dongyang are still circulating in the Eastern medicine circle.

According to historical records, Mr. Dongyang lived to be nearly 200 years old. He wrote 18 medical books all his life, but now there are only three books circulating in the world, one is the collection of hundreds of herbs, two is the prescription of thousands of diseases, and three is the collection of acupuncture and moxibustion.

There are tens of thousands of medicinal materials recorded in the collection of hundreds of herbs, which are the required Pharmacopoeia of Dongyi.

"Thousand disease Prescriptions" records 1365 prescriptions, which are widely spread.

Twelve kinds of precious acupuncture techniques are recorded in the collection of acupuncture and moxibustion. Only because of too long time, there are only seven kinds of acupuncture techniques in the collection of acupuncture and moxibustion. The other four most precious acupuncture techniques have been lost.

Western medicine is also known as mechanical medicine, because once the western medicine left a variety of medical devices, it would not see a doctor at all.

But now, western medicine is popular, but Eastern medicine is declining.There are two reasons for the prosperity of Western medicine. First, it only takes three or five years for western medicine to succeed, but it takes more than ten years, or even longer, to cultivate a qualified Eastern medicine.

Second, the operation cost of Dongyi is relatively low. Dongyi often sees doctors without any equipment, which saves most of the medical expenses for patients.

The patient is economical, but the hospital can't earn money. Unlike western medicine, whether you are sick or not, go to have a check first, which greatly increases the income of the hospital.

In comparison, the investors in the hospital will naturally raise the western medicine that can earn more money and deliberately suppress the Eastern medicine. Therefore, there are many posts on the Internet that deliberately smear the Eastern medicine, such as what the Eastern medicine is dead and what the Eastern medicine is dead.

This indirectly led to the reputation of Eastern medicine getting worse and worse. I believe that there are fewer and fewer patients in Eastern medicine, but in fact, western medicine has died more.

After learning about Eastern and Western medicine.

He decided to learn Eastern medicine, which has many therapeutic methods, such as herbs, such as acupuncture, such as Fuyao, such as massage, etc.

Dong Yi is born with a kind of mystery. It's very good to cover up the light of life. However, if you will use the light of life to treat others' diseases later, you can first pretend to use acupuncture, then use the light of life, and finally return the credit to acupuncture.

After having a certain understanding of Dongyi, song Yan began to search Dongyi classics. However, hundreds of medical classics appeared in this search. Yanhuang has a history of nearly ten thousand years and Dongyi has a history of eight thousand years. Therefore, even though a large number of medical classics were lost and destroyed in the historical trend, there are still many medical classics left.

"Never forget to open it!"

Point out a medical classics, song inkstone will be used to remember the supernatural power record.

When two hours passed, he recorded three medical classics forcefully. I believe that if he records hundreds of medical classics, he can not become a famous doctor, but it can still be used to bluff people.


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