Magic Tower Starry Sky

Chapter 368: solution

For Mark Kovacs, although he can't understand the choices made by other presidents, it's not that he doesn't understand their anxiety.

In the eyes of ordinary users, the value of the forum lies in the knowledge and intelligence accumulated in the Southwest Peninsula over the years. Just the part that is released for free is not something that ordinary people can learn in a lifetime.

However, from someone's point of view, that pile of things is just a mess. No one knows how to organize and summarize, so everyone just provides their own experience and talk, and a large part of it is repetitive or similar. of. This is also why someone is too lazy to get knowledge from the current forum, too much and too messy.

When the vision reaches a certain level and above, the most important thing is the information circulation ability of the forum. In the past, to get information about a certain place, after sending people to investigate, the most basic thing is that the sent people return and report back. To speed up, it is to ride a horse or even ride a flying monster like a griffin.

Flying pigeons are not feasible in Lost Land, the sky in Lost Land is too dangerous, and migratory birds that can migrate long distances basically do not have one out of ten when they reach their destination. So in Midi, those birds are very capable of laying dozens of eggs in one nest. It is hard to imagine how that small body can lay so many eggs.

For advanced message transmission, of course, magic is used. However, there is a requirement for the sender and receiver to have certain magical attainments, or to use very expensive disposable magic props.

It can be said that the forum has broken the restrictions of the first two in one go, and the minimum price is only a red magic stone. Such a price is not unaffordable for anyone with a little wealth in Midi. Not to mention a browser magic stone, as long as you don't look at some pages with many pictures, it can be used theoretically without restriction.

For the rapid circulation of information, it can bring many benefits. This point, whether it is the Southwest Peninsula or the Basque Country, there are countless gratifying examples. So not only the presidents of the Mage Association, but also the Mercenary Guild, the Adventurer's Guild, and even some nobles and royal families have high expectations for the forum.

But there is a prerequisite for all this, that is, it is popular enough. The southwest peninsula itself is facing the problem of insufficient transportation capacity, and there is no room to spare for export sales. Although the Magicians Association is in the traditional southwestern region of the Lost Land, the headquarters of the Bacchus District Branch continues to export browser magic stones, and President Evers of the Mountain Ridge City makes a lot of money because of this, but that amount is very important to the entire community. It is still a drop in the bucket in terms of obsession.

Not only was the benefit that should have been earned not earned, but the intelligence was behind, and there was even a sense of crisis that fell behind others, which made these people in power fall into anxiety. The desire in the heart is getting stronger and stronger, so some people choose not-so-bright means. Lin, the creator, was out of luck because of this.

In fact, if Lin had been told the whole thing, he would have sneered at these people, asking for death without knowing it. Regardless of the loopholes someone left in the source code of the forum. When intelligence spreads unrestrictedly, and truth and falsehood flow around, it will definitely become a nightmare for those in power. Pity this group of people happily eating sugar-coated poison, and trying to promote it vigorously, hoping to spread the poison all over the world.

But someone doesn't know the anxieties of those big shots. Even if he knew, he was not in his position, and he was not in charge of politics, so it was not his turn to worry about those troubles. He smiled heartily and said, "I have an immature idea about this matter, please listen to it, Mr. President."

Mark Kovacs doesn't seem surprised by this unfolding. No matter what kind of things happen, as long as they are individuals, they will bargain. So he nodded and said, "Please."

"I don't know if the president is clear about the Charlie Richard Great Magician Fund I established in Xijia District, and the Chengguo Eaton College that I once ran."

"I've heard a little bit." Mark Kovacs nodded. And at such a moment, the magician mentioned the two big things he had done, what was the intention, and Mark had a vague idea in his mind. Standing at the height of the president, I have to say that those two things were done beautifully. So he wants to...?

"It's good to be clear, and the details are not important. As far as I know, there are ways to communicate with each other between the various divisions of the Magician Association. I hope that through the channel of the president, I can pass on a message like all the divisions. message."

"What message, please tell me." In fact, Mark Kovacs had already guessed the content, but he still couldn't believe that this man had the courage to give up such a large sum of money.

