Magic Tower Starry Sky

Chapter 65: Desperate again

It was thought that the matter would come to an end by driving the unpleasant messenger away from the sight. Members of the Frank Kingdom Restoration Army who stayed in the small town outside the Tower of the Great Sage began to send envoys to contact the nobles who did not make a clear statement. At the same time, they lobbied the marginalized and disregarded minor nobles under other factions.

At the same time, the usurper faction headed by Marquis Neumann also made big moves. They assembled the army and visited one noble territory after another, with great power to rebel against Shunchang. But what is surprising is that for the nobles who agreed to join, they organized troops to join; for the nobles who disagreed, they did not go to war and captured their castles and territories. Just leave.

Such behavior, on the contrary, made Marquis Neumann's army get a good evaluation, and at the same time, it also gained momentum. Gradually, more and more people were willing to join him. Even some people who refused before reorganized the army and caught up with it.

There will be such a change, a major factor is that the Marquis's proposition has been slightly adjusted. Originally, he wanted to change the dynasty and steal the king's crown; now he wants to marry the eldest princess in exchange for the prince's crown.

For the former, the nobles who had been loyal to the Salian family from their ancestors were not able to adapt. But with the latter method, there are fewer people who have objections. In the final analysis, it's just that these nobles don't want to lose the territory that is the foundation of the nobility, and they don't want to add a reputation of betrayal to the family's experience.

In this regard, members of the revival army of the royal family faction tried their best to declare to the nobles everywhere that Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess had absolutely no wish in this regard. But when it comes to the continuation of the royal lineage, there are various theories. Some want to adopt a son from a distant relative, and some want to choose a husband from a young nobleman. The only thing in common is that none of these opinions were actually asked of Mira Salian herself.

In fact, from the moment Mira Salian left the mysterious church and accepted the protection of a group of veterans loyal to the royal family, she was like a puppet, letting others manipulate her and rarely raising opinions. It was a rare tough tone to refuse to raid the Tower of the Great Sage before. Because of this, it caused a little dissatisfaction among some young and strong factions.

For others, as a woman in the royal family, it is good to obey the man's arrangement, and there is no need to bother to think about things beyond her ability.

For me, the power of the warrior chief of the temple of the mysterious church is far greater than the throne of a small country in the southwest peninsula. If you have a crown, it's just a crown; if you don't, it's not a pity at all. In addition, people who can see are scum to her, and no one has the ability to hurt her, so she doesn't care about many things and lets everyone arrange them.

Even if it was strange information, people who claimed to be loyal to the royal family reacted strangely, as long as there was no possibility of harming her, Mira Salian ignored it.

Such an indifferent attitude created the immediate predicament. Marquis Neumann led an army of Vbar to VbarMM (5000-7000) people, and settled in the Viscount Lorenz near the Tower of the Great Sage. It takes less than a day to march from the small town.

At the same time, the strength of the Royal Revival Army in the town is only CLI (151), excluding the princess and maids who have no combat effectiveness. Although there were quite a few people who came to seek refuge after the flag was raised, there were also quite a few people who were dispatched as envoys to other nobles' territories.

Will Marquis Neumann maintain his usual benevolent style? This is what everyone wants to know. With such a disparity in strength, it seems to be the best choice to directly capture the eldest princess alive. What about the others besides the eldest princess?

Some hunks wanted to force conscription in the small town, but they were asked to leave the town instead. Wars between nobles should not be brought into the territory of magicians.

Someone seriously planned another escape route for Her Highness the Eldest Princess. There are also people who are secretly thinking about the direction they should flee for their lives.

Everyone had different thoughts and spent a sleepless night. When I woke up, there were a few fewer members of the revival army.

Early in the morning, Mendelsohn Heyman, dressed in military uniform, knocked on the door of the loyal man and said, "Your Highness, we should go. The time has dragged on for too long, and the army will surround us, and we will be unable to leave even if we want to. "

Putting on the god-given armor secretly, Mira Salian and her subordinates were covered with a large cloak to hide their fully armed posture. With a complicated expression, she looked at the distressed old man and said, "Do you want to continue running away?"

Because he didn't understand the reason why the mysterious lord agreed to leave the church with two subordinates and return to the family to inherit the throne. Mira Salian has never taken the initiative to do anything, but viewed the development of the matter from a sidelines perspective. The foolish and loyal old man was exhausted, exhausting everything to try to revive the royal family, and the hard work was also seen in Mira's eyes.

Many times, she wanted to say to the old man: Forget it, don't have to work so hard. As long as she has a flail, she has the ability to kill all dissatisfaction in the kingdom. There is really no need to be so troublesome.

But in the end, she couldn't say the words. Even in the prayers of countless nights, asking the master in the sky, there was never any oracle issued. She still can only follow the original oracle: return to the family and inherit the throne.

