Magical Girl Revolution (Draft)

Ch 1: In the Beginning

I am currently standing in the middle of a random abandoned alleyway, there’s a disgusting stench coming from the trash bags that were piled over at the sides, little puddles of muddied water littered the place and the towering department building at its side cast a shadow over the entire alleyway, so it was considerably dark although it was noon.

Generally, I would avoid places like this because it has the word dangerous written all over it, but this time is different because I'm not the only thing in this alleyway. In front of me, there’s a monster that in the current decade would be recognized as a ⌈Devil⌋, its gaze completely fixated on me.

This devil has black eyes with a crimson iris, its body is bulky, bumpy, and oddly shiny, but it towers over my below-average stature, on closer inspection, it seems that it's somehow made out of multiple trash bags that have been fused together, the biggest clue of its origin is it's gaping open mouth revealing an assortment of trash.

One could say that it looks cartoonish from afar, but only when it's only a few meters away it becomes terrifying, its teeth are made of broken glass and poorly cut food cans that expired long ago, its mouth is big enough to engulf me completely, its eyes conveying bloodlust that I have never felt, and it’s grinning at me.

I am shaking uncontrollably, sweat is leaving my body and hitting the ground like bullets, my legs are giving out and my mind is screaming for me to run as fast as possible, but I simply refused to budge, although I am scared that because I'm about to lose my life, I simply can't let this devil turn around yet.

Behind the trashbag devil, there’s a little kid, he probably got lost and ended up in this alleyway where this devil appeared, he's more scared than me from the looks of it, but unlike me, she's running away from the devil in the opposite direction.

[Good decision] I thought, running away from it is the right choice, too bad that I can't do the same.

The devil is getting closer to me, it's moving with its stumpy legs, I feel its breath reaching me even from that distance, it should smell horrible but it doesn't, I think my brain is too scared to process more information than necessary, while I was prepared to die the moment that I decided to help that kid, I still think it would be nice if my killer level was a little above literal trash.

I'm seeing my life flash before my eyes, it's like the tropes that I often see on Tv,  [Wow, I really did live a pathetic life] my memories are filled with me being a failure of a person, while I did have friends and was an A+ student, I was really socially inept, I couldn’t ask the cashier for an extra ketchup packet for my fries, I was often scammed from door to door salesman because I was scared of turning them down too quickly or the occasion where I did a whole group project alone because my team asked and I didn't refuse.

The only good thing that these flashes made me see was the Magical Girls, because I’m 14 years old I'm part of the ⌈Enchanted Generation⌋, this is because Magical girls and their enemies, the Devils, started appearing 15 years ago, so through the course of my entire life I was exposed to Magical girl content in its many forms, Figurines, Manga, Anime, live shows, you named it, I really enjoyed them because from what little interviews they attended, they really were just normal high school girls, so I admire them for most of my life thinking that maybe I could be a little more social if I started acting like them.

Now that I think about it, the reason I passed by this alleyway was because I bought the Limited edition figurine of ⌈Miko - The Green Rose⌋ a magical girl that was themed around plants and green roses for some reason, it's limited edition because it has a different color palette and showcases Miko power to bend plant to her will.

[I will really die for this figurine] I let out a disappointed sigh, I think that although there are more lame causes of death, a figurine could definitely make it into the top 100.

I look at the Trash Devil, it's already in biting distance and it's getting a bit jittery, the kid seems to still be leaving the alleyway and has taken the right, I feel like an eternity has passed when only a few seconds really have [Adrenaline really does accelerate thoughts, huh].

I extend my arms to the side and say "Well, do your worst".

[I already did 'save' the kid, but it's too late to run, so the best that I can do it's at least have an honorable death] I close my eyes accepting my fate.


1 minute passed before I thought came to my mind [It really is taking a long time for me to die, what is happening] and so I opened my eyes.

A beautiful girl is standing above a pile of trash, she has a pretty white and blue dress with gold accents, her hair is a dark blue and is really long reaching to most of her back, her eyes are colored Ambar, but her left eye is covered by a bang of hair.

A strange creature sits atop her left shoulder, it resembles a cat.

"Greetings young girl".

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