Magic Tower Starry Sky

Chapter 31: Changes in the state of the world

The Tower of the Great Sage is not at the traffic hub, and there are no special resources nearby. Even the nearest village was emptied not long ago because of the relationship of the tower owner, and no one lived there anymore.

However, more travelers came to or passed the Great Sage's Tower. There are adventurers, mercenaries, merchants, representatives of the nobility, with a purpose or without. Of course, after businessmen smell business opportunities, they will be the most diligent group of people.

The mall system opened by the Association of Magicians is undoubtedly a powerful trading tool. Someone once came to the Tower of the Great Sage and mentioned this idea to Lin. However, after hearing that the association paid the mall system's remuneration, no one backed down.

Sale? What would that make people who bought expensive before think? Eliminate those who sell at a reduced price, and then wipe out those who buy cheap, the Magicians Association has such confidence.

As for the cooperation and shareholding, Lin just smiled at such proposals. You can't cheat anyone, the Magicians Association is not your own father. If I cheated Lao Tzu, it would be just right for Lao Tzu to beat his son. Lin also wanted to live a small life in comfort, and he didn't want to have a rich and powerful life.

So these merchants took the next best thing and came to the Tower of the Great Sage to purchase what they considered a special product, the magic stone with the browser system. That's right, I don't know when, duplicating magic stones with browser magic has become a hot commodity.

Strictly speaking, the browser magic stone can only be regarded as a magic item, that is, an item that can be used by ordinary people without magic power, and does not require any talent. Of course, the most basic literacy is enough.

If the magic stone is prepared by itself, only I Keel can copy the browser magic to the association. Ship it to other places and resell it to other nobles or adventurers. You can add III to V Kiel (3-5 gold) to the price of magic stones.

There will be such a price difference because the only two places that can copy and sell browser magic knowledge are the Wulian City in the headquarters of Xijia District and the Tower of the Great Sage. If you don't want to travel long distances, you can only accept the merchant's price.

Other tower owners with magic towers can also use the energy pool to install browsers, and then infinitely copy the magic stones of the browser system. But they only dared to secretly use it for their apprentices, and did not dare to openly sell this knowledge to the outside world.

Because by doing that, the one who offended was not Lin, a rookie magician with no background, but the senior management of the Xijia branch of the Magicians Association. There were only five teams of inspectors before, and they worked together to invite a certain tower owner to return to the headquarters of Wulian City as a permanent guest. Who would be so short-sighted.

Of course, such a big move by the association didn't come without a price. When the news that someone else was selling browser magic stones came out, as the affiliated chamber of commerce’s regular supply car team arrived, the steward accompanying the car asked about it in a circumstantial way, to see how the tower owner reacted .

A certain person pretended to be respectful and presented an account book, recording all the merchants who came to the Tower of the Great Sage to buy browser magic stones and their quantity, and of course the share amount agreed with the association at the beginning. Other than that, there is nothing to say about related events.

Generally speaking, magicians sell their own knowledge without going through the association, so they don't have to pay the commission fee, but Lin still offered it according to the original oral agreement. Some people may question whether they will report more for less. But Lin gave out what was not needed in the first place. If you really care about it so clearly, then it's not just Baimu.

Facing the fact that other magicians also came to earn this money, although Lin did not explain it clearly, his attitude was: the association sells, and there is a commission; if I sell, the association also has a commission; other people sell, and the association can handle it.

After that, there was a big event where five teams of inspectors went to visit a certain tower. The strength and determination of the government to curb piracy has impressed those who have experienced the years of the earth. Although secretly copying and using it for people in groups of relatives and friends is difficult to ban such things, but for large-scale sales by merchants, one must have the awareness of being greeted by the association.

However, fighting in the magic world doesn't matter much to ordinary businessmen, they only focus on their profitable parts. This means that the magic stones needed for browser magic do not necessarily have to be of standard size. It was about the size of a human fist, and it had some weight.

If it is cut into a small magic stone the size of a fingernail, plus some silver and gold pieces, it can be easily processed into a piece of jewelry. The value of necklaces, earrings, rings, etc., which are both beautiful and practical, in the eyes of nobles depends on the IQ of the other party.

So a large number of businessmen came to these two places, each time with dozens or hundreds of magic stones, spreading the forum to the world other than magicians. This is an unexpected change for the senior executives of the Xijia Branch, but they are happy to see it succeed.

The behavior of the merchants represented the information medium of the forum, which officially entered the world of ordinary people from the hands of magicians, and began to spread to places outside the Xijia District.

The most direct manifestation is that because of the efficient circulation of information, people who pursue interests also move in large numbers. The businessman has nothing to say, another large group is the group of adventurers and mercenaries that are difficult to clearly separate.

In the past, such people could only stay in strongholds set up by the Adventurers Guild or Mercenary Guild—usually taverns—and wait for suitable quests to appear, then accept the quests and set off to the destination to complete the quests. 'Wait for ten days, walk for ten days, fight for half a day', these ten words perfectly describe the situation of adventurers and mercenaries.

Before receiving clear information, these people did not dare to leave their original stronghold rashly and go to other places for development.

Now that there is a forum, it was originally just a magician in a group team, posting news related to himself in a half-showy manner. It quickly evolved into an exchange of information from various places, and then the mainland Southwest Peninsula branch of the two major guilds also established a discussion section on the forum, and the rules for releasing tasks were quickly completed.

