Magic Tower Starry Sky

Chapter 76: special guest

The guest who came alone stood in the center of the hall on the first floor. Even after entering the tower, she didn't intend to take off the hood, and still covered herself tightly.

Dressed up in strong clothes, the two girls who were about to go out to train the dog came to the hall. At the same time, the two big dogs, Gray Hoof and White Nose, also came in response to the previous call, and happened to block the gate. For those who have never seen it before, they sniff their noses and smell the somewhat familiar smell.

The guest noticed two large monsters at the door, but she didn't panic. She just turned her head and looked at the two girls who had just come out of the stairwell. She said: "Good day, both of you, I am Lady Dorothy's family, Courtoline. I am entrusted by my master, and I am here to visit the tower master."

"Dorothy?" Hallomi tilted her head, a little unfamiliar with the name. After a while, she seemed to remember something, and asked, "Vampire?"

"It's a vampire. Well, there's nothing wrong with vampires." The guest's voice was a little helpless, and he admitted the slightly contemptuous name. "Don't worry, I'm here with no malice."

The girls looked at each other and ran up to the third floor at the same time, preparing to pull their teacher's quilt. The two big dogs didn't get permission to leave, so they simply sat down and blocked the gate. They recognized the smell, which belonged to inedible meat, so they lacked interest, opened their mouths and yawned.

The visiting guests didn't seem to care, and stood quietly waiting. Before she came to the tower of the great sage, she received strict instructions from her master, and she was not allowed to do anything that offended the tower master. Because that tower is like the natural enemy of the vampires, killing vampires, no matter how many they are, is only within the fingers of the tower owner.

Originally, as one of the most powerful warriors in the clan, she subconsciously despised magicians who were still at the level of human life. But the possible reason why she appeared here forced Kao Taolin to restrain her arrogance and face the tower owner with a correct attitude.

After a short wait, the adult male tower master came out from the central stairwell wearing a bright mage robe. It was a radiant and energetic appearance. In fact, the person on the third floor is bleary-eyed, with messy hair, wearing a nightgown and hugging his own pillow. On the head is of course the helmet that controls the avatar.

Courtoline tried to find something special about the person in front of her. But no matter how you look at it, apart from being spiritual, compared to the outstanding human beings she has seen before, this one in front of her is nothing special. There is no domineering, handsome, or shrewd. To be honest, he is just an ordinary person living in a small shop in the countryside with his no-nonsense craftsmanship.

Lin obviously didn't like the dark creatures who came back and forth twice. After he appeared, he immediately asked, "Guest, why are you here?"

Hearing the obvious displeasure in the tone, Courtoline was slightly annoyed, and said, "Your Excellency, I am here on behalf of Lady Dorothy Nagy to convey her goodwill. You don't need to be so hostile."

"If you really have good intentions, show your face. People who hide their heads and show their tails are not to be trusted."

In response to such a request, the person hiding stretched out his slender arms, intending to point to the ceiling, but in an instant, it seemed as if he had been burned and his skin was torn apart. She quickly withdrew her arm and said with some hesitation: "The lights in your tower..."

"Sorry, my mistake." With a snap of his fingers, the bright lighting in the tower was reduced, and Lin said: "This is the wavelength of simulated moonlight, and it should not affect you."

Courtoline tried again. This time there was no burning phenomenon, and she just lifted the hood, revealing that fair and bloodless face. Feeling the light in the tower for a while, she unexpectedly found that the power in her body had grown slightly. She said in amazement, "Is this the full moon?"

Sunlight kills, moonlight helps. In particular, the light of the full moon can add a bit of strength to the two types of dark creatures, the vampires and the transformed werewolves. If it weren't for the fact that the tower master changed the lamp with just a snap of his fingers, Kao Taolin would have tried to capture the other party.

However, the goal of this trip is not here, and in the current situation, it is meaningless to capture the tower owner. Kao Taolin looked at the tower master with a gentle smile, but felt a little weird because of the inconsistency between the expression and tone of the other party. But she still asked about the purpose of this trip: "Your Excellency, I don't know if one of the four elders of the Southwest Blood Race, the ancient Marquis Mesarosh, has come to visit the pagoda?"

"Mesa Rosh?" Lin couldn't remember the name for a moment, and asked, "Who is that?"

Kao Taolin was a little embarrassed, and replied: "It was Marton Balog, the patriarch of the clan who offended the tower owner before."

"No such person came to visit me. However, a group of people attacked this tower before, and there were vampires inside. I still remember that your lady promised me that people from the blood clan would not come for that matter Finding trouble, but the brigade came to kill it. How do you explain this matter."

"Is it the army of Marquis Mesaros?"

"I don't know. They came here without identifying themselves, and they didn't have a tag on them. I don't know who is who."

"Then where are they now?"

"Well, the underworld. Maybe the **** you believe in accepts the dead."

