Magic Tower Starry Sky

Chapter 51: economic concerns

"I hope that this matter can all be organized by the association. And the manager of the fund will also ask the chairman to recommend it."

"Oh, you don't come forward to perform the operation yourself?"

Lin smiled awkwardly and said: "Just distributing the magic stones of the forum to each village, in my own name, will probably be disturbed by those nobles. If the association came forward, there should be no such problem .Besides, I am more interested in staying in the tower to do research, and managing such a large number of affairs is beyond my capabilities. So I can only ask the president."

In the southwestern peninsula of the mainland, the individual strength of the four major divisions is indeed more than that of any other country. As the master of a tower, it is a taboo to expand the influence beyond the fixed territory of ten days (10 kilometers). But if the branch comes forward, no country will dare to speak out. So Orange? Eaton agreed with Lin's reasoning. After thinking about the pros and cons for a while, he said:

"In this case, I recommend my student Shure Ion as the manager of this fund. He is the magician who sent back your two apprentices and goods with the convoy last time. How about this?"

"Mage Ion is a very safe candidate, and I have no objection." Lin complained in his heart as to why he had pushed his own students out.

Thinking of the young man I saw before, he would be kept by the old man's side, but he would be assigned some errand tasks. I guess he has trust, but his ability is a little lacking. Fortunately, this matter of the fund is partial, there is no concern about casualties, and no capable abilities are needed, just being safe.

As for the operation of such a sum of money in the hands of others, will it be manipulated? Lin didn't plan to delve into this issue, it was originally used as protection money.

One must know that the economic scale of the Lost World is still dominated by barter. In particular, the southwest peninsula was separated from the wilderness, and the rise of civilization is also a matter of two to three hundred years, no more than those areas that have inherited civilization for a long time. In the case of a smaller economy, the circulation demand for money is of course less.

And Lin Dong earns tens of thousands of gold coins, what does this represent? The tax revenues of many nobles in the southwest peninsula may not be as high as the sum of several years, and even the annual tax revenue of some kingdoms is much lower. The four words "wealth can rival a country" are placed on the tower owner of the Great Sage's Tower, which is well-deserved, but at the same time it is also remembered by others.

Even if the Xijia Branch of the Magician Association, the head of the four giants in the Southwest Peninsula, had to pay Lin the full amount of remuneration in one go, it might affect the branch's cash flow. Therefore, no matter whether it is the president or the manager of the affiliated chamber of commerce, they continue to sell things to the tower owner of the tower of the great sage. Lin also bought a lot of flashy items because of this.

No way, whoever calls his own research topic is not something that can be solved by spending money to buy a lot of materials. The mages in the Lost World do their research using the exhaustive method, without scientific methods such as statistics or induction, so they lack funds to purchase enough experimental materials.

Lin, on the other hand, just watched the stars and calculated. Strictly speaking, as long as he has a bite to eat, his research can continue. Who is the progress of the computerization of the magic tower, so far has not touched the limit. Naturally, unlike the earth, we have to think about how to get the boss to upgrade the computer hardware to increase the efficiency of calculation.

For the previous income, Lin Du commissioned the chamber of commerce to start collecting materials for building the third and fourth meditation rooms. This time, it was another big profit. If we don't spend it quickly, many people, including Lin himself, may feel uneasy. Not afraid of thieves thinking about it, but afraid of the jealousy of those high-level people.

These reasons are also the reasons why Lin no longer has other achievements in the application program. Add a browser to a forum, and the money you earn has already put you in a dangerous situation. It would not be crazy to study the mail system, instant messaging, message boards, and even Windows to play with it.

If there is no charge to write these applications for people to use, Lin has no motivation to complete these complicated tasks. Which one of the applications is simpler than the forum? As for those who do free work for nothing, they are not saints who traveled to benefit the Lost World, so they deserve such self-torture. What's more, which of those applications was not completed by a team, but by myself, the liver is too healthy?

Anyway, the natives of Lost Land don't know what else is in their minds, so naturally no one will knock on the bowl and beg, just pretend that they don't know.

Regarding the details of the fund, Lin discussed with Chengguo Eaton for a while. But on a whim, he said with emotion: "Originally, I wanted to posthumously give the title of great magician to Mr. Charlie Richard. In this way, the name of the fund can be 'Richard Great Magician Fund', which sounds too important." It will be more sufficient. It’s just that although the title of great magician is awarded to those with high strength and great contributions, for a long time only those with strength have won this honor; I don’t have a conclusion, and I don’t know where to start.”

Lin Wuxin sighed, but Chengguo? Eaton had a different meaning in the ears of the old man. Just like the Chinese proverb on Earth: When a man dies, he leaves his name; when a tiger dies, his skin remains. People who have reached a certain age will always think about what to leave for future generations, not only to leave a legacy, but also to leave a name.

