Magical Girl Revolution (Draft)

Ch 17: Following Tracks

"Okay let's do this".

I imagine the PDF file again, it works again to my disbelief because is just stupid, I continue reading the stipulated terms and conditions to grasp the entire consequences of my last week actions.


Magical Girl Contract: 'Terms & Conditions
  1. The Client will be provided with the necessary tools to become a 'catalyst'.
  2. The Client will also have the opportunity to find a suitable 'weapon' and enough time to develop its 'unique magic' to an acceptable degree before coming into direct action.
  3. The Client will be provided with Aether medical care in case of graves injuries sustained while in battle.
  4. The Client will be provided with a 'Servant of Gaia' as a guide, the servant's level will be defined by the importance of the client in question, The servant has the responsibility for the client's actions and growth.
  5. The Client will inherit the responsibilities of a 'Magical girl', this includes neutralizing uncontracted 'catalyst' which may come in many forms, such as 'Devils', 'Natural Magic Users' and 'Fallen Angels'.
  6. The Client has to be registered in the rankings of magical girl weekly to grasp the client's progress and capabilities and be rewarded accordingly.
  7. The Client doesn't have the responsibility to interfere with uncontracted individuals that are residing within Gaia's Realm but can do if he chooses to.
  8. The Guardian Angel has to report to the Client of any unconventional and suspicious Aether signals for investigation and safety.
  9. The Guardian Angel will need to provide the necessary information that the Client requests.
  10. The Client can refuse 3 battles each month if they see fit.
  11. The Client has the right to have an 'Alias' once it reaches a certain level of popularity.
  12. The Client has prohibited showing non-contracted individuals the use or existence of Aether.
  13. The Client can associate with other contracted individuals if they want to.
  14. The Guardian angel can have a say in an organization built by a group of contracted individuals.
  15. The Guardian Angel needs to monitor and advise the Client to grow their Aether Pool and Aether container.
  16. The Client has prohibited the use of Aether for harming the general population.
  17. The Client Has strictly prohibited the experimentation on angels of any kind.
  18. The Client needs the permission of a High ranking angel in order to enter Gaia's realm.
  19. The Client has prohibited the use of Aether for harming or destroying his Guardian Angel.
  20. The Guardian Angel has prohibited the Harming of their Client.
  21. The Guardian Angel Has prohibited Interfering between Client-to-Client affairs, even if they result in fighting.
  22. The Guardian Angel will have permission to fight its Client harms it, experiment on it, or kills it.
  23. The Client has strictly prohibited 'Bounty Hunting' other Magical girls for the sake of it.
  24. The Client has strictly prohibited the terraforming or intentional weather change for non-combative goals.
  25. The Client has strictly prohibited Working with the Military to go to war with a foreign country.
  26. The Client has Prohibited the use of relics as Superweapons.
  27. The Client has Prohibited the pursue of ancient relics like the 'Ark of the Covenant'.
  28. The Client can't have any contact with extremely ancient and dangerous Individuals that can't perish, such as Cain or Iscariot.

Too much information, but it is digestible if you don't think about it for too long.

I crack my knuckles and turn to Sauriel, "Sauriel, Prepare to answer more questions for me since this contract likes to not explain itself".

"Very well, I can imagine what you're gonna ask" Sauriel sat beside me.

"What is the ranking system of term 6?".

Sauriel got comfortable before explaining, "It's a quick way to compare you against other magical girls, it works by having you get some achievements and giving you stars for your efforts, with a  maximum of 8, each star also gives a boost in your Aether container being extremely notable especially on your third and sixth star, right now you're a 1-star magical girl".

[So it's basically a level up system, the more I do the more power the system gives me... somehow, I guess it does say rewarded so I guess God just gives power for kinda free].

"Natural magical user?" I structured my question like that since I will be asking an of them today...

after an exhaustive interrogation, I got a lot of information that shocked me since my words from before was not wrong, the saying 'If it stated, as a rule, it means it happened' just became a bit dark, first, 'Natural magic user' refers to 'catalyst' or people capable of 'unique magic' without a magical contract, so 'uncontracted individual' is for people with aether while 'Natural magic user' is for people with aether and unique magic.

Our 'Alias' is basically what they called us after we did some feat, Vera's is the [Red-haired Witch] she got it by apparently scorching an entire area and destroying at least 15 devils in a single blow, so my Alias will just come randomly when enough people praise me or something, 'Bounty Hunting' means exactly that, apparently killing a high star individual could lead you to become stronger, Some magical girls started hunting and killing minor star individuals to get their stars.

[That's just f*cking gross, I'm 14 years old so basically, some people went on a murder spree to kill some adolescents, that's frightening].

Taking into account even our enemies, they didn't seem too bad, yes they almost hurt me badly, but killing me in retrospective was a low chance of happening, and Ark of the covenant was just that, the actual Ark of the Covenant, someone used it as a superweapon by throwing it in a country, it killed nearly a thousand people before it was retrieved.