"Your Highness, we should leave." Maier Kohler came forward to urge.

As the third son of the nobleman, he was very active after coming to the town, and he seemed to be the brains of the revival army. There is nothing wrong with all kinds of ideas. In the eyes of others, it is just a little more young people's drive. His opinion can also be regarded as the thoughts that the supporters who have newly joined his forces want to express.

Since both the old and the new want to leave, let's go. Leaving this small town where I have lived for nearly a year.

In the morning, the fog is thick. If you want to hide your whereabouts and consider the problem of sight, this is the best time to escape.

Abandoning the unnecessary heavy weight, not even a carriage was pulled out. The crowd either rode horses or walked, heading south in a dejected atmosphere. That direction is another country, the Kingdom of Reunion. The eldest princess's aunt married there and became the queen. Although she is no longer there, her cousin is a duke of the Kingdom of Reunion, although she has not been in touch for a long time.

Taking refuge with relatives in other countries can easily become an excuse for other countries to intervene in state affairs. Although this kind of drama is relatively new in the southwest peninsula, it is often staged in other places with a long history in the lost world. Even the nobles of various countries have become such a mess that it is difficult to distinguish their origins.

Making this difficult decision on behalf of the eldest princess was the most regrettable time in Mendelsohn Heyman's life. However, the proposer and facilitator, Maier Kohler, seems to have forgotten that he was also one of the suitors of the eldest princess, actively encouraging people to continue to move in an unknown direction.

Maier Kohler took the lead and led the crowd forward, walking through the forest. The dense fog filled the air, and often the back end of the team could not see the situation at the front end, and could only follow the footsteps of those walking in front of them, walking quickly.

Originally, in such an early morning, it was time to enjoy the sound of birdsong, sip warm milk, and think about the affairs to be done today, but Mira Salian, who was riding on the horse, was not in the usual leisurely mood. . No warm milk, forget it; but what does a morning without birdsong mean?

Suddenly the fast-moving brigade stopped, and everyone stood there in a daze, at a loss. Mendelsohn Heyman ran to the head of the team, but he didn't see Maier Kohler, but another group of people. He asked, "Why did the team stop?"

"Lord Kohler's moving too fast for us to catch up. It's hard to see which way he's going."

"Where are the footprints on the ground?"

"It's too messy to see."

At this time Mendelsohn Hyman was in another dilemma. It was to wait in place, until the young man who rushed over remembered to look back, and knew to turn back when he couldn't see anyone, and came to join the brigade. Or, instead of waiting, recognize the south clearly and move in the established direction. Although the team was scattered, it had to be like this when there were pursuers behind.

The eldest princess who rode her horse to the front of the line seemed to be the reason for the stop. Mendelsohn Heyman stepped forward and said, "Your Highness, we are separated from Lord Kohler. Should we wait for them to turn around, or should we continue walking?"

"No need. Knight Commander Heyman, organize everyone to set up defenses on the spot, we are surrounded."

"How is it possible!" the old man whispered, unbelievable.

Although the fog in the early morning was thick, it went away quickly, and it cleared up in a blink of an eye. Among the sparse woods, it can be seen that densely packed soldiers surrounded him and his party.

There was a panic among the crowd. But at the beginning, the group of princesses followed the princess, but under the command of Mendelsohn, they quickly organized a defensive formation and protected the loyal people in it.

The surrounded army has no intention of attacking. Just keep around firmly, without a trace of gap. Originally, everyone was still wondering why they fell into a tight siege without making a sound. But after seeing Maier Kohler and his party standing opposite, everyone lost even the strength to complain or curse.

"Your Highness, give up resistance and surrender." Maier Kohler shouted loudly: "Marquis Neumann promised that as long as you don't resist, he is not willing to harm human life. Everyone is a part of the kingdom."

On the surrounded side, no one intends to talk to eloquent young people. However, Maier Kohler continued: "Your Highness, I used to be your admirer. Until now, I have not changed my mind. But for the future of the kingdom, don't continue to split and don't be swallowed by other countries. You and The combination of Marquis Neumann is the only choice. This is for the good of the country."

For the good of the country. Boy, if you said these words yesterday, when you were standing beside me, maybe you can still think about it. But standing on the opposite side and saying these words, there is no need. Mira Salian's thoughts flashed across her mind, but she didn't say it, but asked another question: "Marquis Neumann's army is not limited to these people. What about the others?"

According to intelligence, the enemy army should have a strength of Vbar to VbarMM (5000-7000). But Mira Salian judged based on experience that the strength of the encirclement net was no more than M (1000) people. And it seems that the enemy general is not among them. If she wanted to make a move, capturing Marquis Neumann directly would be the easiest solution. But that requires people.

"The Marquis took the group of kingdom fugitives to visit the tower owner of the Tower of the Great Sage."

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