Brother Li Chake has a good student. Orange fruit? Eaton sighed in his heart. As long as the Great Magician Fund of Richard is successfully established and still in operation, it is inevitable that someone will ask the question of 'Who is Richard'. In this way, people will always remember him. As for "Orange Fruit? Eaton" in a few years, it will only be replaced by "a certain president".

"Brother Tripwood, don't mind if I call you that. Although only those in the church can do this kind of work, it is unprecedented for magicians; but the establishment of the fund is also unprecedented. Lift. So I will try my best to facilitate this matter, you just wait for the good news."

Unexpectedly, with his unintentional emotion, he would raise his status to the level of "little brother" in one breath, Lin was flattered. He hurriedly got up and saluted, and said, "I'll trouble the president for everything."

The old man nodded, said nothing, and cut off the communication.

Finally finished worrying about this time, Lin is not in the mood to regain the research mood that has been interrupted several times, and he is also a little dazed recently. Although the goal is clear, which is to find the way home from the starry sky, but there are countless things to do, and I feel like I don’t know how to proceed.

Feeling that he was in a bottleneck period, Lin simply put aside all research and wild thinking, and prepared to concentrate on an upcoming astronomical event-Six Stars. That is to say, in the star system where Midi Star is located, the six planets are connected in a straight line.

It is said that they are connected in a line, but in fact it is not a straight line connecting the six planets, but an angle. Take the Midi star and the sun star (the sun of the Midi world) as a benchmark, and after other planets are also connected with the sun star, there will be an angle with the baseline. This is because the orbit of each planet is not On the same plane, but slightly inclined.

And the so-called planetary tandem is that all the planets move to the same side of the sun and star, and gather in a fan-shaped area with a small angle.

Neglecting the included angle factor, assuming that all planetary orbits are in the same plane, the cycle of six stars will appear about every eight and a half years according to Lin's calculations. However, considering the value of the included angle, it must be limited to a small angle, that is to say, there will be overlapping phenomena observed by the naked eye, not just staggered. According to calculations, the time will be extended to 122 years about.

If Lin's observations and calculations are correct, a lunar eclipse will also occur at the same time as this year's six-star astronomical event. That is to say, among the two moons, Nannayue, which rises in the east and sets in the west like the sun, is referred to as the satellite of Nanyue. Add two satellites.

The other satellite involved in the connection is the Gudarana moon, which is in the sky for a long time, and is called Guyue for short. According to Lin's understanding, Gu Yue's revolution speed is synchronized with Midi's rotation, and such a fast movement causes the phenomenon observed on the surface, that is, Gu Yue always hangs high in the same position in the sky without changing.

The revolution speed of the Nanyue is similar to that of the Earth's moon, and it falls in about 28 days, while the ancient moon is in sync with Midi. The positions of these two moons, along with the positions of five other planets, are what astrologers rely on to predict the climate.

However, the four words used here to predict the climate do not accurately describe the achievements of the astrologers. The climate is of course one of the key points of concern for everyone, but the predicted results also include increased production of certain species, easy conception, locust disasters, flooded rivers, everyone is grumpy, and UU Reading is prone to wars And so on, all kinds of unscientific predictions.

When he first came to the Lost World, Lin scoffed at the astrologer's prediction. But in a certain twins week, I witnessed two chicks hatched from an egg; in a certain week with fine weather and frequent thunderstorms, after listening to the drought thunder from time to time for a week, Lin was convinced that he was in a world that never happened. Reasonable magical side world.

Now this astronomical event is regarded by Lin as an opportunity to verify whether his astronomical calculations are correct. What needs to be verified is of course a magic tower that has been computerized to a certain extent. Including whether the design of the program is correct and whether the functions used for calculation are correct. If even the prediction of the interior of the star system is wrong, then there is no need to consider the entire galaxy, or even the universe. As for counting by hand, that was not considered from the very beginning.

Another reason for him to verify in this way is the wall of planetary diagrams in the restaurant on the first floor of the Tower of the Great Sage. It is said that it has existed since the beginning of the construction of the tower, and the position changes of all planets are also compared with reality, although it is only a flat version. According to the records in the Magic Tower's log, every time the Six Stars are connected, this wall will have a special change for a period of time.

In addition to wanting to see the changes in this wall, Lin also wanted to know whether the accuracy rate of this thousand-year-old star map wall is still perfect and can fully match the reality. If so, the principle behind this technology is worth studying, and maybe it can be added to the tools for exploring the starry sky.

It is a pity that during one of Lin's calculations, he found that the results of his calculations were slightly different from the star map wall. So which one is right, which one is wrong, and what is the reason behind it all, all of these will have to wait for the astronomical event to come, and then we will know the answer.

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