Magic Tower Starry Sky

Chapter 54: 6 star renju

A slight abnormality quickly diverted the attention of the three masters and apprentices from the astronomical wonders.

As the vibration grew stronger, Lin also ran into the core room regardless of the changes in the lunar eclipse in the sky, and called up various monitoring charts and screens. The two little apprentices who ran in slowly looked at their teacher worriedly.

"Girl, take a look around the tower to see if anything strange happened." Lin pointed to the mirror of the energy pool lined up with dozens of surveillance images. Today's Great Sage's Tower, apart from the open-air hot springs, toilets and private rooms, has long been covered with surveillance cameras. The monitoring screen can be said to have no dead ends. It was precisely because of the huge number that two girls were ordered to take charge.

As a teacher, I observe the data of various places in the tower, including the energy channel data recorded through the nodes, the level status of each floor, the distance between floors, the free magic power density in the atmosphere, and the temperature of each corner, humidity and more.

The readings at most locations were normal, except for one location where there was a drastic change. And there seems to be a tendency to spread its influence outward.

"Teacher, teacher, the restaurant's star map is spinning around and flashing."

"Well, I noticed that too."

At the same time, there was a shrill dog barking on the first floor. In the monitoring screen inside the gate, two big dogs, Gray Hoof and White Nose, are raising their forelimbs, desperately digging at the gate of the magic tower that was locked at night. I don't know if they noticed something, or because of other reasons, but it can be seen that they want to escape from the tower.

Since all kinds of abnormal behaviors point to the same place, Lin is bound to have to see for himself. The two girls didn't have nothing to do, he said quickly: "Halomi, you control to open the gate on the first floor and let the two dogs out. Then, take the emergency luggage and leave from the observatory with floatation. After that, stay outside the tower to observe the changes of the magic tower. Shout out if there is any abnormality. Kaya, you stay by the console and stand by. Remember I taught you how to turn off the energy transmission node. Close the energy node at the star map of the restaurant and interrupt the energy supply. If you can’t close the restaurant, close the entire tower. Then use the floating technique to leave from the observatory. If the third floor shows signs of collapsing, don’t wait for me Order, directly shut down the supply of the entire tower of the energy pool, and then leave. Do you hear clearly?"

"Yes, teacher." The two girls replied in unison. It was Harumi who asked worriedly, "Teacher, is there any problem this time?"

Lin didn't delve into the general question, but forced a smile and said, "Don't worry, if there is a problem, we shouldn't feel any pain. Well, stop talking nonsense and start taking action."

Not at all reassuring. The two girls were a little frustrated, but they still acted quickly according to the assigned tasks. Lin ran quickly, picked up the long wand on the rack, and headed towards the central stairwell. With a flick of the thumb to the ring at the root of the ring finger, the magic tower's stairwell mechanism is activated, and all the stone steps are submerged into the central column that runs through the three floors.

The staircase linking the three floors disappeared, replaced by a shaft that runs through the three floors. Lin didn't talk nonsense, and after he jumped, he blessed himself with the floatation technique. Just before landing, his body became light like a feather, and then he bent his knees, slowing down the acceleration of gravity and at the same time kicking, the whole person rolled forward.

This set of actions has already been done proficiently. This is the standard escape posture for adventures outside, jumping off cliffs and ravines, but at this time Lin is using it to speed up his actions.

Ignoring the two big dogs that escaped from the tower with their tails between their legs, Lin quickly ran into the restaurant. I saw that millennium star map, which was originally a map of six planetary trajectories that moved slowly according to the reality, but now it seemed to be running crazy, spinning around and drawing six concentric circles. At the same time, the wall vibrates violently and expands outward.

Fortunately, the magic material is strong enough, so there are no broken stones falling. But looking at the magnitude of the vibration, Lin wondered if the entire stone brick would fall out.

"Kaya!" Lin shouted towards the outside of the restaurant. The **** standby on the third floor immediately executed the order to turn off the star map's energy supply. I saw the monitoring data of the restaurant's location, centered on the star map, and quickly returned to zero. But the number of star map positions decreased first, then increased, and even surpassed the original number in one fell swoop, and continued to increase.

Faced with such a situation, the brown-skinned girl ran to the stairwell and shouted, "Teacher, it seems that it can't be closed. Do you want to close the whole tower?"

"No! That's fine, you leave immediately!"


The nodes of the magic circle and the channels of mana power that stopped functioning appeared in gray and white lines. But this is only the part transformed by Lin, the original star map magic pattern of the Tower of the Great Sage is colorful and flickering. The entire magic circle is like waking up, and all the designed functions will be activated one by one.

And Harumi, who had already stood far outside the tower, was stroking the gray hoof that came to him, watching the changes outside the tower in amazement. The Nanna Moon hanging high in the sky reappeared as a dark red full moon the next moment after it was completely swallowed by the black shadow.

If Lin had been by his side, the teacher would have explained that sunlight was refracted by the atmosphere of Midi, and the red light would shine on the moon that entered the shadow area, and then reflected out. But even if he was present, when he saw the red moon cast a beam of light covering the entire tower of the great sage, it is estimated that any scientific explanation would be thrown out of the blue.

