Magical Girl Revolution (Draft)

Ch 11: Cleanning your own mess

I got back to school one I fled the scene, apparently, one of the skills Magical girls need to perfect is fleeing a scene without being seen, which made sense since a lot of people wanted to take pictures of me and talk to me, I mean I would also do that if I were them but that was not important right now.

I transformed back into my school uniform, the little scratch on my face I took from the bush devil disappeared, when I tried to touch it I could feel it but it was disguised while in this state, I walk towards to class but it had ended and we're moving to the next one, literature, Mary was also walking but she was holding on my schoolbag.

"You're finally back!!  here take this, I already put the notebooks you lend me there" Mary handed me my closed schoolbag.

"Thank you!!" I grab my bag, the roles are generally reversed with me taking Mary's schoolbag to the next class because she decided to skip a class, but I didn't mind being in this situation.

"So what did you buy to take you so long?".

"Uhmm Well I ate the thing I bought, but I saw this on the way here" I show her a photo from my phone, it was me fighting the devils earlier, I was trying to get over the topic because I forgot to actually buy something.

"Huh? that's a nice pic you got there".

"Yeah, apparently she is new as a Magical Girl".

"Well, she doesn't look like a traditional Magical girl".

[yeah, yeah know that better than anyone because that's me] I sigh and look at the floor.

"But that just means that she is unpredictable, maybe that's like her charm or something" Mary is trying to make me feel better, she thinks that I got depressed over a fake Magical girl.

"Yeah, maybe I will get to see her!!".

"Well, it's not like they're many accidents in this city" Mary says confidently.

[You're naive, I saw 2 accidents in less than a week in this city, it just doesn't look like that because they cover it up].

We get to class and continue our day, Classes passed without issues, we get out of school and go back home, on the way we stop at a fast-food restaurant, Mary orders 2 refillable drinks and an order of fries, we get to our seats and wait, this is just a normal routine for us, Mary has complicated issues so she doesn't like spending time in her house, so we stay here to do our homework.

"Amy, are you done already?" Mary is scratching her head at the math problem we had for homework.

"Yeah, I finished some of those problems while in class so it wasn't a problem".

"You're always so diligent for this stuff, And I still don't understand it".

"Well si simple, I like having free time, being intelligent is just a way to get more of it," I explained.

"You make it sound so simple..." Mary sigh, I understand that these things are difficult for her but for me their trivial, so making a slip up is not uncommon.

"Here let me help you" I take a look at Mary's notebook.

"The reason this is difficult for you is that you don't how this works internally".

"And that means?".

"You just apply the formulas without knowing why they work, her this is how this is supposed to... " I help Mary with her homework, it's pretty difficult to learn things by just assuming, so I try to teach her how these things are supposed to work, she is still a little lost but can resolve some problems on her own.

[Well it's probably something like our brains are just wired differently].

We stayed for 2 hours, So now we go back to our houses, I live a block away from Mary so she lets me go at the crossroad.

"Get home safely Amy!!!" she waves at me.

"See you tomorrow Mary" I wave back.

[It's good that most things are still the same].

I get back home, and throw my school bag on the chair, mom hasn't come from work yet, as usual, but she has left prepared some food on the stove, I get a bath, heat up the food, and start eating.

"Sauriel you can taste it if you want to" Sauriel get's out of my hairpin.

"Angels don't need to eat".

"And I don't need to watch anime but I still do!!" I get a spoonful of the beef stew and hold it in front of Sauriel.

"C'mon Sauriel say Ahhh".

"Ahhhh AHH-" I shove the spoon in Sauriels mouth.

"Tasty isn't it" I smile.

"Mmm, it is, not bad Amy".

"You're gonna have to thank my mom later".

"Can't do that Amy we have to upho-"

"Yeah I know, I was just saying" I was just trying to get someone to compliment my mom's cooking but Sauriel takes everything too seriously, maybe Aqua made him like this.

"Well do you have time right now?" Sauriel asks, he is now drinking a bit of the soup I left over for him.

"Like 3 hours, what are we gonna do? more devil clean up?".

"Just the clean-up part and you gonna get help!!" Sauriel is entthutuiastic about this.

"Well I don't of Aqua will help a lot since she likes making me 'independent' ".

"Aqua will not be your help" My hair spikes up, I turn to Sauriel.

"Really? then who will help me".

