Magic Tower Starry Sky

Chapter 69: battlefield cleanup

Sitting blankly in front of the console, I wanted to let go of everything and not care about anything. It's a pity, as the lord of this land, if I let it go, there really won't be anyone else to do it for me.

The two apprentices wanted to cheer up and deal with the mess outside, but they were still dismissed by Lin. He said to the two girls whose eyes were still red, "Just take care of the affairs inside the tower and concentrate on your studies. Leave the outside affairs to me."

This time, Lin didn't want to throw the responsibility on them either. The situation outside is too miserable. Instead of leaving the matter to two immature girls to finish it off, and then spend time on psychological construction, it is better to clean it up by yourself from the beginning. Anyway, this result is also caused by oneself, so it is only natural to deal with the aftermath by oneself.

But before that, you have to communicate with the group of living people outside the tower. Pick up the helmet used to control the doppelgänger in the three-dimensional imaging surgery and put it on. With a flick of the fingers, the arcane eyes looking at the revival army and the residents of the town immediately reversed, changing the function of absorbing the spectrum of light to ejecting it in the opposite direction, condensing their own avatar.

Compared with the flawless projection in the tower, the avatar image projected in reverse by the Arcane Eye is lighter in stature, slightly transparent, and has no ability to cast spells. But the voice, facial expressions, and movements have been faithfully presented. Lin arched his hands and greeted, "Masters."

The sudden appearance of the figure of the tower master frightened everyone. Among the astonished crowd, Mira Salian came out and greeted him, "Your Excellency, Tower Master."

"Everyone is safe and sound, it can be said to be the only blessing today."

"Thank you for your mercy." Mira Salian said sourly, "But don't you think it's too much for you to do this?"

With a wry smile, Lin said in embarrassment: "I didn't provoke the incident. And once the magic is cast, I have no way to stop it safely. I don't like to see it develop to this point. I can only say that it is very regrettable."

On this point, Lin Ke did not lie. The improved version of the light bomb attack array, once the target is locked, the magic is activated, and there are only two situations in which it stops: the target is completely destroyed or escapes the locked range, or the magic tower is destroyed. Lin never thought of needing the interrupt function of Ctrl+C before.

Mira Salian didn't want to ask too many questions. On the one hand, he was unwilling to over-stimulate the tower owner, and on the other hand, it was indeed the Marquis Neumann and others who deserved it. She was calm and asked, "Then, what is the purpose of your Excellency appearing in front of us as a clone?"

It was only at this time that Lin carefully looked at the heroic princess in front of her. Wearing appropriate heavy armor, it still maintains its body shape and flexibility, so that there will be no inconvenience in the joints due to the wearing of the armor. The head of the flail tied around his waist was stained with blood, and it was obvious at first glance that it was not a good-looking product. Coupled with the simple rune on the left chest, it is not the coat of arms of nobility.

"Is that the mark of the Lord of Mysteries?" Lin has been dealing with runes since he traveled to the Lost World. Of course, he is quite familiar with the mystery of one of the eight powers, the gods it belongs to and related knowledge.

"Yes. This is the mark of Klein, the lord of mystery. My other identity is the temple warrior leader of the mysterious church." Although Mira Salian admitted her identity, she did not say that she was in the church. on behalf of. This is also the practice of the top management of the mysterious church, to avoid the enemies formed by the 'White Mist' and come to make trouble for themselves.

Lin also knows the weight of the title "Samurai Commander of the Temple", which is the acme of force in the civil and military under theocracy. Furthermore, Klein, the Lord of Mysteries, is in charge of one of the eight powers used by magicians. Even if magicians don’t believe in them, they will not be hostile. Therefore, the Lord of Mysteries is at the forefront of the theocracy in the Lost World. .

So Lin put down some unnecessary troubles, and asked politely: "Then, Your Highness, I wonder if your religion has a ritual to transcend the undead?"

"Transcending the undead?" Mira Salian didn't quite understand this term.

Lin's understanding of the Theocratic Church is limited to hearsay, and he doesn't understand the details. In the past, people with serious illnesses and minor injuries all searched for solutions from magic. They have never dealt with churches before, so they don't know the differences between churches. For a magician, the services provided by each church are similar, so it is difficult to distinguish.

As for transcending the undead, he applied his understanding from the knowledge of the earth to the lost world. But I didn't expect that there was no such statement in the Lost World, or that the mysterious church did not have such a business?

Trying to put it in terms that others can understand, Lin explained: "It is to let the soul of death safely go to the underworld, or the gods he believes in, and not stay in this world. You see, so many people died in this battle. If the undead are triggered Natural disasters or something, that would be bad. I don't want my place to be haunted all the time."

