Magic Tower Starry Sky

Chapter 63: request for assistance

After the baptism of countless two-dimensional, movie dramas, and entertainment lace news, basically, Lin can judge whether a woman is a green tea **** or a natural dumb at the first glance.

And the woman in front of her who seemed to have been too serious all her life happened to be one of the types that Lin didn't want to provoke. Fortunately, Princess Mira Salian came here today as a mascot, and the real talkers were the two people around her.

The elder who had met many times finally confessed his identity. He is the head of the Kingdom Sword Knights of the Frank Kingdom, Mendelsohn Heyman. Since he has dealt with him many times, he also understands the character of the Tower Master very well, what he said is useful, and what he said is useless, which makes him appear quite silent today, and most of the limelight has been taken away by another young man.

A nobleman of the royal family, the youngest son of Earl Kohler, Maier Kohler. Seeing his eloquent appearance, Lin knew that the rumor that the upper class nobles in the Lost World had to learn eloquence was indeed true. Almost from the beginning of the founding of the Frankish Kingdom, the deeds of the heroes of the past dynasties, to the pros and cons of the previous king's governance, gave Lin a vivid history lesson.

As for the reason for the current situation, he only explained it in one sentence, that is, the former king was fatuous.

The next step is to praise the excellent character of Princess Mila, boasting that it is rare in the sky and rare in the world. As if keeping her from wearing the crown was an unforgivable sin.

Then he took out a map of the kingdom, and analyzed the current situation with the momentum of pointing the world. In the current chaotic situation, the nobles of the kingdom are roughly divided into four factions: the royal faction, the weakest side, but gathered many small nobles.

The neutral faction, surprisingly, is represented by the regicide. It is some nobles who have closed their doors and just want to guard their own territory. The people of this faction are not twisted together, it is just that people who do not belong to other factions are classified into this category.

The prime minister faction, mainly the prime ministers of the former king, was originally a faction where most of the powerful figures in the royal court gathered. These people just want to maintain the unity of the kingdom, so as to protect their own interests. There are rumors that people from this faction intend to learn from the public discussion system of other races and transform into a republic.

But to be honest, not many people paid attention to them, and the former king's gaffe was also drawn to these people, so in terms of political reputation, this is the weakest group. But in terms of strength, they are not the generation to be slaughtered.

The Marquis faction, or derogatoryly known as the usurper faction. Literally, someone who wants to change the dynasty and put the crown on his head. This is the strongest group of people, but not a decisive power gap.

This was the beginning of the chaos of the kingdom, when nobles and nobles attacked and united with each other, gradually forming a four-legged confrontation. As the excitement gradually cooled down after the initial annexation, coupled with the wooing and annexation of the surrounding kingdoms, which also reached into the chaotic Frankish kingdom, people from the four factions began to use negotiation means to replace war, and the idea of ​​ending the chaos as quickly as possible.

So the current rules of the game have become: win over nobles, gather troops, and it will be easier to win over other nobles after they are more powerful, and then gather more troops. Similar to the explosive flow of real-time strategy games, whoever explodes the most soldiers can call others to surrender without tying the opponent.

"So, join Princess Mira now and help us rebuild this chaotic country, Your Excellency Tripwood. Our army is still very weak. As long as we have your support and participation, we must have the reputation of the Tower of the Great Sage , It is bound to shock some unruly people."

Having said so much, opera meat needs money and people. Lin said without hesitation: "I refuse."

"Very well, you refused...rejected!" It seemed to be an unexpected change, and Maier Kohler's suddenly raised voice showed how surprised he was. "Why did you refuse! How could you refuse!"

Lin Xin calmly explained: "If I were an ordinary magician, swearing allegiance, or being employed by Her Royal Highness, then it is reasonable to do those things. But as the owner of the magic tower, I don't want to get involved in the affairs of the nobles. Affairs, but things that are written in black and white in the agreement. I can't violate the agreement."

"What are you talking about! You let the revival army's base be established in your territory, so it shows your attitude. Now you want to stay out of it, do you think it's possible?"

"If the two things are interrelated, then I can only regretfully ask everyone in the Renaissance Army to leave my territory."

"You!" "Master Kohler!" Knight Commander Mendelsohn Heyman stopped the angry young nobleman who was on the verge of exploding, and said, "Master, according to the agreement, His Excellency Tripwood is indeed not allowed to get involved in our affairs. .Please exercise restraint."

The covenant is an agreement made by the envoys of the five great empires of the Lost World and the Association of Magicians. There is no very strong binding force, basically it is a treaty that does not exist if no one mentions it, and must be abided by if it is mentioned.