...Cautaolin froze for a moment, suppressed her surprise, and said calmly: "I wonder if there are relics that can prove their identities." The whereabouts of the victim is very important news to us. And a while ago, the Marquis also lost contact with us, and his whereabouts are unknown. That's why we hope to confirm his identity."

"Hmm." Looking at the female vampire in front of her, she couldn't be called glamorous, but she could be regarded as heroic. Thinking of the conversation with that lady before, speaking of it, this person's background is exactly the same as that of the Marquis. So although he felt that the other party was trying to cover up, Lin still nodded and said, "Come with me."

The loot was piled up in the corner of the weapon room, and Lin's clone opened the locked door with a wave of his hand.

The shelves that were swept away more than a year ago are still empty today. The only supplements are two crossbows used by girls for hunting. According to the new idea and design, two crossbows with different characteristics were remade, and it took a lot of trouble to enchant them. Don't expect to be praised by the apprentice, just want to keep your ears quiet.

When I first sold the things back then, the atmosphere in the whole tower was full of resentment. When two slingshots are made, the resentment is doubled. Now those two slingshots don't know where they ran, and they can't be seen anymore.

And in the corner of the weapon room, the trophies that were sorted out before were piled up in different categories. A pile of weapons, a pile of armor, and some knickknacks were placed in silver trays on the shelf, also arranged in a disorderly manner.

Lin waved his hand, motioned the guests to watch by themselves, and said: "All the things that are still intact are here. I have dismantled or melted and recast the remaining damaged items. You can look for them at will. If there are no ones here, then It’s just gone. Maybe it means that your Marquis didn’t die in the previous attack.”

Slightly nodding to signal, Kautaolin walked past the side of the Tower Master, and came to this pile of randomly piled up weapons and equipment. As the distance got closer, the more objects she recognized, the more frightened she became.

There are winged ear protectors on both sides of the helmet, an upturned rear tip, and a nose protector in front. This is a powerful armor called the King of the Mountain. The original owner is a weapon master among the gray dwarves. At the same time, I also saw the long-armed war hammer. The handle of the hammer was made of intertwined strands of an old rattan called Lausanne. This is also the proud work of that weapon master, and it is also a portable weapon.

A two-handed sword, the root of the blade is not sharpened, and it is also for people to hold. The end of the hilt is inlaid with a yellow gem the size of a pigeon egg, which is finely crafted. This is a legendary weapon called the Rising Sun Star. The final owner was a dark elf martial arts master, and among the allies of Marquis Mesarosh, the strongest of the dark elf family. Relying on this weapon with the divine power of sunlight, he became the most powerful killer of the Marquis against the traitors.

A huge bone, with several spikes inserted in all directions, looks very rough, but it is a terrifying weapon. It is based on half of an ancient dragon's leg bone, and is matched with meteorite iron spikes cursed by different dark gods. Every time you hit it, you can play different negative effects, which can be said to be the enemy's nightmare. This is the most trusted servant of Marquis Mesarosh, the weapon of the werewolf patriarch.

There are also several famous weapons and armors, but now they are randomly stacked together like groceries. It is completely impossible to see the great reputation of the past, and it is hard to imagine where its holders, those warriors who are so powerful and admirable are now.

It can be said that if he did not admit his mistake, all the core strengths that Marquis Mesaros relied on were here, and none of them escaped.

However, the characteristics of these weapons are quite obvious, and I, who regard the power of the Messaros clan as an imaginary enemy, are quite familiar with the details of these weapons and their chance of admitting mistakes is not high.

In other words, regardless of whether the Marquis came personally or not, most of his power has been abolished.

Then look at the plate of lighter objects, including earrings, rings, necklaces, belt buckles, armbands, wristbands, and so on. Courtoline saw at a glance the gold ring with a huge face and intricate coat of arms. That is the ring of clan patriarch that Marquis Mesarosh never leaves, the proof of the identity of the ancient, and the symbol of power of having the seat of elders at the same time.

Did that powerful ancient also perish in the Tower of the Great Sage?

In fact, under the propaganda of Dorothy Nagy, all the blood races in the southwest peninsula knew that the inside of the Tower of the Great Sage could emit light with the same effect as sunlight. Therefore, it is everyone's consensus not to enter the tower as much as possible.

But no one thought that the tower owner would be so frantic that he transformed the outer wall of the entire tower into a super-large flashlight, which could emit light of the same wavelength as sunlight. For vampires, it is a face-to-face kill, with no dead ends. Even in daywear, like Courtoline's original attire, the floor can't help letting the sun shine upwards.

The laser net can be arranged, so it is nothing to have some ultraviolet light.

However, Lin has no obligation to explain these things clearly to the vampires. This dark group that used to be human has the same bad roots, no matter how much it is explained, it is intimidation, excuses or bragging. Only when you have truly experienced pain will you be impressed.

That's why Lin didn't choose to believe in that **** covenant during the previous meeting with Dorothy. It is much more effective to kill the other party to the point of fear than a dead letter.

───) Readers, please pay attention!

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