Perhaps the business of the tavern strongholds of the two major guilds has deteriorated, and instead, various adventurer groups and mercenary squads have gone to places where their force is needed more efficiently, solving the chronic problems in many remote areas. Even in the evaluations of commoners and nobles, the credibility of the two major guilds has improved a lot.

It is difficult for the top leaders of the two major guilds to evaluate whether this change is good or bad, but for adventurers and mercenaries, their income has actually increased, although it has become a lot harder, after all, there is less wasted waiting time rest time.

It turned out that the remote villages were facing the threat of monsters, so they had to send their own people to the guild stronghold for help. The two guilds waited for a group with the right strength to take over the task before heading to the entrusted village. Usually as long as there are survivors in the village, it is a great efficiency.

One of the most common situations is that when the entrusted adventurers arrive at their destination, all that remains is to collect the corpses and hunt down monsters as revenge. Although the reward may have been given to the two major guilds first, and the guild will also be handed over to the team that completed the task, the village that asked for help was already empty. This is inevitably frustrating, and many fledgling adventurers cannot overcome this psychological barrier.

The second situation is that when the adventurers who accepted the entrustment arrive at the destination, they find that the task has already been done by the passing adventurers, and of course they will not get the reward. This is a waste of travel expenses, but no income, Mr. He Bao protested.

The forum undoubtedly changed the problem of inefficiency in the past. As long as adventurers or mercenaries are willing to work hard, they will become in the state of 'walking for ten days, fighting for half a day, then walking for ten days, and fighting for half a day', there is no time to wait.

A recent major incident has highlighted the terrible efficiency brought by the forum.

The origin is the Arava Kingdom within the scope of the Association of Magicians, Xijia District, and a small border noble under it issued a task of 'exploring the abandoned mine pit'. A group of mercenaries who had just finished their mission and planned to return to a town with a mercenary guild stronghold, received the reward, and took it from the forum. In their eyes, it was a mission to pass the time.

The next day, this task was upgraded to an extermination task of 'discovering the gray dwarves'. The gray dwarves are quite notorious among the uncivilized races. Basically, when human beings find each other, they will destroy each other first, and then consider other things.

It was the same this time. The forum kept asking for help, and people kept announcing how many people they had killed and how many they had harmed themselves.

In the end, a large barracks was formed outside the abandoned mine pit, and adventurers and mercenaries continued to come from afar to enter the mine pit; or temporarily came out of the mine pit with wounded soldiers to rest. At the same time, there are caravans that bring various supplies, weapons, food, and sometimes the spoils of mercenaries and adventurers.

A total of twelve days before and after, after a high-intensity battle for the tunnels, sweeping the original mine tunnels and new tunnels, more than 500 highly skilled warriors and magicians broke into a gray dwarf settlement. Annihilate it completely. According to statistics afterwards, a total of MCXVII (1117) gray dwarves were killed, and the casualties on the human side were far lower than this number.

This event was recorded as a 'significant victory' in the records of the Mercenary Guild and the Adventurer's Guild. Those who went into battle were rewarded with spoils from the settlements, and the relatives of those who were wounded or killed received pensions.

Afterwards, some people analyzed that this gray dwarf settlement should have accidentally dug a passage to the surface world. However, without complete preparations, they encountered attacks from ground forces. At first I thought it was just a small fight, but I didn't expect that an encounter would turn into a decisive battle.

By the time the gray dwarves came to their senses and began to face humans seriously with an attitude of war, they had already fallen behind, and they were all finished.

If this settlement hadn't been discovered, and this group of gray dwarves hadn't been wiped out, when they rushed out of the surface, the neighboring aristocratic territories would all face a catastrophe. UU reading www.uukanshu. At this time, the unprepared human side does not know how much it will cost to achieve the same result.

Of course, in this incident, no one sang the importance of the forum, they only focused on the heroes in this extermination war. Several originally unknown groups have become widely known because of their outstanding performances. There are also bards who compose poems and sing them everywhere. But such achievements are unimaginable in the world before the forum.

Another event where the forum played a big role is the ongoing commotion in the Dodorian Mountains and Warcraft King.

Whenever the king of a region falls, the monsters in that region will keep making noise until the next king appears. And in the process, or because of the exhaustion of physical strength due to the battle, those who are in urgent need of food, or the losers who have been expelled, these monsters will break into the human world and prey on people who are unable to resist.

In the past, the Adventurers Guild and the Mercenary Guild would of course issue summons, calling for people with lofty ideals to protect civilized society. However, it is still limited by the problem of efficiency. The fighters and magicians who responded quickly were usually the same group of people who were active in the area. Those with a larger number are the local nobles. But the aristocrats are a group that has more than enough self-preservation but not enough offense.

But this time, the Thunder and Lightning Legion, who belonged to Earl Sita, was on the front line. With the legion as the main body, the soldiers who came quickly to support the call of the forum firmly guarded the borders of the human world, and even showed signs of advancing towards the forest under the Duoduolian Mountains.

The Kingdom of Huesca to which this place belongs even started to discuss whether to send pioneer nobles to open up new territories.

In any case, on the peninsula at the southwestern edge of the mainland, life has been affected by the forum and has become different from before. And all of this in less than a year.

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