[What the actual f*ck so people do this powers???, but most importantly, why didn't angel think of these rules first??? are all angels this stupid].

Sauriel demeanor now seem to have an explanation, pure genetics, I started to think that the contract was weird, but at least it cleared up some things, and technically, Sauriel hadn't lied to me, but he didn't mention that I could refuse 3 battles a month so he tricked me into constant fighting, but since I did get the magic I didn't take it too personally.

After absorbing all the information in my brain, I started making some questions about the history to Sauriel since I was curious, it was the first time I was somewhat intrigued by the actual making of the magical girl world, every magical girl generation brought upon an interesting change in the world, the first generation had the introduction of magic and 'Unique magic' and the first contracts, magical girls did just save people from the devils and nothing more with the only notable individual being 'Adele' the first magical girl.

The second generation got the surface of weird experimentation regarding magical girls, they began forming an organization and competing between themselves, that marked the beginning of the magical girl ranking being disclosed to them witch inadvertently provoked real 'witch hunts' for power, and so the rise of 'evil magical girls', even angels began interfering between them provoking them to flee their position to pursue power, interestingly, 'Adele' was also the first magical girl to reach the rank of 8 stars.

And so the third generation was just a sh*tshow, it was basically lawless land that magical girls from before and even new ones were on friction between each other, and the rise of uncontracted individuals that started using their powers to control the world, by making taking the position of power by force.

After hearing all of that story, I just continue my day and went to bed at night.

[What a dumb environment, of course, a sudden appearance of power would make dumb teenagers fight among themselves].

"Hey, Amy~!!!" Mary said in an inquisitive tone, It was Tuesday in the middle of school recess, we were sitting in the cafeteria just killing time since we didn't have the next class.

"Yes, Mary?" I said while munching on the ham sandwich that I packed for lunch.

"What did you do with Akari yesterday?" She asked I looked at her in the eyes, she seems quite interested in my answer.

I put my sandwich down and wipe the crumbs that stayed in my mouth, "We went to Stanly park for a few minutes" I say, Mary, froze for a second.

"Ah... I see" she doesn't say anything for a few seconds while just staring at me.

[What is her deal? I'm acting suspiciously??? well I never go outside so maybe I do look stranger than usual especially after last Sunday].

Mary suddenly got excited, she looked very mischievous before saying "Guess what Amy?".

"What?" I grab my juice box.

"No, you have to guess" Mary said.

I get annoyed at the response, [How Dare she use my own tricks against me!!!] I say the first thing that comes to mind.

"You became a magical girl?" I take a drink at my juice.

"YES" She instantly responded.

"Wha.. cough cough" I choked in my drink.

"Calm down it was just a joke!!!" She said teasingly.

"Agh you know I take those things seriously" I say wiping the juice I just spat with a napkin.

[Even more now!!!]

"Yeah, that's why I told you that, It was a cool reaction" She flashed a sly smile.

I pout, "Don't make fun of me" I say.

"But it would be cool, My clothes glowing and having a magical wand and stuff, sounds very cool, I especially like the part where your hair and eye color change" SHe said enthusiastically.

[Okay, she's probably not an actual Magical Girl, The only part of your body which is not susceptible to change is your eyes, but actually that's weird, why would your eye color stay the same?]

I just brush off my current thought to make the plausible excuse "Yeah I agree, that would be extremely good, Like the way they behave and protect people, I have only admiration for those girls!!".

[Those are the only things that apply to me, everything else she mentions is impossibilities for me].

We begin talking through the school recess and begin our free class by going to the campus and sitting on the benches of the football field.

"Amy, what was your reason for coming last Sunday?" she asked me, she was staring into the football field.

"I already told you, I was there for you" These words were true, I was thinking about this topic yesterday, although maybe my motives were not exactly obvious, I did go to watch her because I felt bad for her so she was the reason.

"I see, thanks" Mary said.

"No problem Mary" I got a bit closer to her.

"So you were here" I jumped a bit from the sudden voice of someone, I look up and see Akari standing in the benches behind me.

"No" Both Mary and I said at the same time.

"That would be a clear lie" Akari said to us.

[Yeah that was the point Akari!!!, she doesn't get my humor at all, but she is capable of a lot of things, so I will let it pass].

I ponder for a few seconds for a decent answer, "This statement is false".

Akari looked like she was going to say something but stopped midway, she froze for a bit of time and then said "I don't know".

[That's cool, she said the same thing as Sauriel when I used that trick].

"When you figure it out, tell us class rep" Mary said.

[Clever for getting rid of her for a while, but I kinda wanted her to stay for a while].

Akari began to walk away but halted and turned back around "Actually, I'm here to ask you 2 things, Amy".

"I won't be putting effort into my studies" I said instantly.

"I'm here to ask you 1 thing" Akari corrected.

"Shoot" I replied with a small smile from guessing one of the questions.

