Magic Tower Starry Sky

Chapter 2: uncivilized race

Goblins, goblins, goblins, this group has many names, and compared to their civilized counterparts, uncivilized goblins can be said to be the cancer cells of this world. It can mate with females of all Homo sapiens races, has a short gestation period, has multiple births at one time, has the ability to carry on the family line after less than a year of growth, and of course has a short lifespan. Not creative, but knows how to loot and use tools, including weapons. Individual experienced goblin shamans or elders are no less cunning than humans.

Based on the Internet chatter articles that Lin had read before crossing, and the growth period and ability to proliferate, to discuss the reasons why elves and dwarves would definitely be replaced by humans if they existed in reality. According to its discussion, the goblins of this world will be the protagonists of the next era, replacing the human beings in this world.

Most of the individuals are not strong, but they are troublesome to hunt. If it is left alone, it will cause a lot of harassment to the relatively sparse human settlements, and even the loss of life and property. For powerful adventurers, savage goblins are the last enemy they want to encounter. It is very troublesome to kill, and there is not much reward.

However, this kind of opponent is the enemy that these three masters and apprentices encounter most often. With their abilities, as long as they are careful not to cause accidents, they are enough to crush the opponent. This is also a bad habit brought by Lin Cong before crossing. When playing games, he would rather use cheats, but if he can't use cheats, he must practice to the full level, and then crush all opponents comfortably, and then slowly enjoy the storyline. I also don't like to play heartbeat, press the bottom line, hit the last drop of blood just to kill monsters. Because the latter is too easy to capsize, and then have to re-run the plot from the record point. It's fine once or twice, but it's annoying to do it a few more times.

After coming to this world, he only has one life, but there are no record points, so all his actions are more conservative. And goblins are the easiest entrustment to receive, because few people are willing to fight, and the delay is fast, so there are a lot of them.

Now that I meet him, needless to say, killing him is the right thing to do. Savage goblins are definitely an unwelcome villain.

The clay puppet who was the first to climb to the second floor had a fierce confrontation with the goblins at the end of the passage. The short stature is extra flexible in the narrow space. Compared with the goblins jumping up and down, the clay puppets just swing their thick arms and then smash down hard. Maybe you can't touch these flexible little monsters by waving it three or five times, but as long as you touch it once, you will be handicapped if you don't die.

Compared with the clay puppets who had already entered into a fierce battle, the two who were still standing on the spiral staircase were calmer. Lin hit the ground with his left cane twice, and said: "Bright light!" The magic illuminated the first floor. Having prepared in advance, he quickly adapted to the sudden light and saw every corner clearly. Most of the dungeon exploration, team-breaking attacks come from behind. Even though it was clear that there was hardly an ambush on the first floor, the sudden light could occasionally explode one or two omissions of hidden monsters. But this time, the back is clean.

Harumi also didn't rush up to the second floor immediately, but held the dagger tightly in both hands, holding it flat in front of his chest, and fixed his eyes on the gap between the first and second floors.

The goblin at the other end of the passage did not join the fight with the golem, but waited for the next enemy. It's just that the follow-up enemies didn't come up the stairs for a long time, and the sudden light made them suspicious. The goblin who was ambushing at the front poked his head out, and he looked clearly at the blond girl holding a dagger, calmly inserting the weapon in his hand into his eye socket.

The apprentice-level great power technique made the girl as strong as a bear, and she inserted the dagger to the root neatly. While quickly destroying the enemy's brain, it also squeezes out another eyeball, bursting out plasma. Harumi used the goblin as a shield by the way, rushed up to the second floor, blocked the incoming attacks, and cleared a small space for himself to use his hands and feet.

Lin who was watching from behind, even though he had seen it countless times, he was still not used to it. Yes, the way magicians fight in this world is so brutal. Even a girl under the age of ten who becomes a magic apprentice, and after several years of adventure, can still kill other creatures without changing her expression at the age of a primary school student.

There is only one reason why the fighting style of magic has become the mainstream, and that is the auxiliary magic in this world, the buff effect and duration are quite considerable. Instead of constantly rubbing fireballs to bombard the enemy, covering yourself with Buffer, stepping on the enemy's feet, and then hitting the opponent's head with one stick, the spiritual satisfaction is hard to compare with the former.

Fighting broke out on the left and right sides of the passage, and Lin Cai walked up to the second floor without haste. The narrow space is enough for the two to walk side by side. If they want to cut each other, they really can't tolerate friendly troops standing beside them, so Lin didn't rashly join the battle on either side.

Hallumi's direction is not in danger for the time being, the possible danger comes from the side of the clay puppet. In the state where the commander himself is busy fighting, the puppet just follows the instinct and attacks each other with the invading enemy. The defense of the puppet comes from the materials used to shape the body, and soil is of course the lowest level. As long as it is cut off or cut off from its body, it will turn into nothingness and return to the state of discrete elements.

