Magic Tower Starry Sky

Chapter 400: Culture of Pyate Jaime

However, someone certainly has no room to comment on the national policies of other countries, because that is the way they live.

Apart from other things, just talking about the allocation of residences by the elves, there are still many vacant houses without owners in the capital of Paijaime. This is because of the war of exterminating the country thousands of years ago, the elves chose to retreat in order to continue their lives.

When the Dark Ages were over, they returned to their original location to restore their country. However, the surviving elves are still unable to restore the population to the level of the kingdom's heyday. It can be seen how deeply a battle of that level has hurt them long-lived species.

However, the hopeless romance in the ethnic character prevents them from tilting their national power towards the military field like some countries on Earth, while ignoring the people's livelihood. The enjoyment that the elves should have in life, and various spiritual food are still developing vigorously.

After the dinner, a group of people were taken to a place similar to an opera house. Of course, there were elves performing on the stage, and they were all young people. Music, dance, everything is good. The dancer is soft and boneless, and every move is full of temptation. The performers also do their best to exaggerate people's hearts and make the listeners feel the passion they want to express.

But the people on the stage are just a group of amateur young performers by the standards of the earth, and they will use this occasion to express their feelings to their admirers. Even so, in a world where entertainment is scarce, the Opera House in the Kingdom of Elf is still the place most yearned for by most of the nobles in Lost Land, as well as those with money and leisure, and are proud to have visited it.

Of course, those young guys want to show themselves and express their love for various reasons, and they all want to be on such a stage. Harumi just heard that the people on the stage were ordinary boys who might appear around her, so she was eager to try.

But honestly, the elves put on a show that just makes someone sleepy. Instead of watching a feast of classical music and bel canto, it is better for someone to give him a small screen, a pair of headphones, and then come to a 24-hour Marvel movie to pass the level. Then the subtitle is: Don't press the pause button, let's see whose bladder explodes first.

However, this night, someone thought that the elves would find a chance to get to the point, but in the middle of various entertaining programs, the night was already late.

Taking the guests to the guest house in person, Luka Titov, the prime minister of the kingdom, first saluted the silver-bearded dwarves and said: "Old allies, my king will meet with you tomorrow. There will be a state banquet at that time, I hope you all To feel at home. So please rest tonight."

Immediately afterwards, the old elf came to someone again and said solemnly: "Your Excellency Tripwood Magician, I will officially receive a few of you tomorrow. We have many questions to ask, and I hope you will let me know at that time. Of course, this is not a gratuitous contribution. We understand that the knowledge of magicians is a priceless treasure, but if you are willing to use a limited price to provide it to those who need it, you will be able to reap our friendship. Today It's late, please rest well."

All the carriages and luggage that were temporarily placed at the old elf's house were sent by him to the place where everyone was staying in advance. The goods on it have not been moved in the slightest. This is an advantage that the elves are quite proud of. There are no thieves in the Kingdom of Pyate Jaime. Not picking up things on the road and not closing the door at night are just basic operations for them.

In fact, it is easy to understand from their point of view. If most of the things that the elves need for life are allotted by the kingdom, so that all elves can live in peace, then the private property that will be retained by the elves must be that A rather commemorative, unique item that is sure to be known by most people.

After all, the society of elves is very small, and there are not many novel things in life, so as long as there are some disturbances, if one elf knows about it, it means that all elves know about it.

So under such circumstances, the chance of stealing other people's things and still wanting to not be discovered is very, very small. Unless something is stolen, never take it out, or show it off to others. On the other hand, the arrogance of most elves made them disdain such behavior. Besides, they are more interested in pursuing spiritual satisfaction than these substances that can be replaced.

As for a small number of people, according to them, they just couldn't bear the atmosphere in the kingdom, and most of them wandered outside. When they have seen enough of the darkness of the outside world, these elves will naturally return to their hometown where they grew up. Understanding all this repression is about surviving. Of course, there are also a small number of people who never came back...

And it seems that the elves seem to value their "ancient allies" more, but in fact, whether it is Lin and the others, or the silver-bearded dwarves, the treatment they receive is similar. If we really want to talk about the difference, it is the various supplies in the dwarves' room. The elves have carefully chosen the utensils that match their height and habits.

The single room has a small space, but it has all kinds of supplies for personal use, such as vanity mirror, comb, nightgown and so on. The bed has a faint fragrance, which can't be noticed unless you smell it carefully, but it is just right to make people relax their body and mind unconsciously. If it were placed on Earth, it would at least be a star hotel.

Such a comfortable environment, rare quiet night, let someone fall into a deep sleep as soon as they touch the bed. If you travel abroad for a long time, you will miss the life at home; if you stay at home for a long time, you will want to travel. People are so contradictory. But on the first day of a life change, the exhaustion from the previous journey or the burnout from staying at home can be released in one breath. At times like this, people are always very relaxed.