Of course, if someone breaks the convention and someone else wants to cause trouble, it will be done according to the rules. To put it bluntly, it is an excuse and a fig leaf for the rich and powerful.

The so-called non-intervention in the affairs of nobles includes wars between countries. In addition to dealing with the invasion of dark creatures, genocide-style extinction wars, or the attack of demons, devils and other abyss species, the master of the magic tower has the right to stay out of the war between nobles.

Take the Tower of the Great Sage as an example. The Magic Tower, which is close to the territory of Viscount Lorenz, is under the command of its political opponents or hostile nobles who have territorial disputes. It will cause trouble for Viscount Lorenz by relying on the location of the Magic Tower all day long. , that doesn't make the harassed nobles depressed to death. That's why there is a 'non-intervention' agreement.

This is also something that no one mentions, and it is regarded as something that is not known. But since the tower owner in front of him has spoken, it will be a waste of saliva to say more words after that, and it may even anger the tower owner and lose the existing foundation. Mendelsohn Hyman apologized, then pulled the angry young master away.

Her Royal Highness followed silently. From the beginning to the end, except for self-introduction, she didn't say a word, she just looked at the tower master calmly and politely. Can't see any emotion.

Looking at the leaving person indifferently, Lin's figure gradually faded and disappeared.

Back at the gathering place of the revival army, some radical young and strong factions gathered one after another to ask the tower owner of the tower of the great sage about his intentions. Maier Kohler complained and slandered as much as possible, which aroused everyone's resentment. Even the slogan of breaking into the tower and taking money appeared.

The Tower of the Great Sage is very rich. In fact, it has been advertised in the forum for a long time. After all, the chamber of commerce caravans that deliver supplies every time are not necessarily the same group of people.

These people will inevitably brag to their relatives and friends after they go back, how much money they saw in the box, and a large amount of supplies were sent into the tower. Then the matter was exposed on the forum again, and the more rumors there were, the more bizarre it would become. In the end, the image of the Great Sage's Tower as rich as an enemy was deeply rooted, let alone the fact that it was not far behind. The end result is that there are more coveted people, including the revival army living here.

People of the older generation feel inappropriate for young people's unscrupulous discussions, but they can't tell where the uneasiness in their hearts lies. Although the tower of the great sage has slaughtered a village and wiped out a team of inspectors, in the eyes of most people, this is still an antique tower controlled by a rookie magician, and it will not be too strong go.

"So, Your Royal Highness,---" the discussion reached the final decision, and Maier Kohler excitedly said to the loyal person: "---As long as we get your permission, we can take down Daxian in one raid tower of the dead."

Although she didn't wear luxurious clothes, Mira Salian still had that charming temperament. After the negotiation failed, she just drank tea quietly and listened to everyone's thoughts and discussions when she returned to the assembly hall. Asked by a group of excited young people with sparkling eyes, she just said flatly: "I don't agree with your request."

"Why, Your Royal Highness? Our spies have entered the tower several times before, and they have fully grasped the layout and layout inside. There will never be any accidents. The money in that tower is enough for us to organize a A huge army. In this way, UU Kanshu is more secure for your coronation path."

"The tower owner took me in and the original followers before, without any restrictions, and allowed us to develop. I will never forget this kindness. I will not attack him in turn because of funding problems. In short, this matter is like this Decision. Anyone who claims to attack the Magic Tower, I will declare to the public that they are not supporting my troops, and will indeed drive them away from my side."

Seeing that the princess spoke decisively, Mendelsohn Heyman said immediately: "Masters, since this is the wish of the princess, we followers should respect and obey it. Let's stop discussing this matter here, we still need to discuss Who will be sent to persuade other noble lords."

The most experienced subordinates, while finalizing the matter, also diverted everyone's attention to another important matter. Mira Salian let out a long breath in her heart. She still had something she couldn't say just now.

Before, I felt that a very powerful dark creature entered the tower, and that strength was strong enough to kill the current revival army several times without injury. But for such a powerful dark creature, most of its breath disappeared in an instant. She once guessed whether those dark creatures reached the intention of cooperating with the tower owner, hid themselves, or died in the magic tower again...

Entering the Tower of the Great Sage today, and negotiating with the tower owner, Mira Salian didn't feel the slightest bit of darkness. This means that the magic tower is high enough to hide the lurking dark creatures; or it really killed those dark creatures.

No matter what the answer is, she doesn't want to attack that tower and become an enemy of that tower owner.


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