In other words, the clay puppet is just a useful cannon fodder, a tool used to divert part of the attack when dealing with a large number of enemies. The elemental spirit possessed by it is rewarded with the magic stone or magic stone powder used at the beginning of the summoning. They will only last for a maximum of one day, or until they are broken up. When it is all over, it will abandon the temporary body formed in the physical world and return to where it came from.

So on the battlefield, you can always see this kind of temporarily summoned puppet, which gets smaller and smaller, and then disappears completely. Lin is very aware of this, so the battle in the direction of the clay puppet will be taken over by himself. And this time came sooner than expected.

When the remaining clay puppets turned into clay dolls and then were trampled to pieces, Lin saw perhaps the biggest opponent this time—hobgoblins. Some stronger mothers occasionally give birth to some talented goblins. They have nothing to do with thinness, they have a body twice the size of ordinary goblins, thick arms and legs, and contain strength beyond ordinary humans.

But the one in front of him was in a much more distressed state, with pus and blood still remaining in several wounds on its body, and a deep bone wound on the lower jaw, which made the already ugly face a bit hideous. Only a small part of the old and dilapidated leather armor was still hanging on his body, completely defenseless. On the contrary, the huge bone in his hand is quite threatening. It may be the leg bone of some kind of powerful monster. The overflowing magic power makes people feel chills.

This hobgoblin commanded two ordinary goblins around him to use blowing arrows. Generally speaking, such weapons would be poisoned by them, increasing their lethality. However, for Lin, a genuine magician, the Wind Barrier that had blessed him from the very beginning easily pushed Blowarrow away.

The inability of darts to work against a robed human seemed to surprise the two goblins. But they didn't think too much about it. With a strange cry, they grabbed sticks and attacked. The thin stature of ordinary goblins allows them to fight side by side in this narrow passage.

But this did not pose a threat. Lin stuck his left cane to the ground and easily blocked the attack from one side. At the same time, with a wave of the dagger in his hand, the magician-level great power technique directly moved towards the thin neck of the other goblin, breaking it in two.

After finishing one of them, Lin looked at the other goblin who had retreated to the wall. The terrified expression made people feel disgusted beyond words. Bullying the weak and fearing the strong is the most common trait of these uncivilized low-level races. So Lin didn't say much, kicked his legs and kicked the goblin's head directly. All of a sudden red and white splashed all over the ground, needless to say, a lot of feet were also stained.

All these cruel scenes seemed to arouse the ferocity of the hobgoblin, causing him to hold the bone high and wave it directly. Although Lin blesses himself with the stone skin technique, he has no interest in using the Tianling Gai to pick up the mace. The horizontal cane blocked Gu Duo's attack, and the short sword went straight underneath. With a huge increase in strength, Lin seemed to be poking tofu without hindrance. But the hobgoblin's body had a few more holes, spraying blood.

There must be no mercy when dealing with enemies, especially uncivilized ethnic groups, good intentions cannot be exchanged for good results. Lin knew very well, so after he stabbed the sword into the hobgoblin's belly for the last time, he didn't pull it out. Instead, he dragged it to the side, causing the hobgoblin's intestines to fall all over the ground. UU Reading

The profuse bleeding and wounds knocked the hobgoblin down, but he glared fiercely at the man in front of him, as if trying to scare him off. But this scares people like Lin who have clearly understood what kind of attitude they must have to survive in this world. He stepped on the hobgoblin's heaving chest, inserted the dagger into the opponent's neck, spine, and clicked!

After finishing off the enemy in front of him, Lin took a little look at the situation of Harumi behind him. Although there are more enemies on the girl's side, there are no higher-level enemies like hobgoblins, so they are also entering the final stage, making up for the gasping goblins. So Lin Jing walked towards the third floor.

The heavy stone gate is intact. The materials used to build the magic tower are rare and expensive, which also ensures its reliability and sturdiness. It may still be destroyed by a huge external force, but it is obviously not something that goblins can do.

Although judging from the appearance of the tower, the third floor is also partially damaged, but the part of the core room is definitely complete. Because there are previous tower owners who confirmed to the Magic Association the integrity of the core part of the tower. As for the damage, it occurred earlier in the history. So as long as the stone gate is intact, there is no need to worry about enemies ambushing behind.

Stick the right hand with the imprint on the stone gate, and silently recite the secret mantra. This magic tower, which has been dusty for several years, once again ushered in its new owner.

The magic energy diffuses along the special lines, connecting to the energy pool that maintains the lowest level of operation. The energy fed back drove the mechanism of the stone gate, and amidst the rumbling sound, the stone gate was slowly raised.

The core room of the tower, which was originally pitch-black, was dimly lit. As the stone gate rises, the light gets brighter. When the passage is fully unfolded, the magic chandelier hanging high in the center of the core room of the tower is fully lit.

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