Magic Tower Starry Sky

Chapter 413: fate-chance

After an unknown number of times the group was wiped out, a group of people excitedly waited for someone to start the next round, but Lin's eyelids were so heavy that he could hardly keep them open. He cheered up and said, "Hey, it's late, aren't you going to sleep?"

"Get started quickly, I just thought of a good idea again."

The energetic appearance of this group of people reminded someone of the experience of staying up all night unknowingly because of games when he was young. But can the self at that time be compared with the self now? He didn't want to accompany these people.

After yawning a lot, Lin said, "I can't hold on any longer, so you should find someone else to host."

"But we don't know the story of Candlekeep?" Jermaine, who also wanted to continue playing, said loudly as if protesting.

"This is an adventure. People who are interested in hosting can come up with their own experience, make some changes, use some imagination, and then let the dice determine the difficulty of everything. What's the point? Look in the rule book, as a host Method, you can do it too. Or find other people with rich adventure experience, they can do it too. Also, seriously, can’t you use some normal people’s way to take risks obediently? Help is needed Help people, do some small tasks that can gain experience points, fight some mobs, do some justice, don't always do small things that are sneaky. Faerun is very big, you all put yourself in Candlekeep again and again What's the point of playing to death? In short, anyone who is interested can find Kaya to copy the rule book and study it."

After speaking, someone didn't clean up, took a sip of water, and returned to the carriage with a flashing spell.

Hosting a TRPG is not easy at all. Among the various backgrounds, the Dungeons and Dragons series will be selected, and the idea is also because that is the closest to the life of the Lost Land. The lost natives are the easiest to understand, and it is also easy to find adventure experiences that can be used as backgrounds from their respective stories.

In this way, there is no need to tie someone up as a Wannian DM. As long as other people are willing to tell the story and let other people participate according to the setting in the rule book, then anyone can be a game host.

If you choose other story backgrounds in the wasteland category, just to explain what mutants are and what nuclear bombs are, I am afraid that someone will just tell some story settings that will make people drowsy all night. Run a group.

It's even worse if it's Cthulhu's background, because of previous experience, letting someone know about those indescribable existences is not something that only exists in storybooks for Midi. If he provoked those things again, his own few lives would not be enough to die.

Then in the original consideration, the uncertain part is whether the lost natives will accept this game method. But it seems that they seem to have a great interest in living a new life in a different way.

Not to mention the lich who misled everyone, she belonged to that camp. What about the others? A king of an elven kingdom, a young patriarch of a clan of silver-bearded dwarves, and a famous elven sword dancer, look what good things they all did in Candlekeep? If in reality, they are not paraded through the streets by dipping in pig cages, it must be that the local people have holes in their brains. A certain person's fists are hardened just by being a DM, but they never get tired of it.

However, another problem was exposed during the game. After all, this rule book is something that was rushed out of the chapter, and it is reasonable to be imperfect. There are not enough types of dice, and some rules are contradictory; especially in order to match the cognition of the lost ground, so the basic attribute is to use eight kinds of powers, but there are many flaws in the design.

But... Let's talk about it after waking up, someone is now unconscious as soon as he touches the pillow.

The next morning, it was rare to get a good night's sleep. Normally, the two apprentices would be punctual to disturb people's dreams, but today they are on a errand?

Climbing out of the carriage, Lin was shocked to see the situation of the camp. Most of the elves have a haggard face and two panda eyes, and they are very serious... carving dice?

A group of people around the campfire, it seems that the participants have changed several times, and several people have taken turns as the DM. But now they are staggering, all of them seem to have just slept for a long time, but they look very heavy when they sleep. Looking at that posture, it will be miserable when I wake up, all kinds of soreness.

When you think about it, this seems normal. Although those in the rule book can be easily copied as long as there are magic stones, there is no way to do it with dice. So those who can play have played through the sky, and those who can't play, of course, find a way to make game props.

There are no dice or other gambling tools in Midi. Just take more than three tureen and guess which one has something in it, and you can bet that some people will go bankrupt. Of course, the most common thing is to guess the heads of the coins.

If it is the most basic regular hexahedron dice, it may be easier to make, but twenty-sided dice? Even I hit a wall a few times, and finally used magic materials directly to make a qualified dice. Can other people use engraved ones directly?

Maybe giving away the rule book for free and selling dice alone is a good business? It should be easier to make if the mold is directly cast with metal, and there is no need to use magic materials, and then use the thickness of the paint to adjust the center of gravity.

But as soon as this idea came up, it was dismissed by someone. Just kidding, the money earned by the forum is already enough to bite one's hands. If you add some sources of income, it doesn't mean that you will hang the word "fat sheep" on your head again.