Harumi, who knew nothing, grabbed the fur of Gray Hoof's neck and ravaged it in horror. Watching the tower of the great sage bathed in the red moonlight beam, the magic pattern of the whole tower is lit up, and the blue light gradually changes from top to bottom to the **** red light of the fighting state.

Between the two pointed ear-like corner walls on the top of the tower, there is a human-like flame eye, which keeps looking around. This is exactly how the arcane eye is activated. Outside the edge stone is an attack magic array with six-sided hexagrams erected out of thin air, and the strategic light bomb attack array improved by Lin is also fully operating, only owed to the attack target. Hallumi even forgot to yell to inform the people in the tower.

I can't control the changes outside the tower, and I can't control it. The thousand-year-old star map wall in the restaurant seems to have gathered too much energy. Watching the little green lights spilling out, each magic pattern also emits dazzling light, as if it will explode at any time. Lin Shi used the original imprint of the Great Sage's Tower hidden on the back of his right hand to try to control the chaos in front of him, but it didn't work.

When the energy spilled out of the magic pattern, rendering the whole brick and stone in a light turquoise, Lin's mind began to flash memories of the past marquee. It seems that this time I can't escape...

Suddenly, the six concentric circles representing the trajectory of the planet made a broken sound, and the cyan streamer dimmed instantly. The yellow light representing the sun star in the center rapidly deepened, and even the surrounding bricks and magic patterns emitted that dull light. When the dark light spread to the entire star map, in a flash, the magic bricks became transparent and moved backwards, revealing an inexplicable and strange space.

Behind this wall is the outside of the tower, but there is no hidden room, Lin is very sure. But looking at the stone box floating in the middle of the void, glowing with magical aura, Lin thought, could this be the lost version of the storage space?

When he came to this magical world, the first thing Lin looked for were various space props that were convenient to carry, whether it was storing personal property or travel items. But it's a pity that Midi doesn't have storage bags, space backpacks, space rings and other props. Even if it is a Dharma sage, when he goes out, he either carries his luggage by himself or asks his apprentice to carry it. There is no stealth step to use.

Lin used to think that there was no such storage space in the Lost World. The space in front of me now proves that related magic also exists in this world, but it is so high-end that it is difficult for people to use it widely.

Looking at the stone box in the void, Lin's first thought was to take it out. Because around that space, cracks began to appear out of thin air, and more and more, it is estimated that the final collapse of the space is unavoidable. Then the things stored in it should not be guaranteed, so it is a natural action to take them out before things happen.

It's just that Lin didn't want to try to see if he could walk in. He raised his wand aloft, and spoke the incantation of Boccamoshaw's Great Hand. I saw the mana power continuously condensing from the void, forming a huge yellow-green magic arm, waved towards the storage space behind the star map wall, and took the stone box into the magic hand and took it out.

The process was smooth and unhindered, and the moment the stone box was taken out, the storage space completely collapsed. The strange and magnificent scene between the planes is something Lin has never seen and cannot describe. But the ever-changing gaps like a kaleidoscope, seem to fill the gaps, constantly absorbing all the surrounding quadrants.

When Lin realized that the influence went beyond the original wall position and began to spread towards the main plane, he was already sucked in and couldn't get away. The stone box held in his hand was constantly being sucked forward as if trying to break free, dragging his body, and gradually attracted towards the broken space.

Now the memory marquee runs more happily, and even the memories of the time far away on the earth come to mind one by one.

Just as he was about to accept his fate, the transparent stone bricks emitted new rays of magic patterns, which were different from the original ones. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

The new magic is activated, and it directly weaves a net to cover the cracks in the expanding plane and prevent it from continuing to grow. It seems to be suppressing, or repairing, the transparent magical bricks that are almost disappearing, reappeared its shape, and quickly moved back to its original position, while gradually solidifying the space behind it. It wasn't until the wall returned to its original state that the newly appeared magic pattern dissipated between heaven and earth.

The abnormality of the magic tower began to subside, and the vibration stopped. The mana power that was originally scattered in the atmosphere, so strong that it was almost suffocating to death, also gradually reduced its level. Everything seemed to get better after the stone box was taken out.

What will be contained in the stone box collected by Fei Zhouzhang? Lin couldn't help feeling puzzled.

Outside the tower, the two girls and two dogs gathered together watched the beam of light shot by Nannayue gradually recede and disappear. At the same time, the crimson moon in the sky also quietly disappeared, returning to the original white disk like snow, and the black shadow covering it also receded from the west.

The tower of the great sage standing in place, the magic pattern on the tower also changed from red to blue, and then gradually faded away. The improved light bomb attack array and the arcane eye on the top of the tower also turned into a little bit of starlight and dissipated from the sky and the earth. Everything seems to have returned to the original calm, as if nothing happened. In addition to the wooden box that Lin held in his hand, there was also the broken and useless star map in the dining room.

Joining the two girls, Lin gazes in awe at the home that has been his home for more than a year. Perhaps its secrets have not been seen through by everyone, and there is still an unknown side hidden in the dark.

Judging from the results of this big change, it is quite lucky that the worst expected situation, that is, the explosion of the energy pool, did not happen. Lin thought to himself, while comforting the two worried girls, looking at this strange magic tower.

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