Outside the window, a kitten climbed the wall with its sharp claws hidden on the edge of the meat ball, and finally climbed onto the window sill. Seeing someone sleeping on the stomach, the petite body seemed to want to enter the house, and the short legs kept stretching out, as if looking for a suitable place to jump, and then retracted because they were afraid of losing their balance.

This happened a few times, and after the kitten meowed a few times with its milky sound, as if it had made up its mind, its four legs were slightly bent, ready to gather strength for a jump.

With this accumulation of energy, the movement of Qi, another layer of night quietly and quickly covered the entire room. The kitten exploded in an instant, arched its back, and screamed in a milky voice. At the same time, it lost its balance and fell outward from the narrow window sill to the ground. The kitten, which fell heavily to the ground, didn't seem to have suffered any injuries. It turned over flexibly and ran away.

The starry sky in the room flickered, as if human eyes were blinking, watching the petite figure sink into the darkness. Then the starlight disappears, and everything returns to normal, and of course someone does not know what happened while he was asleep.

Early the next morning, two very luxurious carriages for people came to the reception. One was from the elf royal family, and the imperial guards personally came to welcome the four distinguished guests. They were silver-bearded dwarves who hadn't appeared on the surface for thousands of years. The other car came from the prime minister of the kingdom. Although the specifications were not as luxurious as those of the royal family, Liena Titov, an elf sword dancer, personally escorted the team.

However, Lin still discovered one thing, that is, the two carriages were actually of the same specification. It's just that it's covered on the outside, the coat of arms with the coat of arms is different, and the people in charge of the reception obviously have different affiliations. It is estimated that this belongs to an official car to some extent.

But regardless of whether it is an official car or not, at least the Elf knows how to work on comfort. Those who don't look like dwarves are stupid and rough, with the same temperament as those old men in the north of their hometown, or they are particular about some weird places. Sitting in the carriage used by the elves to pick up and drop off guests, the flannel chairs are as soft as the sofa, which reminds someone of their life before time travel.

As soon as they got into the car, the two girls deliberately sat on the chairs and bounced, feeling surprised by the comfort brought by the car. This is also something that can't be helped. For someone's journey, the horse-drawn carriage mainly carries all of his belongings, and there is no way to take into account the issue of ride comfort. So everyone is enjoying the journey of not having to walk by themselves, but the price is that they have to sit on a cold wooden board.

The carriage was on the way to the palace. After gaining a deeper understanding of this country, Lin looked at the scenery along the road and felt more inexplicable and unclear.

In particular, he also carefully observed the elves walking on the street in this early morning. Although there is no vigorous vitality, there is absolutely no twilight like stagnant water. Just like the characters of the elves, they look plain on the outside, but they are passionate inside.

The two carriages parted at the gate of the palace. The royal family that the dwarves are going to meet is the inner palace, which is where the elf royal family lives; the prime minister of the kingdom that Lin and the others are going to meet is the office of the outer palace.

The palace occupies a vast area, especially the elf-style pastoral landscaping, which in someone's eyes is even more unique. It is neither the European and American courtyard style of the earth, which emphasizes neatness and looks too heavy; it is also not like the Chinese courtyard, which blindly pursues natural wonders and tries to include heaven, earth and circle in a small world.

The garden landscaping of the elves is not so much a landscaping as it is a unique fortification of the elves. A variety of extremely aggressive plants, cultivated in staggered intervals. It may be flowers, it may be leaves, it may be the inadvertent smell that threatens all those who dare to invade the palace.

Especially those who like to hide in the shadows and sneak and think they are very good at kung fu. Just imagine what will happen if you make small movements around the drooling mouth of the dragon. Those people probably have such a miserable appearance.

As for the plants and trees in the courtyard of the palace, Harumi's eyes glowed, and he wished he could get out of the carriage and enjoy the 'flowers'. She can even report the names, characteristics, talents they are good at, and attack modes of these plants like a few treasures. Of course, more importantly, she is also quite aware of the weaknesses of these plants, or where the shortcomings are.

As the carriage passed by, the blond girl even stretched out her hand out the window, stroking a special plant, that huge and bright flower. Seeing that the other elves were frightened, their eyeballs almost popped out.

The plant Harumi touched was a famous piranha in the royal palace. Not to mention the enemies, even the gardeners who took care of the garden among the elves didn't know how many people had their arms bitten off. I haven't heard who that flower let go, but there is one in front of me.

Finally, the carriage stopped in front of a simple and unassuming building. The elves pay attention to spiritual satisfaction, even if it is a uniform house, they can play different tricks. So simplicity itself is the most special existence.

And a group of old men with white hair and beard lined up, waiting in front of the building. Looking at this battle, someone doesn't feel that this is an attitude that is highly valued, but it seems to be giving a blow.

Who said elves are not dark-bellied. A certain person would not naively think that he is so important that he needs to invite such a row of people to greet him.

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