Magic Tower Starry Sky

Chapter 72: The Golden Skull

The strange actions in the forest at night did not escape Lin's surveillance. However, unless the monitoring state of the Arcane Eye is turned on, a complete picture cannot be obtained, and there are only light spots representing creatures, and traces of movement on the flat map.

What can this mean?

Nothing can be represented.

Lin didn't even think about going to the scene to conduct a field survey. For the abnormal behavior, it was the first time to pay attention, and then I stopped paying attention. For him, the only thing to protect is the people, things and things in the tower.

After knowing that the people outside the tower may be spies from other organizations, doing this kind of behavior of exposing other people's privacy is like a showdown, which means causing trouble for the upper body. The best way to do it is to see it out of sight. And in this kind of wishful thinking, he missed the opportunity to kill the danger of the future at the beginning.

In the evening, Lin still does stargazing routinely. Astronomy is a matter of persistent observation and recording, and the accumulation of a large amount of data is the basis for calculation. So Lin day after day, doing the same thing. Fortunately, this deep starry sky is his interest, and he can happily do things that are boring in the eyes of others.

As for the recent daytime work, in addition to studying how to improve the observation accuracy, it is to take out the golden skull that only lacks the left arm for various inspections. It is also for the purpose that when the final parts are ready, there is no need to frantically conduct overall research without knowing anything about it.

As long as the left and right arms are symmetrical, then this skeleton has 206 bones, just like ordinary humans. However, the number of bones is determined by Lin based on the data he read when he was on Earth. Whether the 'humans' in the Lost World really have the same two hundred and six bones, he hasn't actually dissected them, so he can't say for sure.

The material is also unknown. Whether it is measuring density, various conductivity, such as heat conduction, transmission of magic power, etc., there is no other similar material. It can't be ruled out that Lin's basic knowledge of materials in the lost world is quite weak. Coupled with the indestructible characteristics of the golden skull, he couldn't take samples for some destructive tests.

After a bunch of messy testing, Lin's conclusion is that there is no conclusion...

After all, he was not a medical major during the Earth period; after coming to the Lost World, the type of magic related to human bones is undead magic, which is not a popular type of magic, so in the process of research, the resources that can be obtained or found is the rarest.

Among the magic that must be learned at the apprentice level, there is nothing related to this aspect. So Lin couldn't get any information from the skeleton like a forensic doctor or a CSI.

Although it is impossible to invoke the mana powers hidden in the bones, Lin still measures the total power contained in each bone when the accuracy of the detection technology is already quite good. Each cubic unit contains about one million units of power, and the ratio is very close to the natural value, which is 128:64:32:16:8:4:2:1.

What is the closest substance to this data? The answer is the purple magic stone.

Very unexpected discovery.

Assuming that this pair of golden skulls is man-made, then it can be said that someone mixed other substances with purple magic stones to create such a humanoid skeleton with equal proportions. But for what purpose? What is the purpose of such a high-cost work? The reason of pure fun cannot explain the many unknowns that still remain on the golden skull.

If this is what a human skeleton looks like after it has mutated, then why is there such a change? And why is there magic power contained in every bone? Moreover, these mana powers cannot be extracted or invoked, and even the natural overflow cannot be observed.

You must know that the bones left by some powerful monsters are the best materials for making wands or weapons. The most important thing is that the caster can use the magic power contained in the material itself to endow the weapon with a magic effect by drawing a magic circle or other methods.

Skilled casters can strike a balance between extraction and recovery, so that this weapon can be used for a long time under normal conditions. Poor technology will make the weapon equipment have a "life", and the moment the mana power is drained, the equipment will be useless.

These common senses are the biggest reasons that make the golden skull look out of place.

Suppose, this is the performance of a magician after self-cultivation to the extreme? Just as the air you breathe enters your lungs, and the food you eat enters your stomach, where is the magic power absorbed by a magician through meditation stored?

The so-called dantian in Chinese Kung Fu? The Seven Chakras in Indian Philosophy? These are not actual organs. Even on Earth, these are metaphysical existences that can only be understood but not dissected.

At this time, Lin thought of a word - reborn. If in ancient China, this word is not an description, but a process that some people have really experienced, what would it look like?

The more he explored the golden skull, the more doubts popped up in Lin's mind. It made him want to kill a magician, dissect him and make a control group to verify his idea, but he quickly killed him. In the final analysis, it is still unclear what this skeleton is, and Lin Ke has no leisure to kill people for it.