"I agree with all the divisions under the Association of Magicians to copy and sell the magic knowledge that I have turned over. The profit I deserve and the price of magic knowledge are the same as the agreement I made with the association when I was in Xijia District. And that profit , it will be transferred to the Charlie Richard Great Magician Fund. The name and purpose of the fund are also in accordance with the articles of association I submitted when I was in Xijia District, and cannot be changed. However, the administrator part is entrusted to the various districts under the association. .If there is any surplus in the fund, please establish a college to teach magic and all kinds of knowledge. However, I will not limit the name and practice of the college, and leave it to the fund managers in various places to decide."

Mark Kovacs immediately understood the intention of the magician in front of him. This move not only lifted the ban on the sale of browser magic stones by all branches under the Association of Magicians, but also the Association's respect for knowledge creators has not been shaken, or it has set a bad precedent.

Although the established funds have limited uses, they are still in the hands of the "managers" designated by each branch. It is impossible for this magician to run around the world just to check accounts. So it is conceivable that there must be a lot of tricks in it.

In fact, so what if it is close at hand. During the period in Xijia District, Lin lived in Wulian City, and those who dare to make troubles still do it boldly, and they don't care who they are. It was a **** experience.

Second, is the limited use of that fund a bad thing? Provide funds for wizards or apprentices to take up the monotonous task of spreading magical knowledge. I hope to find more talents who are suitable for learning magic from the increased group.

This not only helps those who are not good at fighting, but the newly added group is a group that was previously very difficult to access magic. At the same time, provide this group of people with the opportunity to climb up in the magician's world.

This is something that many aspiring magicians wanted to do in the past, but due to various difficulties, they couldn't complete it, or even couldn't carry it out. Now it is at your fingertips, and the price is only to give the greatest glory to a dead 'great magician' in the barren land.

It is said that the title of that person was given posthumously. It can only be said that that one handed over a good student.

Maybe Mark Kovacs is not like Chengguo Eaton, the former president of the Xijia branch, who pays so much attention to his posthumous reputation. But as long as they are human beings, facing this kind of opportunity to become famous, how many people will not be moved.

Thinking of this, this great magician who felt that he belonged to the old-school researchers had to agree with the suggestions and practices given by this young man, which were more thoughtful and courageous than what he had imagined. Besides, even if those words and ideas are thought of by myself, they are not what I can or should say.

Now that the other party has such an awareness, Mark Kovacs of course studied the details in depth, and finally put all the agreements on paper and finalized them in black and white.

For Lin, all of this was a compromise in exchange for his life, but in fact he had thought it through.

First of all, the concept of traveling from the earth must be changed. The first thing to overthrow is the saying 'money is not everything, but without money is absolutely impossible'. The first half of the sentence is just as common in Midi, but the second half is not.

The main axis of most transactions in Midi is still barter. Coins are just an intermediary, not a designated currency that must be used. And there are no banks in this world, so there is no such thing as a deposit account. All property must be taken with you by yourself, and no one will help you keep it.

This is also the coin that Lin and his three masters and apprentices took away when they escaped from Wulian City, and it was only 20% of their total net worth. Take away all the fine money, and then take away some good money, and the remaining coins are really helpless. If you take all of them away, it doesn't matter whether the mule can drag the cart full of money. At that time, there was not so much space in the small truck to put a cash box.

As for someone starting a bank by himself or something, that's totally out of the question. In the beginning, the bank was not a charitable organization. In a more familiar language, it is a loan shark. Besides, starting a bank requires not only time but also strength, not only the possibility of a bank run, but also all kinds of troubles to deal with. Those who suffer from lazy cancer have to stay away from it.

Another reason why someone doesn't feel lost in the money is very important, the source of the reason is the sub-dragon who contributed most of his body. A king-level magical beast, its benefits are unimaginable to everyone. So much so that I originally planned to buy the required materials out of my own pocket, but now I just need to pull the things back one by one.

What does it mean?

In someone's view, this is telling others that when they are short of money, just go out and go around and hunt some rare animals and come back. Making money is so easy, of course, the premise is that you have enough strength.

This really corresponds to the sentence: How is the easiest way to make money? It's too slow to use money to make money, and of course you need to grab it if you want to be fast.

So give up continuing to use the 'forum' to make money, in addition to thinking about your own life, the most important thing is that you have too much money, it will really bite people. Money is enough for daily life. After reaching a certain level, what you want to do depends on punching through the level, not gold coins to clear the way.

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