"A local magical girl obviously!!, she will help you clean up the scene where you fought earlier in the day!!" Sauriel has a smirk painted on his face, he knows that this is getting me riled up.

"Okay, I'm going immediately!!!" I stood up from my seat and quickly head back to the place we fought, Sauriel is on my shoulder while walking there, I traveled in my transformed state on account that it took 20 minutes to get to the school and another 5 to get to the right place.

"So say sauriel who is this Magical girl?? do I know her??" I lean closer to him and whisper "Is she famous???".

"Because of the scale of the incident I requested a 'Low star' magical girl, so she is as known as you".

[Ohhhh I'm so thrilled to meet her, even if she is an unknown magical girl that just makes it better].

I walk a bit faster involuntarily because I'm eager to meet her, even my body agrees that I should get there ASAP, when we get there I see the Magic girl in question.

She is wearing a cute wich outfit, her brown wich hat is decorated with a few red and orange accents and has a replica of my hairpin, but it is instead just a normal pin attached to her hat, She has wavy light red hair that reaches halfway to her back, in her face rest a pair of crimson eyes, she has delicate features that make her a beauty but is somehow still childish, the rest of her clothes consist on a long dress with brown and white colors, which suits her very well and a shirt that is not very long, she is my same height and is holding a broom.

"Hiiiiii !!!" I say impulsively.

"Who are you?" she sounds annoyed.

"I was told to come here to come help with the clean up" I say cheerfully, she however still looks annoyed.

"You mainly came here to learn, don't forget it" Sauriel says, the witch looks a bit startled, from her perspective Sauriel suddenly materialized since he allowed her to see him.

"And the cat is?".

"The Guardian angel Sauriel, I'm the one who called you here" she immediately changes her attitude to a respectful one.

"AH Mr. Sauriel you didn't need to come personally, but it is a pleasure to have you here".

"The pleasure is mine, I have a favor to ask of you".

"Is this favor related to her??" She didn't sound happy with that.

"Yes, I need you to help her to learn clean-up since we didn't have the time earlier" Sauriel looks relaxed, but the witch is starting to contemplate how much of a task this is.

"Well, I will see what I can do for her" she forced a smile to appear on her face.

"I'm Amy, It's a pleasure to meet you!!" I say as welcoming as possible, I like her even she doesn't like me back, I mean just look at her she looks like a good magical girl.

"You don't have an alias yet?" She seems genuinely concerned for me.

"Yeah, I just became a Magical girl so I'm still getting the hang out of things".

"How long?".

"3 days".

"Ah... I see" Seems like a disappointed her even further, didn't think that was possible.

"Well Clean up is an important step in order to begin your aether training, so I will teach you all I can, so pay attention!!!".

"Yes, ma'am".

"It's Vera, The Red-haired Witch" she says with her smug face, can't blame her since that is truly a cool alias.

[The alias seems to be 'earned' because they tend to relate the powers of the user, in this case, I wonder what she does???].

We walk to the scene, there are a few cracks on the pavement, since a put a lot of aether into running the ground could not hold up and cracked, well it let me learn from a professional.

"So how do we do this" I point at the crack.

"Simple, first imagine aether, it's like a liqui-".

"I already learned aether manipulation" she looks a time as if I said something wrong.

[I mean I do, did I do something weird].

I get nervous and start repeating the conversation, I'm trying to guess what I did wrong but nothing comes to mind when she tells me.

"Oh, I see, well then we will get to just the procedure, extend your arms towards the crack".

[Oh I guess is not normal to learn that quickly, I can't think of any other reason for that reaction] I follow her instruction putting my arms in the air.

"Put your aether in your hands, and the try extending it as ii was a tendril".

[What do you mean tendril???].

I begin the process with doubt, I concentrate some aether in my hands and then try to expel it, it does but nothing is happening, I try another method, instead of just throwing it I try to expel it from a simple point, like a hose, it works better, the aether that is exiting my body doesn't just dissipate but I'm not going anywhere.

"It's hard to extend my aether past my body" I say while looking at Vera, she looks at me judging my words.

" I don't know what you're doing exactly, but try modifying the properties of aether itself to handle it better".

[Ohhh I haven't tried that before].

I begin concentrating, instead of a liquid I imagine a slime texture and consistency, is hard to move around in my body and it doesn't get anywhere, So I revert back to a liquid, put it in my hand, and then try again, this time the condensed slimy aether that is released doesn't dissipate, it's like a small tentacle that I barely control I try my hardest to move it to touch the crack and succeed.