Speaking of which, if this golden skull was really left by someone after death, who would it be?

The builder of the tower of the great sage, one of the members of the team of braves who ended the dark age, the great sage Atoli is a character whose life is unknown. The year of birth is unknown, the year of death is unknown, the teacher is unknown, and the family is unknown.

The only thing that appears in the records is that he followed the brave Sora Renson to defeat the ruler of the Dark Ages, the demon king Tikal. In addition, there are a bunch of magic and magic circles prefixed with his name.

So this big man whose life is unknown has neither a definite date of death nor a suspected place of burial. Could it be...?

Lin held the skull and looked at it carefully in front of his eyes.

Being whimsical, he went out and dug a large bucket of clay, trying to use the skull to reshape the human face and restore its appearance in life.

It turns out that if you don't have diamonds, don't do porcelain work. This kind of technology that has only been seen in TV dramas or movies, Lin has no ability to reproduce it.

With no idea at all, the golden skull was directly filled with clay into a pitted and shaped head by Lin. For a moment, Lin thought he was creating a new monster character for a certain horror movie. Freddie on Friday the 13th was even more handsome than this thing in front of him.

However, during the period of studying the golden skull, assuming that the skeleton is the remains of a certain magician, such a premise is correct, and combined with the previous data-based detection of the mana power contained in the human body, Lin has a feeling of saying no. Thoughts of clearness and ambiguity are growing.

While Lin was concentrating on his own research, various conspiracies against him were quietly going on.

The most frightening thing is not great strength, but the unknown.

Because of the unknown, it is impossible to use targeted means; also because of the unknown, it is difficult to avoid psychological fear. The unknown is also the name of the ruler who ended the ancient gods and opened the dark age, one of the great horrors. Even now that the Dark Ages have come to an end and the rulers have fallen asleep, all Homo sapiens cannot escape the fear of the unknown.

But when the Tower of the Great Sage shows more strength, no matter how powerful it is, it no longer belongs to the unknown category. Then for the group that has made enemies with it, the chances of revenge are greater.

Among these people, the ones who have observed the Tower of the Great Sage for the longest time and are most concerned are the creatures belonging to the dark world. Although they live on the same continent as other creatures in the Lost World, they have different habits and social rules, which make these groups who are used to hiding in the dark inherently harbor hatred for people on the bright side .

When someone offends them, regardless of the reason, if the person does not retaliate, it will only be regarded as a sign of cowardice by others. The cowardly can be challenged and replaced, no matter how powerful they are, they cannot get the corresponding power. Because the cowardly are not worthy to stand above everyone, they can only accept being spurned.

This is also the predicament faced by the vampire Marquis Mesarosh, one of the four ancient men of the peninsula, during this time.

His number one subordinate, Marton Baologe and his family, all died in the tower of the great sage who was in full swing. However, the Marquis's slow inaction made his prestige in the clan drop to an unimaginable level. There are constantly high-ranking blood clans leading their families, abandoning him, and UU reading taking refuge in other clans.

Of course, there are various reasons, and the Marquis of Mesarosh also severely punished several traitors. But these methods still can't restore this declining situation, because the Great Sage's Tower is still there, and there is no loss at all.

If there is mutual loss, even if they do not retaliate, it is a good reason for the Marquis to step down. But the reality is that the most capable subordinate died, and the tower stood intact.

Dorothy, that nasty little **** of the Nagy clan, preaches the threat of that Tower everywhere. Being able to emit the same light as sunlight during the day at night, even wearing a day suit cannot protect itself. How threatening, even deadly, this is to vampires and most creatures of the dark world.

But these reasons should not be an excuse for the Marquis of Mesaros not to dare to retaliate. The biggest reason why he didn't dare to regain his face was that he was afraid.

Such remarks have been quietly circulating in the dark world for more than half a year. It doesn't have to be the rumor from that little bitch, it may also be someone who is ambitious and wants to occupy a seat in the blood council, and plans to challenge himself to rise to the top.

Regardless of the possibility, the Marquis of Mesarosh chose to endure it most of the time. It's not that he doesn't want to take revenge, but he wants to choose the most favorable time, the most effective means, and make the most thorough solution, so that everyone will be speechless and no longer question his authority.

To this end, he spent a lot of resources to collect four powerful destructive magic scrolls──Earth Shake. This is one of the most effective magics for destroying buildings and attacking city walls or magic towers.

Next, is to find an opportunity. The moment when that hateful magic tower revealed its weakness.


Thanks to the book friend HouseManVI for the reward

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