And this kind of TRPG gameplay is welcome to see the performance of elves, but it is hard to say to people of other races. In addition, this is not magic knowledge, and it is impossible to sell it through the channel of the Magician Association, and of course it will not be guaranteed by the association. So the gameplay is exposed. After the rule book is online, it is probably still difficult to make dice. In addition, if you want to pirate, it is not difficult.

But someone didn't think about making money with this kind of thing. Because pure rules are never the point, what is really valuable is the story world built by countless creators. Sometimes it's the story that draws people in, and people in turn create rules for it, a world that can be played. This expanded business interest is much greater than the mere rule book.

Of course, you can also choose to establish authority in this field, suppress all possible signs of emergence, and monopolize this entertainment market... As a magician who wants to find a way to go home, doing those things seems a bit unprofessional. And it's not a simple job that can be done easily.

Picking up the twenty-sided dice placed on the silver plate, Lin raised the dice to reflect the morning sun, shining brightly. Ok? Feeling weird, things seem to be different? I picked up the dice and threw it on the silver plate a few times, but there was no abnormal bounce, or only certain numbers came out. It seems that I am just being overwhelmed.

Elsewhere, Mount Tarsis is a neutral sanctuary located between the Lost Land, the Abyss, and the kingdom of the gods. This place was once the front line of the war between the Lost Gods and the Outer Gods, and it was also the main battlefield where the ancient gods and the gods were at the beginning of the alternation of generations.

The result of countless mighty forces fighting here is that the space here has become potholed and extremely unstable. Even for gods, it is quite strenuous to maintain their existence here, let alone fight.

Such a dangerous place now has a new function, which is a place for peaceful meetings between the leaders of various camps.

Because the gods who fell here will not be revived in their own kingdom of gods; on the contrary, the gods of the gods will collapse directly after severing the connection with the original owner, so that the gods can't die anymore. Even the evil gods of the abyss who claim to be immortal, a few of them came here to make trouble and never reappeared, so everyone came here cautiously.

Of course, no one calls, other gods or evil gods are willing to appear in this dangerous neutral place. Today, it is quite rare to gather a large number of gods, because since last night, the kingdom of the gods and the abyss have experienced constant earthquakes. Although no damage was done, this out-of-phase still attracted the attention of these beings.

Today, the Goddess of Fate, Roxanne, summoned the gods to Mount Tarsis. He is one of the few gods who will be answered after calling. Except that he has always maintained a neutral position, the concept he represents is also a "fate" that makes the gods feel troublesome, and no one wants to oppose him.

When a golden chariot pulled by two eight-legged horses rushed into this neutral sanctuary, all the gods and evil gods who had already arrived trembled. Wearing a dazzling golden battle armor, Apollos, the guardian god, entered this unstable space with the force of wind and thunder. He used tyrannical divine power to stabilize the space he passed, as if all the way was smooth.

The first thing Apollos saw was the mischievous Lavoquito, who had been beaten up by him a while ago, scaring the always foolish buddies into hiding behind his elder sister.

The gods gather into groups according to their respective camps and friendships, and they are clearly separated from each other. Apollos drove a horse chariot alone, and came to the half-withered, half-cold god. He made a deafening voice and asked, "Why do you look like you're about to die? Did you do what happened yesterday? Now you're here to explain what happened?"

Luo Gexianni didn't answer the face of this big boss who could **** off a bunch of gods and demons just by talking, wasted in vain. Goddess of Fate just spread out her haggard half-body palm, and in her palm was a twenty-sided dice. And this is the one carefully crafted by someone, and it was secretly exchanged by the goddess with a counterfeit made by herself.

As soon as the dice came out, there was another shock. This already precarious space looks like it will disintegrate at any moment.

Unlike the ancient gods who personified all things in nature, the new gods who have gone through the dark age and grown up are godheads achieved by adhering to various beliefs and concepts.

Then when these concepts are shaken will affect their existence; when the belief does not exist, they will also disappear. As the history of civilization advances, concepts will change and beliefs will shift. These are normal phenomena, but these things will have symptoms. When finding symptoms, there are usually two options.

"Do you want us to help you root out the root of this wavering concept?"

This is the practice of most gods and the so-called 'old-fashioned' faction. Kill all change, stubbornly follow the old way. But Luoge Xianni shook her head. He rolled the dice with his hands, the dice landed, bounced a few times, but hit the chests of the gods like a giant drum. As you all know, this person's power has gone up to a higher level.

Another option: absorb and expand your own concepts as the times change. Even if a little carelessness is the end of the disintegration of the godhead, those who can survive will usually be stronger.

However, regarding the choice of fate, Klein, the mysterious master hiding in the mist, doesn't take it seriously. Abandoning the mystery, it is true that the power is stronger, but there are traces to follow. Good or bad, hard to say.

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