"Ok.." * pant "What now??" Vera looks at me surprised.

"That was rather quick??? let me see" she steps forward n the crack and inspects it's, she feels like there's aether infused in the ground so may wasn't lying.

"You're a quick learner, I expected you to take all day long for this" I smile at her proudly.

"Well I do have a talent for magic, although I don't know what type of magic I can use yet" I look at my hands, the aether tentacles feel strange but there still there.

"You don't know your magic??? well don't worry you probably will figure it out in your first fight" she is now looking at me as if she knew everything.

"In fact, I already fought devils before but didn't find anything out of the ordinary".

"What, on your third day and you already fought, you're really are a fast one!!!".

[If only she knew how it felt to essentially be forced on both occasions to fight].

"Well, how do I fix this now??" I'm still concentrating on the aether, but the chit chat was taking too long so I had to end there.

"Thin out the tendrils to small treads and then 'sew back together' with the rubble" she explains as she walks towards a nearby crack, she closes her eyes and focuses, I feel with aether sensing the tentacles reach the crack, and then get small like threads and the pavement begins to slowly pull itself back to normal.

[Magic it's pretty freaking awesome, I wonder if what would happen if I punched something with the condensed aether?].

I put settle my combat experiments aside and begin working, first thin out the tentacles,  I do it by stretching them while twisting them, I get aether threads similar in with to yarn, then I begin 'sewing' the cracks, I'm not very good at sewing but I try my best, the ground slowly brings itself back together, then I make a knot at the end to hold it together.

From an outsiders perspective, I just closed my eyes, put my arms in the air and the ground fix itself, but the number of small processes makes it so that it legitimately takes a lot of effort to even do simple things, but I enjoy it since not only is experimentation a lot of fun it also produces result extremely quickly.

"Done!!! I think?" the crack is repaired, it's one of several but it's alright due to me being a novice in this type of work.

"Not bad, but we still need to work on the other ones so don't get cocky" Vera says commandingly.

[She changes her attitude towards work and me, what a person].

We begin working on the cracks, it takes a while to go through them all but we managed to get there in a single hour.

"Well that's all of them, thank you for your work Amy".

"No problem Master, after all, one must clean up their own mess!!".

"That's right. wait. your own mess?".

"yeah, I caused the cracks while fighting devils earlier".

"So you caused the ground to crack, and then didn't fix it??".

"I was attending school, also I had absolutely no idea how to fix it, that's why I'm here in the first place".

"Ehh" I got her with a contradiction, she didn't expect me to be attentive.

"Ah, that's...  right... well try not to do it again".

"Will do master!!".

[I mean I kinda destroyed her in her own argument].

"If you need help don't restraint yourself, I could be of help!!" She seems confident in that statement, I wonder what exactly is she planning with that.

"Okay" I say smiling.

[I mean she is not a bad person I presume? so I will take her word for it].

"So see you someday Amy!!" She grabs her broom and puts it between her legs.

[Ohh she is gonna fly in her broom].

"Sayonara!!" I say, she looks at me puzzled but she gets ready to fly.

The straws on her broom suddenly catch fire.


Vera has a proud smile, it seems that she intended for me to be amazed and it worked perfectly, I don't mind since it's not a bad thing anyway's.

"Kerosene Combustion!!!".

Vera suddenly takes off the ground and into the air, the flames of her broom start spewing out like a blowtorch, with a mixture of blue and orange flames, she stumbles a bit before going in a straight line away from me, I see that she is waving so I wave back.

"YOOOOOO that's was awesome!!" A real witch just use her broom to fly, now she used combustion to fly but that doesn't diminish from the fact that she flew.

[I wonder if ever will get to fly with her!!].

I can't help smile, I start putting my mind into thinking while going back home, Vera seem to use fire as her magic and was using it in an interesting way.

[Whatever power I get, I will use it to the fullest extend].

I get back home, and the rest of the day passes without a hitch, I checked my phone for news, it seems that there was an incident involving multiple devils and some suspicious individuals a few hours ago, it was left incomplete.

[Sauriel didn't warn me about this, I guess I wasn't needed? well, that's obvious!! is my third day I should relax a little and concentrate in my classes and dumb training for now].

And so the third day passed with no mere incidents.

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