As if understanding Lin's meaning, Mira Salian said: "I understand what you call transcending the undead. The Lord of Mysteries has no related rituals. To deal with the undead, we have the magic technique to directly destroy the spirit body. But You don't have to worry about this kind of problem. In my eyes, the souls of the dead here are gone, and there will be no problem of undead. As for the reason, I don't know. But it doesn't seem like there are hidden dark mages deliberately Collect the souls of the war dead. There is no unpleasant smell in the air."

"In other words, the dead here are just pieces of meat?"

"Meat? Yes, if you want to describe it like this, it is indeed just a piece of meat. But without a soul, the corpse will still be used by the dark mage... Well, okay, I correct it. The corpse here, the dark mage would not even bother to use it." .”

In the magic of the undead system, whether it is to make stitched corpses, skeleton soldiers, or even higher-level undead knights, liches, etc., there is one thing in common, that is, the corpse must be complete to a certain extent. The most important of these is the spine. Everyone here was pierced to death by the light bullet magic, and the spine and sternum were also damaged. The dark mages would only shake their heads when they saw it.

Since there was no possibility of being haunted, Lin said reassuringly, "Your Highness, the people here are all nobles and soldiers of your Frank Kingdom."

"Yes, so?" Mira Salian raised her eyebrows. Is this a prelude to extortion?

"Then are there any deceased persons with status that you need to send back to the family? If not, I will deal with it according to my method. Otherwise, there are so many dead people scattered around, and the natural disaster of the undead did not start It’s not a joke to cause a plague instead. Or let them be bitten by wild beasts, thus attracting a wave of beasts, which is not what I want to see.”

"What are you going to do with it?"

"Gather together for cremation. Find another place to dig a pit, bury the ashes, and set up a mass grave."

At this moment, Mendelsohn Heyman, who had been silent all this while standing behind the princess, spoke. "Your Highness, for those great nobles, if the bodies of those people can be sent back, at least it can reduce the hatred of their families. Even if they don't get support, they don't dare to oppose it too strongly. This is a good thing."

Hearing the voice of the old man who dealt with the most, Lin didn't wait for the eldest princess to answer, and knocked on the ring on the third knuckle of the **** of his left hand, and said, "I will gather people who seem to be dignified to The open space in the north. His Highness sent people there to identify their identities and take away the people you need. I will gather the corpses of the rest to the west. After you have dealt with them, I will take the rest of them away. To be cremated."

At the same time, the arcane eye on the top of the magic tower twitched in all directions again, locating and identifying all the dead. This also caused Lin's clone to flash intermittently, but the voice was fully conveyed.

When the arcane eye is locked, re-fix the position and maintain Lin's three-dimensional imaging magic clone. The version of the magic tower improved from Bokamoshaw's giant palm technique, forming six magical arms glowing with light blue light on the top of the tower of the great sage. He kept grabbing corpses everywhere and quickly put them in the predetermined location.

This scene once again frightened the living people. From the top of a stone tower, six arms appear, which can be freely changed in length or length. UU Reading www.uukanshu. com is as weird as it looks. Although it is just moving things now, what about attacking?

It's hard to say which is more threatening, the previous scene of light bombs flying all over the sky, and the current scene of six huge arms grabbing whatever they see. Because for the human beings in it, they will die if they touch it.

The giant palm technique was born out of the giant boxing technique, and it was originally a powerful magic used for short-range attacks. After the improvement of the great magician of Bocamoshaw, the giant palm technique has more changes in moves, and can be regarded as an extension of the magician's arm, making some movements, but it is still a type of attack magic in essence. The magician used will not consume too much mana power to maintain a magic arm.

Most of the time when it is not used for attack, it is like Lin's previous usage, fishing for something from a dangerous place. Or triggering some obvious trap instead of taking the risk yourself.

No magician will deliberately use this magic to carry out some engineering construction. The project of the Lost World is still at the stage of pure manpower. This is also because the Apprentice-level Light Object Art and Great Strength Art are too easy to use, enough to deal with many constructions that ordinary people cannot carry out, so there is no progress in the application of tools.

But what does the energy pool of the magic tower do. With the support of semi-permanent infinite energy, Lin realized the magic arm with functions such as strange hands, cranes, and gantry cranes. And this first appearance was used to move the corpse...

It's really helpless to say. However, Lin still said to the frightened people: "Everyone, please don't worry. It is only used to move things and will not hurt anyone. Whether you are going back to the small town or going to the north to meet people, please Take it easy. I'm leaving first."

"Tower Master, wait a moment, I have something to ask."


Thanks to the book friend aassww for the reward

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