[To easy to read].

"Do you have plans for the summer break?" Akari said in a curious tone.

"Yes I have the usual plans with Mary, that would take priority over everything Non-life threatening" I say without hesitation.

[Can't make me deviate from my plans with Mary, I have the right to refuse even some magical girl work!!! I will see this Comicket all the way through].

Mary was taken aback by my honest answer, she felt a bit relieved with that answer.

Akari was surprised by my answer "I see, then may I ask what have you planned?" she asked.

"Ask Mary, she is the one that makes the social decision" I replied, it is common for her to make this kind of decision over disclosing information and that wasn't going to change any time soon.

"Mmmm well let's see, we are going to go to Comicket that is 4 weeks away, and in the 2 free weeks we have we will do some cool activities" Mary explained.

"Describing hanging out in my house as a 'cool activity' is misleading" I add to her answer.

"Well, your house is cooler than mine so it classifies in my book!!" Mary said while looking at me.

"True, context does make that 'cooler', anyway class rep, those are the summer vacation plans" I say to Akari, she seemed to be thinking about something.

"I see, then I will take my leave then" Akari seemed a bit down while walking to the classroom.

"Remember to give us your answer!!" Mary teased Akari one last time before she got out of our view.

[Strange, she didn't give me any indication of the thing she wanted being 'Magical Girl' related, so she just asked???].

I'm a bit confused since Akari only really pestered me about studies but now was asking about what I was gonna do in summer vacation, I powdered for a while but got I got no real explanation for it.

[Guess she got curious like always].

The rest of the school went with no further things happening until Friday, I was got to my home like always, I opened the door and went inside.

"Hi, Amy" Aqua was sitting on the living room sofa.

"Hi?" I said in complete confusion.

"I need to talk to you about something I found out" She said,she was drinking a juice box that was clearly taken from my refrigerator.

"How the f*ck did you get in my room??" I said in utter disbelief.

"I made a key from Ice and opened the door" Aqua explained.


[She is more dangerous than any other enemy, what do you mean you can break into my house like this????].

I think about the dumb situation at hand, apart from trespassing and staling my favorite juice flavor, she was just nonchalantly killing time in my bedroom, I was appalled at the view.

[Wait... can I do that as well, I mean I can model stuff in rocks so maybe~ shoot i ned to remain focus right now]

 "Couldn't you wait outside while I cam back?" I asked.

"I did, but my legs gave up" Aqua replied.

"You're perfectly fine" I counter.

"Yeah but not 5 minutes ago" Aqua said without missing a beat, her poker face did not change at all.

"You just got a little tired and that made you break into my house?" I questioned her.

"Yes, anyway I have an important duty for you" Aqua dismissed my question entirely as if it was 'normal behavior' then patted the sofa to signal me to sit beside her, I hesitantly comply.

"There are a few weird activities and signals in the parking lot of the 'shopping center' so I want you to help investigate this area" Aqua appear to signal something, but it was just an empty space.

Aqua continued "I already made sure that this is not related to those girls from before, so I won't be going with you, Instead Vera will accompany you".

"hah... I understand.. when do you want me to go there???" A look at aqua directly.

"If possible right now".


[Right now?].

"I will be going since I already gave you the mission" She ended.

"Why didn't you contact me through Sauriel like always??".

"It's like a phone call, it's traceable of have enough knowledge and i don't want any other groups interfering"

"I see".

[So whatever this telepathy they use resembles a phone call, and it was dangerous if other groups found out... makes sense but makes me shiver a bit].

"See ya".

Aqua walked out of the door and headed somewhere, I didn't ask her where she was going because I guessed it had to do with the group of girls that team up with Magda, a few minutes later someone knocked on my door, so I opened it.

"Hey there Amy!!!" Vera greeted me at the door, she was already transformed and ready to go.

"You seemed a bit happier than usual" I say, Vera had a bright smile painted all over her face.

"Must be your imagination, have you received the mission Sauriel gave us?" She was a bit nervous but I overlooked it, and what she say confused me a bit since Aqua told me, but I figure Sauriel told her.

"Yes" I say hesitantly since technically Aqua did.

"We're going right now" Vera answered inmediatly.

"Well okay, but I don't know why do we need to hurry this much" I said, [was it really necessary to hurry this much?].

"The trace can't run cold" Vera said confidently.

"Well it's good that you have warm magic then" I said jokingly since she used fire powers, it's a joke that writes itself.

"Indeed" She nodded in complete agreement, it seems she took it as a compliment.

I smile at her cockiness, I say"So let's get goii~"

Vera grabbed my arm and pulled me out of my house and into the edge of the hallway with a view of the city, Vera pulled her broom and it catches fire, She then jumped onto it with me.

"Grab tightly onto the broom or me" She said while getting ready.

"Wait for a minu~" I got cut off.

"Kerosene Combustion"

We took off into the sky, flying into the parking lot of the shopping mall while the sun was setting.

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